Covenant World


Palm Springs, CA

United States

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Jesus Christ Covenant Ministry-(Founder)
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Sister Mosebay is a powerful, annointed and appointed minister for these last days. She has been appointed by God to serve and build men and women of God in understanding and walking in Covenant with God. Prior to being annointed and appointed, she had to learn and go through the fire of brokeness. It was painful yet powerful and God brought her out to serve. Having graduated with Masters in Pastoral Ministry, she has served as a Pastor, preached to thousands, hosted ministry TV show and written several books. Now God has called her to serve and build the kingdom through teaching, preaching and laying the foundation of God's word into his people. It is not enough to talk, jump and shout without understanding. Too long people have been emotional without knowledge which produces no fruit. If you are ready to bear fruit in every area of your life, then visit her website and powerful teleconference teaching calls. All people of every race, nation and tribe are welcome.
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus Christ and all preachers that uplift the Jesus and rightfully dive the word of God.

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Charles Easter

    Although we try to get a word daily sometimes we run out of time to search the scriptures and sometimes we want to hear a word from a preacher and we can't. You can now go to and hear messages of inspiration from men of God. We want to enrich your spiritual experience daily through We have added for your spiritual enjoyment Myspace Comments

  • Shira

    Good evening sister. God Bless you in a mighty way.
  • Karen Kennedy

    I am involved with several websites across the internet world..
    As a global ministries we are going into the next new level of God. We as a ministry want you to come along with us making a difference in God's Kingdom.
    We all have a part to fulfill in the kingdom of God.
    I would like to invite all my friends and friends yet to come get on board.
    We are looking forward to this year,a lot of blessings are on the horizon for the body of Christ.
    Why don't you join us!

    I am seeking new members always, we believe in going to the next new level in God.
    We now have people from all walks of life with different asspirations, hopes and dreams.
    You can do this by connecting with like minded people.
    Do you want to promote your book(s) ? Do you have a Word for the people ? Do you want inform your business to the people ? We have various medias that can help you !
    I hope to see you there!

    Evangelist Karen
    For those of you who would like more information my email is
  • Karen Kennedy

    I am involved with several websites across the internet world..
    As a global ministries we are going into the next new level of God. We as a ministry want you to come along with us making a difference in God's Kingdom.
    We all have a part to fulfill in the kingdom of God.
    I would like to invite all my friends and friends yet to come get on board.
    We are looking forward to this year,a lot of blessings are on the horizon for the body of Christ.
    Why don't you join us!

    I am seeking new members always, we believe in going to the next new level in God.
    We now have people from all walks of life with different asspirations, hopes and dreams.
    You can do this by connecting with like minded people.
    Do you want to promote your book(s) ? Do you have a Word for the people ? Do you want inform your business to the people ? We have various medias that can help you !
    I hope to see you there!

    Evangelist Karen
    For those of you who would like more information my email is
  • Pastor Stephen T. Nichols

    Just wanted to shared Sunday's 7 Part Message Entitled: Don't Judge Me, Just Love Me
    God bless you
  • Minister Michelle Jones

    Bless You: It is always good to yoke together with other members of the body of Christ!

    Be Blessed...
    Minister Jones( (

  • Covenant World

    thank you sister chacolate
    that was beautiful and uplifting. Actually I needed that.
    may God continue to bless you in every area of your life in Jesus name.
  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

    Hello Sister Mosebay,
    I love to see the Spirit of Excellence on the daughters of Zion. May you preach and teach to the nations.
    His Servant,

  • Apostle David George

    More Blessings Beloved Minister, I may not know why I was invited to this ning. I think it was for me to share my experiences on missions here inthe black nations.
    Please note that we need to change this Killing terend by muslims here by leading them to Christ, otherwise all the black preachers here would be killed and the Gospel Stoped in Nigeria, the most populated Nation in Africa holding 1/4 of the entire 600 Millions in 58 Countries.
    Please pray for us here, I know you are aware of several JOS and Bauchi State Crisis, and in most Northern Islamic States in Nigeria and other Countries. Please pray, Move you Missions Focus back to basics, Raise some Bibles and send for Evanglism, Come and plant your Church to minister here, Help the needy and Sponsor a missionarary already in the field here. We need you today. Please, Please write back to us and let us feel encouraged.
    Apostle David George
    African Missionaries Network
    118, Rumuola Road
    P O Box 16231
    Port Harcourt
    Rivers State
    West Africa
    Email: or
  • Abraham Israel

    Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!
  • Pastor Mary Manigault

    Thank you Sister Mosebay for the invite to become a friend. I'm new to this site and don't have many friends on here. May God bless you and answer your prayers according to His perfect will for your life.
  • Willie A. Farrow

    Thanks Sistser Mosebay... as a new member of I am honored to share with other laborers of the gospel.
  • Pastor Shelvy Lorice Clark

    Red Ribbon
  • Pastor Shelvy Lorice Clark

    Thank you woman of god for becoming my friend , keep up the good work for the lord.And I will be writing you, because Iam the co pastor angels of christ renewed felloship inc. Iam also the founder of a mightly womens ministry called The Heart of women. I believe that God is calling every godly women to help and bring to light every unsaved woman to him.
  • Minister Michael Dempsey

    Thank you woman of God for reaching out to me ! May our God continue to use , bless and keep you and your family ! Looking forward to future discussions and sharing ideas about ministry .
  • Matanah Consulting Ministries

    I love what you are honored to have you as a friend.
  • Pastor Jacquelyn Kendall

    God Bless You Woman of God. May the strength and the grace of the Lord be with you always.
  • Bishop Eric D. Gailliard Sr.

