Pastors Daniel & Dr. MeChelle


Dixon, CA

United States

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Senior Pastor
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New Seasons Christian Outreach Ministry
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Dr. Mechelle Rabot received Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior at the age of 8

Her testimony includes being delivered from depression, anxiety attacks, anorexia, and agora phobia. At the age of 12 Dr. Mechelle received the infilling of the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. At 14 years of age the Lord called Dr. Mechelle to teach and preach the word of God. By the age of 16, God called her to begin traveling and evangelizing in a ministry group every summer with her then Pastor Dr. Grace Wroten.

God moved her to Revival Center Ministries located in Vallejo, CA where she was ordained under Apostle Ricky Nutt. She served there faithfully until her parents; Drs. Ron and Gert Cooley were called to begin a ministry in Vacaville, CA. Dr. Mechelle served as an Associate Pastor under the leadership of Drs. Ron and Gert Cooley at S.O.U.L.S. Ministry presiding over the youth and children departments as well as serving as co-chair for United Women and Men of God conferences.

Dr. Mechelle's vision to counsel women suffering from mental illness, abuse, drug addictions and low self esteem, led to the vision of D.I.V.A.’S. Having Tea. The Tea was formed, which meets every forth Saturday of the month.

Branching from this outreach ministry, the Lord spoke to Dr. Mechelle to open New Seasons Christian Outreach Ministries located in Dixon, CA, On September 2, 2006, she and her husband Pastor Daniel Rabot currently preside.

In addition God has given Dr. MeChelle the vision to have a yearly Conference, D.IV.A.S BY DESIGN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES. The Conference celebrates the ackomplishments the women have achieved the previous year and to encourage them to continue their walk with the Lord.

This past year Dr. MeChelle was entered into the NAPW (National Association of Professional Women) the organization recognizes women who has acheived status in the business field. Also she has been added to the Cambridge book of "WHOS WHO" for the year 2010-2011. Dr. MeChelle received her PhD in Theology with a minor in Christian Counseling (specializing in womens issues) from Rochville Seminary. As a member of the Professional Association of Christian Coaching, she is recognized as a Christian Coach as well, helping by coming alongside of you to coach you to a higher level in your personal, spiritual, emotional and financial life.

Having written several articles that have been published, Dr. MeChelle is currently working on her first book.

As an exceptional mother to 3 natural children and 3 special needs foster children, a stepdaughter and 3 grandchildren whom reside in New York.

Just recently God gave Dr. Mechelle another vision for younger women. Princess D.I.V.A.’S. was formed to minister to young women, ages 12-18 in their personal, social and spiritual life.

Dr. Mechelle and Pastor Daniel have been married for 14 years.

To request Dr. MeChelle to speak at your upcoming event please e-mail her at, ( attention Sister Della Wilson.)
Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Grace Wroten

Comment Wall:

  • Anthony Nance

  • Cameron Ross

    Hello to you also! Thanks for the connection. God bless you and thanks
  • Cameron Ross

    Gospel Jazz Saxophonist Cameron Ross

    Electronic press kits


    Charles Spurgeon once said, "Satan never kicks a dead horse." That means you are alive. It means you are active. Every believer is in a battle. We are in a fight! Don't be fooled by all of these commercials on T.V. from other Christian ministries depicting the Christian life as frolicking through the flowers, health and prosperity and individuals standing around with wide smiles on their faces. You have either just come out of a battle or you are now in a battle or you are headed into a battle -- because the Christian life is depicted as a battle.

    One of these days we are going to lay our weapons down and we'll be in glory and the battles will be over and we will study war no more. But until that time, you can count on it, as a born again child of God, you are in a battle!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.


    This is another test of various video projects built by me using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas 9.0. It was created by Mr. Wayman "" for Videohive and all of the place holders and text was replaced by me. The soundtrack that you hear came with the comp "
  • Peace Baptist Church


    In reply to your latest comment, yes I am able to do "trailers" for others, also. For more information, you can e-mail me here - on BPN - or place your request in the comments section of my page. May the Lord continue to bless you and richly bless your ministry..

