Jaja Azikiwe


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Los Angeles
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
College Attended (optional):
Chapman University, Virginia State Univ, Biola Univ, Fuller Seminary College Under and Post Grads · Law, history, theater, Theology, Theological History
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I make my living as a professional actor under the stage name JASON AZIKIWE. You can go with that name. For more information. But make no mistake about it my first and foremost love and purpose, is to minister the revelation. Truth of the Word of God.
Favorite Preachers:
Yeshua the Christ

Comment Wall:

  • Angela Doreen

    English invented around 450 AD, when the Roman troops withdrew from Britain, the Angles (hence the terms English and england), Frisians, Saxons, and Jutes began to travel from Germany and Northern Europe to Britain. The Saxons were the most dominant group. The Anglo-Saxon languages developed into English. They were functionally illiterate so little is known about the time but in 597 Christian missionaries came and introduced literacy and Christianity to Britain. In 1066, the Normans, Viking who had settled in France 200 years before, took over England. They contributed 10,000 words to the English language. English was considered a peasant language and anyone of a high status spoke French. As the Normans became more isolated from Europe, they began to consider themselves English rather than French. At this time, There were many different dialects of English and often people living in neighbouring towns could not understand each other. English was very casual and there were few rules. They became more regularized through time and word forms were generally reduced.

    No one can say at which point English became a separate language from the different Germanic dialects but it would have changed quickly as people of different tribes tried to communicate with each other. The waves of new languages that spread over the British Isles greatly broadened the English vocabulary. This is why we have so many homonyms and synonyms, compared to other languages.

    Time period of 368AD is only a estimate

    You know as well as I do that theology cannot give precise dates it can say around that exactly at and you also know as well as I do that estimated dates could be more than 70 years out either side.  So stop your nonsense about the name of Jesus, 

    Whatever has got hold of your mind , whoever has corrupted your brain the blood of Jesus can loose you, can free you. The blood of Jesus can restore you to your former glory, can on come out from amongst them. 

    Jaja it is time to wake up and choose life don't let the devil snatched it away from you satan is devious what he does is play with the mind and he tend to target those that can be useful to the groweth of the Kingdom, they will even use lust or the things they know you desire more than anything to get to your mind. Jaja come out from among them Jesus Christ is your Saviour, He is your friend and He is your brother and you need to wake up before it is too late 

  • Angela Doreen

    Jaja, why cant you get it I have been given a choice and God do not mind me calling His Son Jesus and that is what matters. You are trying to make yourself powerful by trying to act as the slave master, trying to force people to do something that please you.  

We are interested in pleasing God not Jaja stop acting outside of God because you are trying to esteem yourself above God and that just wont do.  If God is okay with us using Jesus why should it bother you.  Jaja no one is subjected to you stop using the tactics of satan stop trying to make God's people become slave to you. Stop it now and ask yourself why are you making this a personal deal, why are you ascending above God. 

Our job is to spread the Gospel, we are not instructed to defend the gospel because God is quite capable of doing so Himself you are using bullying tactics, you are using hate, and you are being abusive to God’s people. Those are the attributes of the evil one so stop it, if God did not want us to have a free choice he would not have place two trees in the garden so stop it. God wants us of self to make decision  and all God's people need to do is inform others not force others.   

    Know ye not that lucifer try to ascend above God and was thrown out of heaven so stop your nonsense and come out from among them you have chase every wind of doctrine and have allowed your mind to become twisted so that you can no longer see the truth. Jaja there is only happiness in Christ; you cannot have Christ in you when you are intent on killing His people, when you are intent on destroying His people.  The word of God says the devil, the evil one come but to kill, steal and destroy so why are you intent on doing his job for him.  Christ comes but to give us life, He wants none of His people to perish, He wants only the good for His people, He want His people to have life more abundantly, to have joy and peace, His plan is for the good, show me where destroying, tearing down and killing the people are doing them good. You are turning people away from Christ you are leading them into rebellion against God. Think about it does that sound familiar to you.

  • Apostle D Tyler Brown

  • Angela Doreen

    You have been given a choice of two roads  either life being dependent on God or death being independent of God .

    If you choose life then you must let God, because you cannot take over His role as judge