


Profile Information:

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
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living bread missions church
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About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Pastor Andy Morris is the founder of the nonprofit para church ministry Pastor Andy Morris world outreach International, with groups in the U.S. and Ghana, West Africa. Pastor Andy has realized his God-given gift to effectively communicate the Word of God through writing and speaking. He is anointed of God through the work of the Holy Spirit which is evident and notable through miracles and the undeniable power of God’s work through him. He travels where God leads him as a motivational voice to reach, restore, and release people for God’s glory and to break captives free from bondage. ....

Pastor Andy is an energetic and cutting edge speaker that has a passion for imparting Godly wisdom and direction. He has used these gifts to empower the generations of today. Andy has appeared as a guest on a variety of radio shows including; PEACE FM,ADOM FM and SUNNY FM top radio station in Ghana
. Learn more about pastor Andy and Pastor Andy Morris world outreach International by clicking here... WWW.PASTORANDYMORRIS.NING.COM....

The vision of Pastor Andy Morris world outreach International is to fan to flame the hot coals of the Holy Spirit within fellow Christians through our various ministry areas. AMWOI is NOT a church but a Christian, para church ministry that crosses denominational lines, while respectfully removing divisional barriers to unify believers and churches towards lasting and eternal Kingdom purposes. These activities will empower individuals, churches and denominations as we come together as one in love and tolerance. Putting aside selfish ambition we will pick up our crosses, modeling our willingness to humbly follow our Lord's direction.....
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Comment Wall:

  • John Peavy

    Praise the Lord. Click here or go to to see how churches and ministries are attracting new converts to their ministry. And how both small and large businesses, are attracting new customers, and maintaining their current ones. If your ministry needs additional finances outside the four walls of the church, or needs the power of television that can reach souls around the world click here. Your ministry, church, and services needs to be promoted and marketed in an effective way that will bring you results. Skyrocket your profits and membership with this powerful online marketing tool that has helped me and many ministries and businesses tremendously. Have a blessed day!
  • Karen Kennedy

    we want to invite you to BLACK PREACHERS WOMEN OF DESTINY INTL, it is a global worldwide ministry and business network, that helps prosper and promote leaders.

    Your vision and provision for ministry at BLACK PREACHERS WOMEN OF
    We welcome you to our empowered global ministry and business network.
  • Apostle Dr. Linda Holliday

    Do dilligence, Prepare yourself to teach the many pastors in your native land there is a great great need so help them

  • Ladyjd721

  • Ladyjd721

  • Ladyjd721

    The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous
    in mercy.
    -- Psalm 103:8

    God is holy, righteous, and just. But, as important as these
    qualities are, he reveals them within his compassion, graciousness,
    patience, and overflowing mercy and love. We cannot only obey,
    worship, and reverently respect God; we can also love, appreciate,
    and adore him! Maybe the greatest challenge, however, is to reflect
    the character of God in our own lives in the ways that we interact
    with other people as well as the ways that we view him!

    LORD God Almighty, I not only trust in you, but I appreciate
    your faithfulness, your mercy, your love, your graciousness, and
    your patient compassion. Please help me display each of these
    virtues more fully in my life. In the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
  • Renaco Massenburg

    The Music Industry Promotions has put on the second very anticipated gospel industry showcase. “Lights, Camera 'N' Gospel 2.’’on September 12th At Calvary Cathedral of Praise at 45 east 8th street Brooklyn...We will love to see you as well as our brothers & sisters, come show your support for these very talented men & women, while they do God's work in song. Thank you .For tickets you can call Calvary at 718-435-2731 Tickets are $ 20 advance & $ 35 at the show. WE INVITED MAJOR LABEL A&R's TO COME LISTEN, SO IF ANYONE FROM THIS GROUP COMES TO THE SHOW, PLEASE BRING A CD SO I CAN PASS IT ON TO THEM FOR REVIEW. ASK FOR ME...RENACO MASSENBURG. PS PLEASE TELL A FRIEND. AND SEND ME A FRIEND REQUEST ALSO. GOD BLESS.
  • Margaret Gibson

    Happy Birthday!

    GOD loves you and so do I. This is a blessed day for you because GOD set it aside so that you can be remembered. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: GOD is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 Have a great day! May GOD's presence, provision, grace, mercy and peace rest upon you always.

    Margaret Gibson
  • Tracey Strother

    Visit Gospel316 GOSPEL316.COM; home of the new TV show, “Gospel316.” Join us in a celebration of faith and independence; as we launch the “Gospel316” Showcase Series! Gospel316 features independent gospel singers from around the world; and this weekly program will start airing this fall. Check the Gospel316.Com site or your local cable listings for program times and details.
  • Elder David L. Baxter, Jr.

    Thank you sir for your friendship on the BPN!! Thank you for the words of wisdom. I agree whole heartedly.