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Assistant Pastor
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church of God
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i am a servant of god
Favorite Preachers:
pastor mark

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  • Alvin Darling

    God bless you!!!

    Follow me on twitter:

    stand alone player


    hey Mery thank you for your interest in living word church if you need to write to me by mail please send to . God bles you so much

  • Evangelist Michael Lucky Onuche.

    It is well with you and your family and ministry. How is the work in Gambia?

    God will Strenghten you in Jesus name?

  • Mary R. Johnson

    Be blessed, in Jesus Name!

  • Reverend Fiona Williams

    I hope the power of God rest on you, in Jesus name. I look forward to getting to know you.

    your friend,

    Reverend Fiona

  • christopher

    THOSE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD TEXT: Daniel 11:32; ; Psalm 62:11 INTRODUCTION Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits – Dan.11:32. Be strong in what sense? They shall be strong physically, mentally, materially, emotionally and spiritually. Nevertheless this is not all about those who know their God. They would also be strong materially, emotionally and spiritually.

  • christopher



    Sickness in the life of a child of God is a reproach. We are the ones who are supposed to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. However, those who know their God shall be strong physically because they know there is someone called the Great Physician that heals and who promised that He would not allow any sickness to come upon us, subject to certain conditions – Ex.15:26. How can I know the Physician of physicians and remain sick? It can only mean that I have not been doing what He asked me to do – Prov.3:7-9. Our God is no respecter of persons but He is a respecter of principles. The first principle is that you should not think that you are clever when dealing with God. The second is the fear of the Lord. The third is that you depart from evil. If you do these three things, you will never need drugs and injections again, your bones would be producing good blood and health would be flowing to you.



    Those who know their God would be strong mentally because they know the source of wisdom – Dan.2:20-21. If you know Him, you will know how to ask Him for wisdom – Jam.1:5-6. The first principle for wisdom is the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom – Ps.111:10. The second principle says if you want to be wise, look around for those who are wise and keep their company. Stay away from fools because the companion of fools shall be destroyed – Prov.13:20.




    Those who know their God would be strong materially because they know it is God who gives power to get wealth – Deut.8:18. Therefore, they want to find out His principles for getting wealth. What are His principles?

    i. Give – Lk.6:38.

    ii. Sow bountifully – 2 Cor.9:6.

    iii. Scattering – Prov.11:24-25.

    iv. Pay your tithes correctly – Mal.3:8-11.

    v. Honour Him with your first fruit – Prov.3:9-10.

    vi. Do not gather riches by wrong means – Jer.17:11



    Those who know their God shall be strong emotionally because they know the source of true joy – Ps.16:11. They know that the joy of the Lord is their strength –Jer.8:10. Their joy is in the Lord and not in material things – Phil.4:4. When trial comes, they count it as joy because they know that it is going to lead to a testimony –Jam.1:2-4; Rom.8:28. They are strong in the days of adversity because they know that God will take them through – Prov.24:10. They know that their sorrow cannot last – Ps.30:5.



    Those who know their God shall be strong spiritually because they know power belongs to God – Ps.62:11. They know Him sufficiently well to know that He does not want to share His glory but He is willing to share His power – Isa.40:28-29; Acts 1:8. They know that all they need to do is to wait on Him – Isa.40:31. According to Paul, if you want to be more powerful than anybody else, you have to pray in tongues more than them all – 1 Cor.14:18.



    “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18.

    If you do not want to be weak and live a useless life, let your heart cry also be, “That I may know Him for ever .Amen