Pastor Jackton Arija




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Dayspring Gospel Tabernacle Church -Mbita:

However, at the moment we a multitude o [75] members who come to church and have given their lives to Jesus Christ as their personal savior.The main objective as to why we started this is because of the scourge [HIV/AIDS]in this area with over increasing prevalence and so the Gospel of God would, make change their sinful nature. Furthermore its only through the gospel that we can save this community from the jaw of death for a better tomorrow together with your generous support ,we can move to a greater height.

_ Preaching the gospel to believers and non-believers and claiming the second coming of Jesus Christ.


_To cover the area and the community with the word of God.

A] To buy some200seats for our church so that the congregation seats comfortably.

B] To buy some musical instruments to help us in crusades and to reach out more souls.

C] To busy some spirituals materials like bibles and reading pump lets for the Sundayschool and the main Church.

D] To build worship center in that at the moment we are being hosted by a certain schooland we fear that if management changes , then we can be thrown out the room we fellowship in.

E] To buy a plot for our Church to enables us have some other activities we intend to get done.

F] To buy some sewing machines for the widows, to train them and that can lead to self employment .It was quite touchy and painful when we visited one of the widows in our Church and we found out that she is 75 years old who cares for four orphans whose parents dies because of HIV/AIDS and so this can help in great deal.

G] Give medical care to the orphans we have around the community.

H] To pay school fees, give clothes, shelter and food to the orphans who are malnourished.


_ It is noted with concern that our Church now acts as the parents of these less fortunate and we would need funds to:

A] Build a bible college to train Pastors, Priests, Deacon's and Evangelists.
B] To build the orphanage and school for these orphans and vulnerable children.

C] To initiate a college where by these unfortunate can train themselves in dress-making and even train them computer applications when we get a willing Sponsor/donor.

D] Giving food, shelter and clothing to the widows who are elderly and can't support themselves in one way or the other.

Your support will be put in a good use and accounts for .The bible says in the book of Luke 6:38 – Give and it shall be given back to you .A good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over ,will be poured into your lap .For measure you use , it will be measured to you.

Dear Brethren:

Put therefore, as the elect of God .Holy and beloved, BOWELS OF MERCIES, Kindness, Humbleness of mind, Meekness, long suffering, for bearing one another. Colossians 3:12 and above all these things, put charity, which is the bond of perfection verse 14. please send us any advice as related to Church, widows and orphans and any other.

Our Ministry Dayspring Gospel Tabernacle Church- Mbita has a vision to look after the orphans and widows from the book of James 1:27,we all must have a compassion for them.our Church is still fellowship in of the school here in Mbita,because we still don't have the Church building,through that we have seen God's hand and glory,He has opened many doors for us .[1]By having Dayspring Junior Academy [2] widows project and last we are praying to build the Church and the orphanage.

Dayspring Junior Academy:

- We have over 95 pupils there and they are orphans,this school is being managed by faith,sometimes many teachers have left us because we cannot pay them.We also do our feeding programme there only if we have money,We luck Chairs,bibles and e.t.c
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  • edward dickson

     Invitation to Attend worship and Praise Week in USA
    This is to inform you that WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION will host wonderful Worships and Praise Weeks in Georgia USA all people are highly invited
     This is to inform you that WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION will host wonderful Worships
    We are inviting you or your church as one of our delegate from your country.
    We encourage your ministry to participate in this praise and worship weeks
    We wish your ministry to be a part of this Worship Week which will
    Hold in USA  2012, and see just what the blessing that God has for you
    For your life. And praise and worship is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.
    The WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION Will take care of
    Your Accommodation, Air Ticket, Transportation, feeding during the praise and worship week.if you are interested send us your Place of Birth / International passport Number
    All the interested churches or ministry have to contact the secretary for their Registration as soon as possible.
    Contact us back for further information. Email contact of the secretary
    Peachtree Christian Church
    1580 Peachtree Street, NW•
    Atlanta, GA USA
    Thanks and God bless you.
    Pastor Edward Dickson

     The Truth About our Savior, Jesus Christ

    No other man, born of a woman, has gathered around His claims and character such a large amount of literature as Jesus Christ.  The Apostle John made the statement that "the world could not contain the books that should be written" about His accomplishments (John 21:24,25).  Libraries all over the world contain a mountain of books that been written of Him who came as -

    • The promised Messiah and Savior of the world;
    • The Founder of Christianity;
    • The Lord and Head of the Christian Church;
    • The complete Revelation of God to man.

    Theologians, philosophers and poets have written about Christ, one way or the other, often forgetting that our concept of Him cannot be over-estimated because what He is determines what Christianity is., which stands or falls with Him.  In all that He is, in Himself, the cornerstone of the Christian faith, the key to the battle between faith and unbelief.


  • Joshua Anyaoha



    God has commanded us to preach all of His Word and to "reprove, rebuke, exhort" (2 Timothy 4:2).  This is the preacher's divine standard.  God has commanded us not only to believe sound doctrine, but also to earnestly contend for it (Jude 3).  That means we are to fight agrressively against that which is false.  This is exactly what we see in the uncompromising ministry of the Lord's Apostles.  Their epistles contain strong and clear warnings about false teaching.  Paul often named the names of the false teachers.  Such a ministry naturally causes divisions between those who are committed to the truth and those who are following error.  Paul made no effort whatsoever to avoid doctrinal controversy.  The Holy Spirit warned that "evil men and seducers shalll wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).


  • Pastor Caroline Smith

    Thank you for your friend request. God bless you and all of your Ministry endeavors. Amen.


    Thank you for your friend's request, Pastor Arija, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you! Shalom!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.





  • edward dickson

     This is to inform you that WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION will host wonderful Worships and Praise Weeks in Georgia USA all people are highly invited
     This is to inform you that WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION will host wonderful Worships
    We are inviting you or your church as one of our delegate from your country.
    We encourage your ministry to participate in this praise and worship weeks
    We wish your ministry to be a part of this Worship Week which will
    Hold in USA on 13 to 15 August 2012, and see just what the blessing that God has for you
    For your life. And praise and worship is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.
    The WORLD EVANGELICAL MISSION Will take care of
    Your Accommodation, Air Ticket, Transportation, feeding during the praise and worship week.if you are interested send us your Place of Birth / International passport Number
    All the interested churches or ministry have to contact the secretary for their Registration as soon as possible.
    Contact us back for further information. Email contact of the secretary
    Peachtree Christian Church
    1580 Peachtree Street, NW•
    Atlanta, GA USA
    Thanks and God bless you.
    Pastor Edward Dickson
  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

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