Michael Christian


Chicago, IL

United States

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Church of the Saints
Favorite Preachers:
Rev Jenkins

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    Thank you for your offer of friendship, Brother Christian!  I pray that all is well with your and your family and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.

    God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry (GUW)

  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Connect with us today at http://sharingthegospel.spruz.com/

    Connect with our group on Facebook click here

    Empowering individuals to share the goodnews

  • William J. Bass

    This is Jeff Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. We just recently launched a new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Please go to the following link to listen to it. www.praise2go.com After you check it out please e-mail me back at  ptriplec@aol.com

    Be Blessed

  • esther cunder

    Dear Friend in Christ,

     Grace and peace to you  I am a faithful God loving Christian and fellowship at Grae Of GODministry.We are in need of Christian items. I am appealing to you to kindly send my wife-giant print bible King James Version and a super giant print would be preferable due to her sight. She has much pain in reading small letter words. My mother also needs a super giant print bible. There are 12 aged mothers who are widows also in need of super giant print bibles. They are aged couples in our church very faithful. My request is for 15 super giant print bibles. Bibles are needed in English language . The safest means of sending bibles to Senegal is via DHL . I was that curriers would ask for charges to collect bibles . Please help for this need and God will richly bless you.TAMBERCUNDRE, SENEGAL. W/AFRICA.

     Isaiah 6:8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me”.  God bless you as you continue to serve Him and may Christ resurrection bring you peace.PASTOR BEN CSK .OFFICE NO 00221778997224esthercunder@gmail.com.TAMBERCUNDER SENEGAL..W/AFRICA.


  • Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook

    We are world love outreach in United Kingdom, we were introduced here by one of or most honored member of our church to apply for help.

    We want to establish new branch in West Africa, Nigeria to be precisely, we need up to $300,000 for the establishment because we will need to buy a new site and build structures.

    Our aim of opening our branch over there is to help, less privilege families, handicapped people, new convert and mostly spread the word of God to people.

    Please if you are touched to help, feel free to contact us via mail: outreachlove@rocketmail.com

    Thanks and may God Bless You.
    Pastors Mrs. Peter Hook

  • William J. Bass


    This is pastor Bass of Praise 2 Go Radio. Please go to our online 24/7 radio station at

    www.praise2go.com and like us on our facebook page at 



    Pastor Bass


  • vivan


    I'm vivan a but my friends called me viv

    so you can call me by that if you wish.

    anyway i came across your profile on

    abcpreachers.ning.com site and i love it so much.Here is my

    email address ( vivan_1good@yahoo.com.sg )

    you can email me with the above id then

    i will send you my picture  and also tell

    you more about my self

    have a nice day

    thanks ( vivan_1good@yahoo.com.sg