

Tulsa, OK

United States

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Eastern Michigan University - Master's Degree
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Favorite Preachers:
Yahshua, Peter, Paul....

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    Praise the Lord Anna,
    I want to thank the Lord because of this network, i joined the BPN For nearly two months now and indeed i have enjoyed a lot.I got your request as friends and prior to that i had talked to Pastor Jaja Azikiwe, we have been communicating alot, when i looked at your blogs i get so encouraged.Iam akenyan and involved in ministry work since 1993 and i have several burdens that i believe must be fulfilled for the sake of Kingdom, iam happy to know that you have A giving ministry, we shall talk about it later.
    Please also feel free to send me blogs and can email any time at
    Thanks and God bless
    Yours in Christ
    Mark ogweno
  • Rev. Kelvin "Besodeiah" Broadus

    Blessings to you Ana,

    I have taken some time and read some of the responses you've made on various discussions, and I am encouraged by your level of study and wisdom in rightly dividing the scriptures. God has blessed you. I want to encourage you to keep sharing for it is great thing.
  • Alejandro Acosta

    Dear Ajotí (my sister): Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be part of "Apostles and Prophets Network, and also the Black preachers network. Hope you have seen the phjotos and video I sent to these two Web pages. I hope to see in September at the MIA Conferece. Things are getting rough down here with the World economic crisis, and our currency has devaluated almost 50 per cent. I don't know if I'll make it! But in Yahshúa' Name I will be there! I have been going through a terrible time regarding my health. I suffer, according to doctors, from degenerative "arterioclerosis". I beleive the Lord is permitting this so I can leave my job and dedicate myself more to the Messianic Alliance we've started about a year ago. MIA has already sent the interpreter, Aji Miguel Angel Demelli, to see what we are doing down here, and he'll be coming tomorrow for another five days with us. He'll return early April and will stay till April 20th. Pray for my health. Thanks again, Alex Acosdta (prophet and evangelist)
  • Alejandro Acosta

    Thanks sister Anna for these sites. Hoipe to see you in Orlando for the MIA Conference in September. Pray for my health. I've quite sick from so-called "degenerative arterioclerosis". But I know that God has already healed me"! Alex Acostas (prophet)
  • Alejandro Acosta

    ]Thanks for the sites. Hope to see in September at MIA C. Alex Acosta
  • Pastor Maurice Johnson

    Visit us online at

    You don't have to be struggling with addictions to be a part of One Step Ministry. We need believers to join us and be that strong support for those who are struggling. We need prayers warriors to stay in prayer for those who are struggling.

    We also have a 24 hour prayer line. Call us at 1(866)303-7818
  • RevZ62

    Do you know where Boley is, along rte 62?
  • Minister Jonathan

    Shalom and Praise Yeshua!
  • RevZ62

    Boley is a bit south of Musgokee (sp) it is an all Black community that is in serious decline. My 101year old aunt is there in her fathers house.
    I have never been in Tulsa for any length of time even though my step mother has people there.
    All my brothers and sisters are now in OKC.
    Be Blessed
  • Anna

    To what does your aunt attribute her long life?
  • Minister Jonathan

    Thank you Anna,
    I look forward to the increase of wisdom and understanding to come through this discovery of our roots. Also:

    TONIGHT 11PM-Review of the movie "Fireproof" staring former Full House Kirk Cameron. A powerful, 'must see' movie, especially for people of faith in GOD. The movie raises the tough question...Is our relationship with GOD and those closest to us Fireproof? Also some great events to attend during the week of Mar 16-20 To listen live online or join chat room To listen on your mobile or to call in with comments (347) 838-8767
  • Daniel Baumet

  • Daniel Baumet

    you are welcome
  • Daniel Baumet

    PS Eliyahu my brother, lives in your area sends his greetings as well
  • Anna

    Eliyahu ?

    How can I meet him?
  • Emma

    Sis, Just wanted to say Shabbat Shalom!
  • karen d washington

    God bless you my sister,
    You look so familiar to me for some reason. Sending love

    Love Prophetess
  • Dove the Warrior

    Glory to God I knew you had to be from right around the corner!!! I just joined and immediatley recognized your talent in apologetics. I will defianately be in touch. Please read my biography at
  • Rosemary Walker

    Thanks for the invite.....remember to continue to keep God first place
  • Apostle Israel Onoriobe

    Hello Anna,

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. I really do appreciate this. I trust we can advance the Kingdom of God together.

    Keep in touch.

    Apostle Israel
  • Apostle Israel Onoriobe

    Hello Anna,

    It is about 1am here. I guess we are 6 or 7 hours ahead of you.

    Israel Onoriobe
  • regi

    Thank you for accepting my invite. Regi
  • regi

    I believe I found the site, but it said it does not support Internet Explorer, I have Fox on my home computer, but I'm using my laptop. Is this live? I'm going back now to see if I can get started. Perhaps I will be able to figure out the schedule etc.
  • regi

    That's not a problem; I'm open 2 hearing & learning, I'm not looking 2 b spoon fed, I'm simply curious since what I've read from u match much of what I wrestle with dealing with the status quo. My question was only 2 clarify the type of study, & whether I would b able 2 access fully using Explorer or if I needed a different source. I wanted 2 know if there was schedule or if it was live etc., basic clarifying questions.
  • Shirley Shaw

