Pastor Olori Godwin


Thinkers Village, Monrovia


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Thinkers Village
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Godwin Olori Int'l Ministry a.k.a Revelation Chapel Int'l Churches
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I love reading, singing, music, writing just to mention a few. I am married with 2 wonderful children, Best and Excellence. I love to traveling and adventure.

My ministry focus are the prophetic, bible teaching/counseling, motivation, strategic planning, Spiritual warfare prayers and the miraculous.
We are "Raising A Generation of Priests, Prophets, and Teachers."

I am a blessing you must not miss.
Favorite Preachers:
K.C Price, Bishop Noel Jones

Comment Wall:

  • Apostle Paul Johnson Asamoah

    Read and meditate on these scriptures:

    1 Peter 3:10-11 “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him
    refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let
    him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.”

    Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken
    spirit drieth the bones.”

    1 Timothy 6:6-8 “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we
    brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing
    out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”

    Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
    things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
    whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if
    there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
  • Abraham Israel

    Good Day My Wonderful Love One!. A Brother ask me if i had did some studying on Lord & Jesus? I appreciate his question in regards to Lord and Jesus. Because people just don't ask that Guestion or Study it to know; Will You Do "2 Timothy 2:15" To Know The Truth?; Moreover Here Are The FACTS; When you look in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible or the King James Hebrew/Greek Key Word Study Bible, Under the Reference Lord there is a Hebrew Reference, 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. And concerning Jesus, go to the Greek Dictionary in the same Reference book there is a Greek Reference 2424 Which will take you to the Hebrew Reference 3091 which is Joshua,
    which will take you back to the Hebrew Reference 3068 יהוה which is YHWH. Note,When you read and apply the principles of 2 Timothy 2:15, You will know these FACTS; That Joshua,
    Jesus, Isaiah, Lord, Jehovah, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehoshaphat, Hoshama, John, Tobiah, Jonathan, Eljehoenai, Jah, Bedeiah, Yah, Jaaziah, Elijah, Jehu, Eliah, Jaresiah, Jeshua, Jehoahaz, And other Names or Titles Will ALL
    take you back to Hebrew Reference "3068 יהוה YHWH" Come On Look And SEE; Moreover, I come in truth. All I ask is that you consider to Study the facts and be blessed. And go and Wake Up~Wake Up~Wake Up Your Family and continue to be blessed. Praise Yahweh, Your Dear Brother King Abraham!

    my brother let us coperate send me your email my own is my phone is +2348089891216 or +2280654020 or+2282318285. thank you.
  • Evang.. Felecia Spaulding

    Have a Blessed Weekend!!!

    My Dear Beloved Pastor Godwin,
    Greetings in the name of our lord Jesus Christ!
    How is life and the ministry of God in your hand doing?, I just want to say thanks for your friendship invitation and I will be honored to know more about you and your ministry.
    Looking forward in hearing from you soon.
    Yours brother,
    Pastor Isaac Orits Edah
    Senior Pastor
    Christ Global Apostles Church.
  • Ange-Michel Muhayimana

    Thank you Godwin.Relating with you would be great.Let me know your email adress so that we can connect.Blessings
  • EarthAngel Divine

    Ribbon and flowers Scrapbook Page

    i would love you to join me on facebook IN JESUS NAME!
  • christopher B.conteh

    Hello Bro.Godwin,
    Iam Pastor christopher,Nat.Supt.the upci church in Sierra leone.I would like to connect with you and even invite you to my country.
  • Marcel Riddick Sykes

    Red Ribbon
  • christopher B.conteh

    Iam so pleased hearing from you,and iam working towards planing your visit to Sierra Leone.Yes iam married,with one daughter.Preasently iam in LA,hope to visit one day in Nigeria.
  • Apostle Adams Sabila

  • Helen L Simpson

    Thank you man of God! May your ministry be blessed and spread throughout the nations!
  • Pastor Joshua David

    Thanks also MAN OF GOD, i also belive in relationship ours is an outreach ministry right now im in the city of ABA.i really accept to be ur convenant brother.this is my contact,07066289828.apst joshua david BLESS U SIR
  • Anointed Sister

  • Rev. Jacob Meiporkoyah

    Man of God, I am sorry. I just read your message. If you are in Liberia, here is my number: 06804925. I would love to meet you for better acquaintance. Thanks and hope to hear from you. Again, I am very sorry for this late response. Gob bless you and hope to see you!

