Pastor Lorenzo Edwards


Santa Ana

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Santa Ana
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
New St Paul Baptist Church
College Attended (optional):
Reed Christian College
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am from Gary, IN. I have 5 beautful kids. Three girls and two boys. God has blessed me to preach His word for the last 5 years.
Favorite Preachers:
Noel Jones, TD Jakes

Comment Wall:

  • Minister Curtis Young

    Hi Pastor, does your church have a Deaf Ministry?

    Hey welcome to the site. While you surf the Internet, check out a radio station that plays a mix of Traditional, Urban, Jazz and Holy Hip Hop Gospel Music! - America's Favorite Gospel Radio Station!
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  • Bishop George A. Ware Sr.

    Praise the Lord Men and Women of God:

    Over the last ten years God has really open doors through high technology to make it very economical, and convenient, for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers, to spread the gospel of Christ across the globe. I am convinced that there is no one who can honestly say they have not heard the word of God as clergymen travel though out the world being about their Father’s business.

    God is a great strategist and He has supplied us with every gift and talent that we need to succeed in the commission that is on our lives. Technology has advanced to the next level, and it is my prayer that our leaders are prepared to follow.

    The new wave of technology is now prepared to introduce us to the video phone just recently put out by a company called ACN. This video phone allows you to see the person you are talking to, providing they have a video phone. This video phone will work any where there is high speed internet. Clergy who gets stuck out of town now can plug in their video phone and do Bible study from any where in the world: you can see your congregation, and they can see you. Don’t wait, get your order today before this product reaches critical mass.

    Please visit to place your order today. The phones our FREE with two year contact, and a one time activation fee plus shipping and handling. ACN also provides cell phone services for those who are tired of paying large cell phone bills. After signing on to the website please clink on products, then click on video phone Commercial and enjoy. Contact information can be found on the website.

    Respectfully Yours:

    Bishop George A. Ware Sr.
  • Minister Curtis Young

    Thank you for your reply. Be Blessed.
  • Bishop George A. Ware Sr.

    You are welcome Man of God. I hope I didn't forget to mention the fact that those phone are FREE. Just subscribe to the servicees which are $29.99 per month. Pay for shiping and handling and you are the envey of the your town for being the first. There is an increditable business opprotunity that come with this new technology that has the ability to put large somes of money in your picket as a investor on the ground level of this breaking technology. Please visit my web site, and clink on business opportunity. Get back with me, and please spread the word about this amazing new video phone. Thanks

    Bishop George A. Ware Sr.
    ps. I would love to send you a picture of this technology.
  • Dr. Candace House

    Good Morning Man of God! Wanted to take the time out to tell you that I am praying for you and your household this day.

    May our Lord God, cause you to be extremely sensitive to His Holy Spirit, becoming the sons of God, and cause you to realize it! May He protect you on the right and the left. May He be your rearward guard, go before you, and possess the gates of the enemy and take back what was stolen from you and help you to learn to walk upright in His Righteous council all the days of your life.

    That your desire and will be the accomplishing of His total Will in your life, Word upon Word, precept upon precept, line upon line, unto the full measure of the maturity of Christ, the Hope of Glory. So, that you are an honor and a praise unto Him all the days of your life, that your lamp will not be hid but shine forth like bright stars in the midst of a dark, wicked, and perverse generation.

    The Word of God clearly states that we be found redeeming the time and the lives of those who will receive it. He has called you to be victorious and you hearken to His call. Father help them to have victorious dominion as Your priest and king, Your humble servant, and to God be the Glory, Honor and Praise, in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name. Amen!

    Please go to the player below to Listen to a show called Lying Signs and Wonders
    Listen to Todays Breathing Room Talk Radio on internet talk radio
  • Rev. Michael S. Corley

    I was just browsing my brother but its good to see God using you in a great
    way in Cali. I see we are close in age. I have embarked upon my first
    pastoral assignment after serving as my father's assistant. I'm in NY but
    who knows maybe we can fellowship sometime. God Bless you and your family.
  • Bishop George A. Ware Sr.