    My Sister:
    The Passover is a Time of Yeshua.
    Yes U R the Passover Lamb..
    Yes UR the Salvation of all Mankind
    Yes UR the Son of the Living God
    Yes UR the Redeemer who lives
    Yes UR one whose stripes heals me...
    Yes UR the one who provides
    Add your own because the list of YES U R is endless. Like the Gift of Everlasting Life that is His promise to all who believe in Him...He is everything from Everlasting to Everlasting....
    Let us rejoice together at the "Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread"

    Shirley Shaw

  • Evang. Anthony Ben

    Thanks for the making me your friend, so please let me know about your ministry. God bless you
  • Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala

    Thank you to meet you. Welcome to share and minister to us in Kenya. More information read my profile.
    God bless you.
  • God's Anointed One (Princess)

    I added you to my yahoo but it was never accepted. I will redo it.
  • Justine E. Hanif

    First I'd like to say thank you for even considering my comments. I just signed up and am eager to connect with children of God. I have one of his books. It was inspiring and opened issues for discussion. I have written a book on this subject. I am passionate whenit comes to the message of healing divorced people. You can find a book review on Amazon. The book is entitled Get Over It !!! A Down to Earth Look at the Issues of Christian Divorce and Remarriage. God has blessed me to hold three annual conferences where lives have been blessed and changed.
  • Bro.Samuell Israell

    Anna ,Thank you for the invite.I'm just one of the LORDS Watchmen.Ezek 3:17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.GOD has made me a watchmen,not just to the house of israel,but to the Gentiles also.Eph 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;This is my concern,
    Thus have ye (we) made the commandment of God of none effect by your (our) tradition.Mat 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
    Mat 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.And that whats being taught NOW!

    Dear Anna
    greetings in the name of our lord Jesus christ. i would like to be part of you ministry work in cansee our website to see what we are doing
  • Donna Corbitt

  • Dr. Mary Kijambu PH.D

    May the peace of God rest upon you.
  • Marilyn

  • Dr. Brenice Aliyah Fireangel

    May our Eloheim bless and protect you and all you do. May His light shine upon you and May His Ruach HaKodesh fill you with joy and wisdom.

    In Yahshua's name
  • Nobles M Mandela

    Thank you Sister Anna the reason I wear it is for prayer
  • Archbishop Trevor 'Elihu' Greene

    You requested I start a new blog concerning my Apostleship, so as I promised, here it is:

    "Apostleship vs. Apostolic Succession", located in the "Doctrine Section".

    Happy reading/responding!
  • Dr. Brenice Aliyah Fireangel

    Sorry about that !

  • Mark H. Stevens, Th.D

    Anna I am a Chaplain at a Hospital I only wear the collar there because it is a uniform that identifies me as clergy, much like a policeman on the street, I am not justt a Chaplain for anyone denomination but all that need prayer and compassion....that is my job and my calling.
  • Elisha Abbey

    keep the FIRE ablaze God is in control.

    Am proud of you for the wonderful,amazing work that you are doing for the Lord.
    Together we are a unbeatable team.
    God bless you.
  • Carone Gordon

    Thank you. How are you doing? I had a great day yesterday, and a beautiful worship experience at church. Ministry is going good. Thanks be to God and to Him be all the glory.
  • Pastor Brenda Ellison

    Sister...I love you and the Blessings are flowing from the fruit of your lips...Thank you for being Spirit led and a wise woman, a knowledgeable counsel, but most of all a humble bond -servant...out of all your getting get understanding....I would love to chat with you and become friends.....We need each other to survive....Unity in the bond of Peace...Some sin sick soul will be delivered because of the strength and purity of a sancitified messenger and the heavens will open up and pour out a blessing for those that are drawn to the light....

    Shabbat Shalom
  • Servant Emannu'el Branch

    Greetings Sister Anna,
    Thank you for your comments. It was a blessing to hear from you. As you well know, the point to any one of us being in the ministry is to help save lives through teaching the true name, identity, and testimony of our Creator and His only begotten Son. If we are not willing to step outside of the box to tell the truth about the Bible, then we have compromised the Bible by allowing "untruths" to be passed on to others. This means that we then become false prophets---agents of the devil. In truth, I would prefer to stand up for the original truth and be called names by this rebellious world than to preach or teach what I know is a lie.

    You have said well when you listed those 8 names. However, why "must we assume that all the others in the Bible, the majority are white?" That view is a product of Eurocentric conditioning imposed upon the darker peoples of the earth by our early European brethren that had been deceived by the concept of White Supremacy. If we are to be of true service in the kingdom then we must labor to break the mental shackles that still remain even after 1865. The truth is: The vast majority of the people in the Bible are, by today's standards, Black, to include the tribal people called the 12 TRIBES of the real Israel.

    Stay blessed. And welcome to the end of the age....for real.
    Yahshua's Redeemed,
    Servant Emannu'el Branch
  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Just dropping by to let you know how much I appreciate your connecting with me. Hope to co-labor with you as and when Adonai permits!

    Visit ETA NEXUS
    Shaliach Cauline
    Chief Apostle, End Time Army Worldwide Ministries, Inc
  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Shalom Aleichem!

  • M Clark

    Red Ribbon
  • Marvin Brown Jr.

    HI Anna, just want to let you know I am married and love my wife deeply.
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

  • Senior Apostle Cauline [ETAMA]

    Kingdom Greetings Anna and welcome to the G.A.T.E Project. Please let me know whether you are interesting in learning with us or teaching with us. Please inbox me with your contact details so that I can get the relevant information to you. Grace & Shalom!