    Thank you Woman of God. thank you. I appreciate you.
  • The Apostle

    Would like to have you on The Essence of a Woman Summit, online.
  • Linda Johnson

    I pray God will speak into your spirit today, and let you know just how much you have encouraged my heart today. Thank you for being my friend, my cup of joy is filling up. May the LORD bless you so very much.
  • Pastor DeAnna Birts

    God Bless you and thank you for the add.
    Kingdom Blessings,
    Lady D
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    Thank you sis! Your divine friendship in this hour means so much to me ~ I love my family in the faith of Jesus the Christ! You are God's high reward to the Body of His believers! Thank you ever so much!

    This day that is divinely given to us - the remnant saints of the end-time age! There are no other times recorded like what’s about to happen with the true saints of His Glory! We are embarking on a period move of God that will make HIStory for the matchless Name of our risen Saviour and soon coming King - JESUS - the Christ. All of Heaven is watching this hour unfold to the world as God Himself makes a statement about His Plan for the Nations, His Church, His still perfect Love for mankind, His great sacrifice for the salvation of those who accept the sanctification & redemption of His Son, the bloody King - JESUS - His Name is above all, He is the Creator of all good things, Loving & Merciful, He's Forgiving and yet a Perfect Righteous Judge, a persistent Father offering an eternal Heavenly home to all that come through His gateway - JESUS. The bountiful blessings of God will chase the believers of His infallible unfailing Word! His love poured extravagantly upon His followers in this day will profoundly set apart the worshippers from the mockers.

    Vanessa Anne Gray
    God's Ambassador to the Nations
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    Your beautiful spirit emits the fragrance of God! Have a wonderful day sis.
  • Pastor Darren L. Thames

  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Woman of God,
    "Beloved,I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2 (KJV)
    At Boresha International, Home to the World's only patented fat-burning Coffee and Tea,we are blessing churches, schools and ministries in over 1,000 cities and soon in a big way in Palm Springs, CA. To find out how God is blessing us call 507 726-3813 then call me and lets chat 707 205-9690

    Find more music like this on Black Preaching Network
  • Jacqueline A. Wells

    Thank you, and God Bless You, Too!
  • Mary Godfrey

    Thanks so much for the friendship. God bless you my sister. You are very special..highly anointed, above only and not beneath, the head and not the tail. the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. I love you much.
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    Praise Elohim Thank the LORD for your contact and reminder Precious woman of GOD Covenant World. I anticipate you on the prayer call . wednesday 9 pm cst 10 pm est 605 475 4333 acess code 397168# The Apostolic Prophetic Summit July22-24 Alanta,Ga. Crown Plaza Hotel. Atlanta airport. We covet your Prayers. May the blessings of the LORD run after you and overtake you. Shalom Apostle J Y Smith.
  • Apostle J Y Smith

    Grace and Peace Covenant World We appreciate your ministry to the Body of Christ. Stay on the wall. Shalom Apostle J Y Smith.
  • Karen Pfeifer

    Thank you for the friends request.
    Yes I am still doing the radio show
    if you are interested in being a guest contact me at
    I would also like to talk about your books
    my request is that you would send me 2 copies of your most recent book
  • Prophetess / Pastor Doris Russel

    Show yoursellf frienly and you shall recieve friends. thank you for the friendship.

    God Bless
  • Teresa

    Greetings from Kuwait, Middle East.

    Thank you so much for responding to my profile. It is such a blessing being here and actually walking through the pages of the bible. You know we often think that people in the middle east are not God's children but they are and He loves them too. An angle told Hagar, after she had left the comfort of Abraham and Sarah that he would multiply her seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. These my sister, are the decendents of Hagar and Ishmael her son's children. See Genesis 16:10. I am honored to be among God's people. Please pray for us, the American troops, the Kuwaiti's who have opened their hearts and homes to us, and pray for me to do the will of God in my life. Bless you and I really enjoyed the music on your page, it truly norished me. One more thing, we really need some good ole fashion preaching here. Because of the culture they honor men moreso than women, so pray for God to send some great Minisers to this nation.
  • Bishop Dr. BJ Forte' II, D.R.E.

    Peace and Blessings to you !!
  • Bishop Dr. BJ Forte' II, D.R.E.

    Peace and blessings to you our Dear Sister !...' Keep your head up....And ver give up ! "...One Love ...Bishop Forte'
  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. After you check it out please e-mail me at and give me your thoughts and comments. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
  • Deloris Burger Brown

    God Bless you Woman of God, thank you for the invitation. So sorry to get back to you so late but I really forgot that I had this page. God does all things well. I am in a new season of ministry and can use all the prayer that I can get :). Thank you for the encouraging words. May God continue to bless you is my prayer. Deloris
  • Pastor Keenan S. Wilson

    Greetings in the name of the Most High, I hope all is well with you, Yahweh is truly blessing his Tabernacle at Holyground Tabernacle. Yeshua is truly touching the lives of His people Israel and His people here in Indiana. To let you know Yeshua is Jesus proper name. and Yahweh is God's name In Hebrew. We are a new ministry that started this year and we are blessed to be a part of something big, check our website at, tell me what you think.