    Dear Man of God,

    Calvary greetings! The good Lord bless you. My e-mail address is:

    We can communicate better in Jesus Name. Stay Blessed!

    Praise the Lord Brother, I hope having with you a wonderful and prosperous relationship in His service.
  • Apostle JULES.B

    ok no problem, I would also like Psalm 133:1-3 as I think it is important that union of perfect love in the Lord and it is also important to build in unity and franternite the kingdom.
    GOD be with you and your family. Apostle Jules.B
  • Pastor Kabash L. Cooper

    Hi. PastorOlori Godwin, i you in liberia. If yes please call me o6577321 pastor cooper
  • Anointed Sister

  • Apostle Stephanie Ojo

    Red Ribbon
  • Apostle Stephanie Ojo

    Bless you greatly, mighty servant of the Most High God, remain in Him, great things are coming to you, be steadfast, focus and faithful. It is well.Shalom!
  • Evangelist Kia Zong Keziah

    Greetings from the Gambia, nice reading from you, please tell me more about yourself meanwhile you could drop a direct email at i will save your number for further refece but i guess we could start by knowing ourselves better.
  • pastor harry osadolor

    thank you man of God, sorry i'm in Italy for the now, how is the ministry, and your family, my regard to them, don't forget to prayer for me as a friend, my contact +393208677822
  • Nkosinathi Thompson Zwane

    Greetings Man of God,what an honour to in contact with you and many more years of ministerial networking and friendship.God richly bless
    FROM: Apostle Nkosinathi Thompson Zwane.
  • Sr. Prophet LaSonja Coleman

    Peace unto you Son of the King, Pastor Olori Godwin, thanks for the kingdom connection. Be continually blessed,
  • Allifa Settles

    Hello Pastor Godwin, I thank God for the words of confirmation that were left in my e-mail. My prayer is that God would send helpers to the ministry that will help support the vision that he has given me. Be blessed and stayed tuned in to what the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ is saying. May the blessing of the Lord richly enhance your life and all that you touch.
  • Moses K Tawose

    Thanks for the add approval
  • Apostle Jeffery Brown

    How Pleasant it is to dwell with your Brother in Jesus Christ. Thanks for requesting me to be a Friend on Black Preaching Network. Hope to hear from you; Be Bless and take care no matter what comes your way be strong stand still see the salvation of God.


    Apostle Jeffery Brown

  • Joshua Anyaoha

    Hello my Friend

    Have a Blessed Day

    Join us Today At

    From Evangelist Joshua Anyaoha

    Join us at

  • Nkosinathi Thompson Zwane

    Greetings Man of God,my sincere apology by being so quite for the long time, the lord is still good in my life and in the ministerial affairs. It's just that last year i had numerous challenges in my life, but through the grace of the Lord i'm still alive. Happy new year, happy more years of friendship and ministerial network.
  • samson john

    Dear  pastor olon Godwin

                               i am pastor samson from india we are invite you india we are doing seminar arrangement.


  • samson john

    how are you

               our ministry church ministry,orphans ministry ,children ministry ,youth camp,summer camp.



  • Pastor Nathan Lennon

  • Dr. B.J. Relefourd

    Women of Power 2012- An Unceasing Harvest

    It's that time of year again!!! We are excited, Women of Power, Inc., is preparing for our 14th Annual Women's Weekend
    Please visit for exciting information regarding this epic event.
    How can you become involved? I'm so glad you asked.

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    You will be thoroughly empowered, blessed and pleased to partner with Women of Power, Inc. Join us as we continue together to.........

    Walk In Power,

    Pastor BJ
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon


  • Bishop Trevor &Sharon Williamson

    just a note to say hell, and stay connected to God, cause He loves you.