    My Personal Confession:

  • Peace Baptist Church



    Prosperity and riches are NOT a definite sign of spirituality. I use to be one of those people that were in such “amazement”, when a famous Man of “God” would come to town. People would be breaking the elastic on their wallet, to give to him. I think it’s pathetic. You hear a sermon, shout and then the battle of the dollars begin. People get mad at me, when I say this, but I don’t care. It’s all a money scheme, and people are falling for it, like worms on a fishing hook. People are always trying to find ways to achieve more financial success. What better way to do this, but to prey on church members. Money and salvation have nothing to do with each other. The Gospel is being blinded by the love of power and dollar bills. This spirit is really taking over the church.

    False preachers, “apostles,” “Bishops,” and “evangelists” are always hitting up the poor to give more. They are always telling the people whose lights are about to be turned off that if they sow the seed that preacher is telling them to sow they will reap bountifully. Now Scripture clearly states that those who are in financial distress (as well as those who are not) are to give in a manner that is purposed within their heart. Why? Because we must take care of home first (essentials- food, shelter, clothing). Instead, these money grubbers want you to take care of their home(s) first, and if your’s is not taken then you get blamed for not having enough faith, thus allowing the devil to steal your joy (and your loot).

    A church might not get “enough” money if they don’t require tithing? Hey, maybe that church shouldn’t exist. Or perhaps the pastor should be willing to - oh, I don’t know - GET A JOB like Paul, to support himself. You don’t have a building? Rent a hall, as small a hall as the offerings will support. And if they are enough to support one at all, then maybe the group SHOULD cease to exist. - Rev. A. Turner Jr.


    When you really look at it, the church has become a “business operation”. We have all of these conferences, where you have to pay all of this money to attend. You hear more about wealth, than you hear about trying to build a Christian spirit…

    It makes me sad to think of so-called leaders in the black community talking about repositioning yourself, empowerment this and empowerment that and folks is dying spiritually and physically. How about we empower ourselves to preach the gospel! Instead of another seminar on how to have a successful business, how about we have a seminar on how to get saved!

    I was looking at Jeremiah 23 this morning: ”But if they [these false prophets] had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words [not their words] to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.” Jer. 23:22 That’s interesting, because it seems as if history had already begun to repeat itself!

    Rev. A. Turner Jr.

    No. #2 in a series based on the January, 2010 video that I created called, "Love Me." It will be completed and uploaded here - on YouTube - on January 15th, 2010.

    The Project: Full HD resolution. After Effects Version: CS3 and CS4. File size: 52mb. Resolution: 1920x1080. Music Soundtrack by: Wayman. Images and video clips uploaded by me. Written by me.

  • pastor daniel atwijukire


    Death in sin carries with it dismal effects.  The wages of sin is death even "the second death" (Revelation 21:8).  Sin has shame for its companion in life, and hell for its wages thereafter.  Yet there is a negligence of witness to this sterner side of the Gospel. We fear that too many dwell exclusively upon the goodness of God, forgetting that goodness and severity are His twin attributes.  Those who are eternally lost will suffer no more for their sins than Christ endured when He died for sin.

    Future retribution is only alluded to: eternal punishment almost never taught in the pulpit today - to the honor of the pulpit and the honor of God, be it said.  As hell is still in the Bible, is it not to the dishonor of pulpits if they deny such a truth?  Silence as to "the weeping and gnashing of teeth" Jesus spoke of (Matthew 25:30) does more to populate hell than the blashemies of Tom Paine and Robert Ingersoll combined.  Jesus possessed the tenderest heart that ever throbbed in a human breast, yet He constantly alluded to the certain, terrible and unending suffering of those who died lost.  He taught eternal punishment with a boldness, plainness and awful significance no human preacher dare imitate unless he has a Calvary heart for the unsaved.



  • MotivateYourFaith

    Thank You... I will continue to uplif the ministires in prayer . Fo this is the time for Gods children to recieve the harvest of this season.

    Love and prayers to you! Please do the same for me.