Apostle (Dr.) Onika T. Brown

50, Female

Scranton, S.C.

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Spiritual Life Empowerment Worship Center
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am an Apostle of Christ looking to meet other's in the gospel that are kingdom minded and ready to work. For the harvest is plentiful. If you are ready to work and empower your community, city, and state then let's go!

I have a Re-Entry program for ex-offenders, tent ministry, HIV/AIDS program and much more. We presently have a Teen Center opened for ages 9-18 years of age.

I love meeting people and I'm serious about my Kingdom assignment.
Favorite Preachers:
Any kingdom building messenger

Comment Wall:

  • Chaplain Edward K Langat

    God bless you servant of God
  • The Apostle

    Sister Apostle, I would like to talk more with you. I am also doing The Apostle Doctrine Conference but it is by invite only. We have Apostles coming from around the globe to be apart of this.And even more have expressed an interest. It is About time that The Apostle Doctine come forth as Jesus gave it to me. Yes my Sister Apostle, I am The Apostle. Lookn to be hearing from you soon. Stay blessed!

  • Karen Kennedy

    Yes, Woman of God you are just the kind of saint I am looking for. I would like to invite you to join a fast growing site. We need more saints like you.
  • The Apostle

    My Sister in the Ministry, I am looking forward to things that our Father is doing in the lives of his talking with you about the great people. There is a sound being heard from Heaven at this time and it is bringing those who are truly anointed together to rebuild the walls and restore his truth. Lets talk about the work we can do together!
  • The Apostle

    Sister apostle, I will be contacting you very soon. Have a Apostle blessed day!!!!
  • Prophet Janet E. Brown

  • Pastor S.D. Gethers

    Bless you woman of God...I'm new to the site and just trying to connect and fellowship with Kingdom minded people...I pray to hear from you and let's connect...

    Pastor G
  • Pastor S.D. Gethers

    Woman of God I have not forgot to call you back and I will do so today ot tomorrow because I look to connect with you in the Kingdom AMEN
  • Pastor Gail A. Roberson

    Grace and peace Woman of God! Wow............I am glad to hear that you have a heart to help others re-build there lives. I am a Social Worker and that is my heart as well. My goal is to assist the Kingdom by any means. Continue to do a good work Woman of God!

    In His Service;
    Pastor Gail Roberson
  • Apostle Gabriel Robinson

  • Corinne's Fashion World

    Nat3ddesign Graphics
    Guardians Tag Ministry Feel free to visit Corinne's Fashion World Online Men/Women Suits and join our email list.

    Be Blessed!
  • karen d washington


    How are you? I hope all is well and your ministry if growing into great heights in God. I am doing well and still standing on the holy word of God. I started school to obtain my degree in theology so please continue to keep me in your prayers.

    Love Prophetess
  • Greg Sealy

    Please visit my site www.gsiom.org. I travel through South Carolina at least four times every year but have never ministered in the state. My contact information is on my site. Let us see what the Lord would do and if so when.
  • karen d washington

    Wednesday night (04/08/2009) I had a vision and in the vision it was about 6:00pm, evening time. I was standing on the top of a hill which was hidden by the trees. The trees was tall with short branches and covered with pine needles on the upper area of the tree. I heard a call within my spirit to turn to the east and as I turned to the east, I looked up towards the sky. Darkness began to cover the earth and a tornado began to form in the sky and it hit the ground, coming through the trees. I could not move but stood upon the hill as it passed by. Then another one came as the first it passed over me without harming me. I remember feeling the strong breeze of the tornado passing over me. The spirit of the Lord led me out into the field continually looking into the east.

    There were people standing in the field unaware of what was about to take place or what is even happening now. As the tornados began to form and touch the earth, I began to guide the people away from the storm. I can feel the way to overcome the storm is to watch and pray, never try to direct the storm but allow it to pass over.

    As I was standing my grandson walked up to me and we began to face each other face to face. The darkness was deeper than before. He began to speak words to me but I did not understand what he was saying; however, I felt what he said. He said, "Grandma, look to the east." Both of us looked to the east and there was a great tornado, bigger than all of the others. It covered the earth and there was no time to run. We continued to stand face to face, staring one another in the eyes, giving power to each other. The storm passed over without harmining a hair on our head because we stood together.

