



Profile Information:

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Alexanderia Egypt
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My name is Yasser 36 years old. black face white heart This is what they say abut me

from my frinds

My job has made it successful in my country.

where iam live presently? EGYPT born in egypt

what you do for a living? I AM Mechanical operation of diesel generators

WORK electricity distribution company Egypt.

AM Single

I have the 2 brothers

One sister

my mather

FOR my father IS Died in 2002 Cancer

My only dream:

I find a girl from anywhere in the world speaks English to

learn our kids english when him be yaung her in egypt if u know english u be have Higher

education him Get a job does not dream.
woman have educated . love children . love me . cooking and be with me in good taim and

bad taim .
i wanna my wife dont do relationships with anyone else when she drink alcoholic drinks.

she going to the movies or like to see tv at home .

she looking for that long term love.

she love my faimly as i will do with her .Respect me as i will do

that what i looking for ....
Favorite Preachers:
Look for a serious relationship and marriage

Comment Wall:


    • "We cannot sit by and do nothing while worldly, revisionist, and skeptical attitudes about truth are infiltrating the church!  We must not embrace such confusion in the name of charity, collegiality, or unity.  We have to stand and fight for the truth - and be prepared to die for it - as faithful Christians always have!  Truth is always under assault.  And it is actually a sin not to fight when vital truths are under attack!
    • "The Apostle Jude was compelled by the Holy Spirit to exhort us with all passion "to contend earnestly for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).  Jude was not writing this because he took some kind of perverse glee in being militant!  He was not responding to some sort of momentary, personal anger.  This was critical, and since the writers of Scripture never wrote by human self-will, but only as they were moved by the Spirit of God (2 Peter 1:21), the extreme urgency of Jude reflects the sovereign influence of the Holy Spirit, and therefore also the mind of Christ.
    • "We thus have an urgent mandate from God Himself to do our part in the Truth War.  The Holy Spirit, through the pen of Jude, is urging Christians to exercise caution, discernment, courage, and the will to contend earnestly for the truth.
    • Notice what we are supposed to be fighting for.  It is not anything petty, personal, mundane, or ego related.  This warfare has a very narrow objective.  What we are called to defend is no less than 'the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.'"

    Taking God's Word seriously is the obligation of every Christian who should submit his/her preferences to it.  But, sadly, this is not happening enough in the Christain church today.  We must all be mindful of the warning of 2 Timothy 4:3: "For the time will come will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.

    What we need in Christianity are more people who will stand for the truth of God's Word instead of trying to water it down in order to meet the needs and preferences of the politically correct or the unregenerant. 

    My name is Minister Arlee Turner Jr. and I hereby make this bold proclamation: I am prepared to suffer and even die for the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry calls out to Christian men and women to stand upon the Word whether it is popular or not, whether it is easy or not, and whether it costs them or not.





    The Great Mystery of godliness which the Apostle Paul reminds us of is "God manifested in flesh" (I Timothy 3:16), and throughout the Bible, Christ is represented as a Person having two natures, one divine - the other human.  In His incarnation He became the possessor of a true humanity in union with His eternal deity.  As God, He did not enter a human body or join Himself to man.  He became Man, that is, He belonged to the stock of humanity when, as the Word, He became flesh (John 1:14).  Of the unity of two natures in one Person, Dr. Louis Berkhof writes:

    • "Christ has a human nature, but He is not a human person.  The Person of the Mediator is the unchangeable Son of God.  In the Incarnation He did not change into a human person; neither did He adopt a human person.  He simply assumed, in addition to His divine nature, a human nature, which did not develop into an independent personality, but became personal in the Person of the Son of God."

    At His incarnation Christ added to His already existing divine nature a human nature, and became the God- Man.  At our regeneration, there was added to our already existing human nature, a divine nature and we thus became partakers of the divine nature (II Peter 1:4).  Thus, like Christ, every true Christian is divine-human