Apostle Frank A. Willett


Baltimore, MD

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Baltimore, City
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Word of Truth Healing and Deliverance Ministries International
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I recieved my calling to the Ministry in 1982, as a Deacon however it would be several before I preached my trial sermon at Christ Spiritual Baptist Temple. After sitting under my former Pastor. Rev. Nettie B. Finny, God moved me to The New Covenant Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Inc, where i was lincensed, ordained an Elder and finally consecrated a Field Bishop. I remained under the leadership of Bishop. Willian E. Tate Pastor and founding Bishop of the work for THirteen years before moving on to an assistant Pastorship in the District of Columbia where I stayed for seven and a half years. I left there to persue my calling in teaching and establishing new fellowships. I have a 24/7 internet Ministry, called Bishop F.A. Willett Ministries at www.studiovee.com. Earnie Fields presents. I've enrolled in the prison ministry at Baltimore Co. detention center on the weekends under CR ( Celebrate Recovery). I'm also an associate Pastor at Christ Spiritual Baptist Temple here in Baltimore City under the Pastorship of Rev. Margaret Reddin.
I have had the distinct pleasure of heading my own ministry as of 13 years ago, by opening my first church in Ghana THE WORD OF TRUTH HEALING & DELIVERENCE MINISTRIES, INTERNASTIONAL, Pastored by Prophet. Atta Gyasi. His beloved sister Evangelist. Abigail Kobiah will Pastor the sister church by the same name in Holland.I oversee and cover associate 2 churches in Liberia, 2 in Uganda, 1 more in Ghana and 1 in Nigeria. They are all about growing together in Christ Jesus, WE ARE ONE . I have been able to ordain 2 Bishops and 3 Evangelist into the five fold ministry on March 16th of 2014 as we move on towards bigger and better things in Christ Jesus.
Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Beacher Hicks, Metropolitian Baptist Church Washington DC.

Comment Wall:

  • mary

    Complement of the season
    My name is Sister mary,how are you and your ministry also your family?i hope all is well, if so thanks be to God almighty,I pray in this season of christmas,May God pour out incredible miracles grace in your life and family,as i came a cross your page now on this ABC preachers  So I decided to stop by an let you know that I really want to have a God fairing friendship with you. Beside i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. I will be very happy, If you can get back to me, through my e-mail( maryjaafar@yahoo.com ) So we can get to know each other better,also tell you more about myself, my e-mail id Is,( maryjaafar@yahoo.com )

  • Alvin Darling

    God bless you!!!

    Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/AlvinDarling

    stand alone player

    On February 10, 2013 I will be holding a live concert at Union Gospel Tabernacle in Newark, NJ at 7 pm. Tickets are $12 and it includes the concert & a copy of my upcoming cd FREE OF CHARGE!!!!


    хвала тебе наш господъ
    имени госплдъну хвала
    хавала тебе хавала тебе
    любовъ тоея о господъ бесконичнина
    як коленъ прагне до
    помочи церков победа индия
    Постор Эммануел Из Индии
    Пожалуйста, молитесь за нас также сделать вашу опоры для служения Господа в Индии


  • Apostle E. L. Gales, PhD, D.Div.

    "The Lord's Tabernacle" originally opened on Sunday April 15, 2007 inside the former 'Union Baptist Church; in Highland Park as a member of the 'Pentecostal Holiness Church of Christ, Inc.' The PHCOC has since disbanded and has now been reorganized as the 'Kingdom of God Apostolic Church'. We invite you to the NEW "Lord's Tabernacle". Services will be held every Saturday beginning promptly with prayer, followed by morning Praise & Worship service and the Word of God delivered by the Pastor and Founder of the church, Apostle Dr. E. L. Gales, D.Div.

    We invite and welcome ALL to come fellowship with us and celebrate what God is about to do, starting a GREAT and MIGHTY work right here in Pittsburgh, PA. You, your family, neighbors, friends, co-workers, associates, and even your "cousins and them" are invited. So come experience a modern day "Upper Room" experience and feel Pentecost and the power of the Holy Ghost EVERY week!

    Please RSVP soon. For all who are interested in working in the church - singers, musicians, ushers, choir, praise team (devotional leaders), street ministry, visitation ministry, van ministry, pulpit/Ministers/Elders, church mothers, Sabbath School, Bible Study, prayer warriors, purity class, evangelism, and more..... please contact me ASAP to join our staff meeting before the opening of the church.

    Join us as we bring true Apostolic preaching, teaching, and Biblical standard of Holiness and Sanctification back to the church and the house of God, to equip the Saints to take the Gospel to the world and win souls for the body of Christ. You don't have to hold a position or office in this church. If you hunger and thirst for righteousness, then just come and be filled with the Word of God (Matthew 5:6).

    Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

    In Jesus name,

    Apostle E. L. Gales
    Pastor; The Lord's Tabernacle

    @ East Liberty Library
    2nd floor meeting rooms
    130 S. Whitfield Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15206

    Saturdays: 10:15am Prayer; 10:45am Worship


    GUW Video And Graphics Ministry Promo from Arlee Turner Jr. on Vimeo.

    Greetings, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!

    I am happy and excited to announce to you the birth of a new Christian Graphics and Video Ministry that will dwarf all others by comparison: the New GUW [God’s Ultimate Weapon] Video And Graphics Ministry, Inc. The current website has been leveled and a new one is being constructed that will contain the entire portfolio of visual animation and graphics that I have created using Adobe AE Templates built from my contacts in Rome Italy; Tucumán, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Chelyabinsk; Russian Federation; Turkey; Pleven, Bulgaria and - of course - the United States. All videos have been created using Adobe AE CS4, CS5; Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D and Sony Vegas. All videos have a resolution of HD 1080P.

    If you are interested in having video projects built to introduce your ministry or upcoming events - contact me at turnerjrarlee@yahoo.com or here, at Black Preaching Network. You can either contact me in the “comments” section on my profile page or send me a message. And don’t worry about pricing. I am trying to promote this business to introduce our churches to technology and visual graphics/animation that the unsaved world has been using in the last decade. Why should the devil have all of the “good stuff”, when it comes to video production, when the church desperately needs these tools to reach more of the unsaved for Jesus Christ?

    A good 2-5 minute video (like the one above) could cost as low as $50 dollars to as high as $175 - depending on how much content you want in it. Now, compare that to the “professionals” who would charge you $20-$75 an hour and up! Don’t miss this opportunity to get on the cutting edge of visual technology! Hope to hear from you, soon, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God’s Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • loveth

    Am loveth,i came across your ID and decided to contact you considering the
    fact that,in true relationship,language,distance,religion,or race does not
    matter.So,please contact me with this my personal id
    (lovethghazi2013@hotmail.com) for my photo and introduction



    Sex is a crucial area of Christian singleness. Sex is so crucial because it is so intimately related to who we are. And it's the area in which many single believers find their biggest struggle...

    In 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Paul discussed sex outside of marriage. The bottom line of his argument was that sex outside of the marriage covenant is sin and is totally contrary to God's agenda for single believers. That bedrock truth never changes in any culture or any setting.

    Paul was arguing that sexual purity outside of marriage is demanded because of God the Father, it's expected because of God the Son, and it's possible because of God the Spirit. Some Christian singles falter in this area because they lose sight of the theology and limit themselves to the anthropology involved...

    In other words, whenever you hear someone saying, "But I'm only human," that's an anthropological argument. But, if you are a believer you are more than just a human. You are a saved human, and you have God's power for purity resident within you.

    Some people say sex is like food. When you're hungry, you eat. No big deal. But Paul answered that in 1 Corinthians 6:13. The stomach may be for food, he said, "yet the body is not for immorality."

    If your date tells you he washed his car and bought a new suit for this date and expects something more than a good night at the door, tell him, "You washed your car? Ok, I will help you put the dirt back on your car. And you bought a new suit? I'll go with you while you take it back." You are far too valuable to be used by undisciplined men for their gratification.

    God created your body to be used for His glory, not simply to satisfy either your own or someone else's passion unless it is within the proper functioning of marriage...

    See, God does not condemn sex outside of marriage because sex is bad. He condemns sex outside of marriage because it's so good when used properly within marriage.