    This video phone has taken my ministry to the next level. Pastors here are taking great advantage of this opportunity, and I love talking to my family members and being able to see them. This new technology also help keep the grand kids at home a little (: Please give me a call @ 614.426.3066 and lets talk about God Kingdom, and your ideas on building this awesome work, and making networking more successful!. God Bless you Man of God;

    Bishop George A. Ware Sr.
  • Pastor S. Jamont Flagg

    Man of God Thanks for your reply to my discussion...
    I would like to speak with you when you have some time.
    please email me at so that I may provide you with more information....
  • Bro. Billy White

    Bro I understand what you are talking about. All i was trying to do is to get the other readers to see that it is not about the money, its about the love of God. Now some people go to school to become preachers and Pastors just to get a big church. its a job to them. Now just think how you feel when you get off work,sometime mad sometime wanting to quite, then think about those preaching just for the money
  • Bishop Kerry Duskin


    I was reading your post about musicians and I am an Accountant and I would like to talk to you more about your ministry and the financial side for you. Please contact me so that we can talk more about it and make sure you are getting the best there is to offer for you and your ministry.

    Pastor Kerry Duskin
  • Julian Lott

    Man of God,
    There are photos, audios and videos at
    Thanks for your words of encouragement. To God be the glory for the things He has done. You are created for good works.
    Brother Julian
  • PASTOR ( Evangelist) JOY BRINSON

  • Abraham Israel

    Shalom, My Good Dear Brother! I appreciate you giving me your time to touch on Biblical thoughts and then also to share with you some of my study and research. Moreover, I want to mentioned to you the type of books that would be a must have in considering to formulate your Biblical Library. Moreover, these are some of the books that would cause one to move from a comfort zone, to an intense Biblical High! Praise Yahweh! Now these are some of the books that are recommended:

    1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
    2. King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible
    3. Inter perter Bible Dictionary(set of 5)
    4. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of the Bible
    5. Webster's Collegiate or Random House Dictionary
    6. Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale
    7. Guinness Book of World Records, copyright 1985

    As a Note: The Guinness Book of World Records talks about the letters "J' and "V" as being the newest letters added to English Alphabet, which is post Shakespearean 1630. So the letters "J" and "V" are only 379 years old. Also In The Hebrew /Greek There Is No Letter "J" Take These Bible Tools And Look And See; All "J"s Are a "Y" And All "V" Are a "W" In The Hebrew: Praise Yahweh! We Can Do All Things In Yahweh! It Is A Wonderful Time For Us To Be Here This Day! Note: Most Preachers, Evangelist, churches, artists, ministries,Prophets, Prophetess, Men And Woman Who Say They Have Been Call By The Most High God Yahweh, Don't Even Call Him By His Real Holy Name; The Holy Name Of The Most High Is YHWH Which Is YUD HAY WAW HAY That Saids "YaHWeH". Look It Up: For Yourself "YHWH" And Then Tell The Truth, If You Are From The God Of The Hebrews And Bible, Ex 5:3, Ex 9:1, Ex 9:13, When You Know The Truth Tell It. Great Are U! Note: Gather as many different Bibles and Dictionaries to help build your Library. Praise Yahweh!
    Blessing! Abraham
  • Bishop Derrick Day

    Pastor Edwards,
    Are you related to Pastor Lorenzo Edwards in Detroit, MI?
  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
    Learn how to help your Bishop, Apostle, Pastor, Minister or Overseer "Pastor for Free". When you have a few minutes please listen to a short phone message at 507 726-3813. We are being a Spiritual, Physical and Financial blessing to churches across the US through our Healing Cup Program.
  • William J. Bass

    This is Pastor William Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. I am inviting you to ck out our new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Go to After you have checked it out please e-mail me bk with your comments and thoughts at looking to hear from you soon. Have a blessed day.
  • Karen Pfeifer

    The Karen Show is a local and global television talk show.

    The Karen Show will provide:

    Communities Resource Information,

    Church, Business Events

    Health Care Awareness

    Life Line Stories

    Live On the Streets- Talking to the Homeless,Jobless. Feeding the Poor.

    Keeping It Real Showcase

    Spotlight Pastors in the House

    Gospel Today

    Making It Happen

    If you have any questions,are interested in being a guest or If you have show ideas.

    Perhaps you would like to be apart of the studio audience.


    Call 1-269-934-5571
  • Apostle, Roosevelt Riley

    Hello Pastor,

    How are you and your family?


                                                               Apostle, Riley

  • Clarence