    Saints of God, it is time to make a stand together in the Lord, for the storms that are about to take place in this world we will need each other. People who know the way it is time to teach others the way. Lead the people to Christ because Christ is ready to receive them as his own. The harvest is plenty but the labors are few, gather the harvest before God throw in the sickle.
  • Karen Kennedy

    would like to extend an invitation to all of God's blessed people. If you are a author, teacher, preacher, stay at home mother, attorney,public speaker, or in any type of ministry or business, and you want to reach the next new level. Come and join Mega Live Radio 7. If you just need uplifting in your spirit, by hearing songs of zion or hearing the Word, join Mega Live Radio 7. Mega Live Radio 7 is designed to help promote leaders and visionaries, all Men and Women of God to another new level. Mega Live Radio 7 will empower, inspire, enhance, motivate. Perhaps, you are an author and want to get more exposure for your project, this is the perfect avenue for this or any kind of endeavor. There will be news and views of world events, preaching. This is a 24/7 global radio station. If you are interested in promoting your vision you may want to set up a interview to let the people of God know what He has given you, for His people. http://megaliveradio7.ning.com
  • Apostle Abel Aureli

    Dear Apostle Brown,

    Would you please pray for us and for our finances?

    I know that this financial crisis is affecting the whole world, but for a missionary family overseas support is vital, not only for the ministry, to reach new communities with the saving message of the Gospel, but for our survival as well.

    Unfortunately, since this crisis, a few supporting individuals lost their job and a couple of supporting churches closed down, so we got to the point that right now we are losing around $ 600.00 of monthly support and we don't even have a single penny on our account. We also have a debt of $2.500.00 on our credit card! We have never been this bad in finances for the past 24 years, since we began our ministry in Italy. So, please pray for us and for our finances. We don't want to give up and surrender to the attack of the enemy!

    If you like to see something about our ministry, you can watch our Photo Show at: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=sNAsWI15S-s, or you can visit our site at: www.operitaly.org, and also you can join our Five-Fold Ministries Group at: http://five-fold-ministeries.ning.com/profile/ApostleAbelAureli.

    The enemy knows that in order to carry on our ministry we need to raise support from overseas because contrary to the general belif, in Italy there are only 0.5% of born Again believers, and many Catholics consider us a "cult", like the J.W., the Mormons or the Moonies!

    Again, I do understand the bad times are in the USA as well, but the Cananian woman responding to Jesus, said: "even the dogs, feed themselves from the crumbs which fall from the table of their owners"! So, we are not asking for what belongs to your church, to your missionaries or to your family, but for the crumbs! We are doing what Jesus Himself told us to do, and that's to "ask, to seek and to knock", then it's up to you to respond as the Lord leads you. So, thank you for your prayers and for any help you will be able to provide.

    You can send your Tax-deductible donations through PayPal at info@operitaly.org, or you can make your check payable to: "International Ministerial Fellowship (IMF)" and mail it to: P.O. Box 32366 - Minneapolis, MN 55432-0366. Please add a note in the envelope, which says that it's for Operation Italy!

    Thank you and God bless you a "million times over", for your love and for your care.

    In His Service,
    Apostle Abel Aureli
  • Apostle George Morara Onsarigo

    Calvary Greetings Servant Of God ,
    Awesome greetings from Africa Kenya ,the Church too greets you and all the saints
    Thanks so much and God bless you so ,we are happy to connect to such a great friend and servant of God like you . .
    We are ready to partner with you in spreading the Word of God In Kenya ..
    We are surely set to host you and hold great revival and evangelistic meetings not forgetting Leaders training together here in Kenya.
    If you have a call of supporting and helping Orphans And Widows we have hundreds under our ministry also .
    If you cannot come or your schedule does not allow you can support the this Works by the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    God bless you and looking Forward for your response.
    Apostle George Morara Onsarigo
  • Minister Victor Matthew Udoh

    More Blessings, Have a great Birthday
  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at www.praise2go.com
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed
  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you woman of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

    This Organization  was created for Pastors and Missionaries around the world to meet and discuss relevant issues, as well as, missionary plan, conference and evangelistic endeavors.
    Make sure you checkout web side , www.thefieldmissionofchrist.orgTogether we can make a difference in sharing the gospel across the nations and transforming lives. So if you want to be part just click :Apply for membership
  • Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams