Apostle LaWanda Peters


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Faith & Deliverance Prophetic Ministries (Solid Rock)
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Apostle L. Y. Peters was born in Augusta, GA, and is a native Georgian. She presently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She began her journey of a lifetime in 1994 as she surrendered unto God wholeheartedly. In 1997 she was licensed as an Elder and Associate Pastor of Temple of God by Faith. After many years of serving and training, God spoke very clearly, that the time was nigh, that she go forth in her call, as a Prophet to the Nation. This was something that had been long prophesied over her life from the very first day she stepped into the church. Prophetess has blossomed into a beautiful flower, handpicked by God. “I came out of tradition to transition.” She is Pentecostal, Holiness, C. O. G. I. C. and most of all, sold out. Holy Ghost filled, and fire baptized with the evidence of speaking in tongues, laying hands on the sick, and they shall (many have) recover, a strong prophetic edge, and many signs and wonders do follow. Prophetess believes the word. God said it, “Greater works shall we do,” and she stands on just that. Pastor Peters is the mother of two beautiful children, Kevin & Ashley. She has older sisters, Vetra Fuller, whom serves faithfully as Praise Team Leader, and Angela Peters, whom is a Praise Team member. It is amazing that God would allow one women to birth 3 prophets, but God did His work in a mighty way for Pastor Annie Johnson, Co-Pastor and mother of Prophetess Peters. As Prophetess says, “We are a close knitted family, with lots of love and commitment to keeping family together.” A threefold cord is not easily broken. Pastor Peters is the Founder of Solid In Faith Ministerial Prophetic Fellowship, which is a God given ministry, that houses and spiritually covets with other ministries who believe in the woman of God and the Vision that God has given her.

She is also the donor for Solid Rock Church of Dawson Inc. Dawson, Georgia and Faith & Deliverance Prophetic Ministries Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia. As God commissioned her, Mark 16:15…”Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” God has entrusted her many sons and daughters, from age’s birth to mid 70’s. Prophetess has written her autobiography entitled, “Weathering the Storm of Life,” she has also written several other books, “Beauty for Ashes,” and “Daily Inspirations,” which have encouraged and uplifted many. She is truly a Prophet to the NATIONS! A woman of God with an End Time Message for the Body of Christ, and a deep revelation for the lost, that Jesus Christ is the King of King and Lord of Lord, and that He is just waiting on he that is lost/without, to come to Him, with repentance and confession, and a believing and receptive heart. “Our God is waiting on you to come home!”
Favorite Preachers:
Those who are preaching, teaching, and living the Word of God.

Comment Wall:


    Welcome to Black Preaching Network, Apostle LaWanda Peters, and may the Lord continue to bless you, your ministry and your family!  Shalom!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • brandi simmons

    Hello Apostle Peters i read your beautiful profile. May god continue to bless u and your family, as well the church ministry. I hope we can become good friends.
  • Seymour Mclean

    What can the chosen do for the Jamaican-British Diamond & Golden Jubilee leading to the Golden Jubilee of the OAU (AU) 2013?

    Over 550 Ecclesiastical manuscripts looted at Magdala can be found in England today, the Books are opened the Judgment is set.

    See Leviticus 25 for the Law of the Golden Jubilee, the Diamond Jubilee is governed by Revelation 20 v 12-15. All preachers look out for the rising of the Holy Spirit, She is full of Majesty & Grace have you seen Her?

  • brandi simmons

    Thank u for accepting me as your friend and sister in.Christ. Deaconness brandi Simmons
  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    We are currently working on our 2013 Calendar at LaWanda Peters Ministries. We thank God for a great year and are looking with expectancy for Him to continue to move by His spirit in a MIGHTY way. 
    Please feel free to contact Evangelist Tamelra White for booking Apostle Peters for your next Women's Conference, Revival, Anniversary, and Conference. We look forward to MORE Kingdom Connections. God Bless! solidandfaithministries@yahoo.com or 229-255-0378

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    I can't put my hands on the day, time, or where I/U will be when it will happens, but I tell you this; GOD is up to some things. Embrace the Changes that God's making & not question or doubt him. Seek HIS will & NOT your own! If you made the choice without consulting God in prayer, then don't be surprised when things don't go right. It is VITALY IMPORTANT that you seek guidance, counsel, the will & wisdom of God in this season. What APPEARS right & FEELS right could be the thing that destroys you! Make every move count, make KINGDOM MOVES & not Flesh/Self Centered moves.

  • Seymour Mclean


    [For the Ethiopic text see Brit. Mus. MS. Harl. 5471 and Fol. 39f. and add. No. 16,233 (DILLMANN, Catalogus, Nos. LIII and LIX) and Brit. Mus. MS. Orient. No. 639 (Wright, Catalogue, No. LXXXV, p. 52). For a French translation, see Basset, op. cit., p. 11f]

    “My Lord and my God, my son and my King, Jesus Christ, who of thine own free will wast born of me, who didst suck milk from my breasts, whom the heavens cannot contain, Whom the bounds of the world cannot confine, whom the Earth cannot carry.

    Whose hand the space of the abyss, and the depths of the sea, and the rain-floods cannot fill, whom the angels, and the powers of heaven cannot draw nigh, my son and my King, I, Mary thy mother, thy servant, beseech and make supplication to thee.

    I carried thee in my womb for nine months and five days. Thou hast dwelt in my body, thou hast sucked milk from my breasts and hath lived upon my milk for three years, and I carried thee on my back for five years.

    Remember, O Lord, that I have gone about with thee for thirty years, and that I fled with thee from one country to another when Herod wanted to slay thee.

    Hear my prayer, O my Lord and my petition, O my Lord, my God. Remember, Lord, that I carried thee in my womb for nine months and five days, and remember that thou hast sojourned in my body.

    My Lord, hearken to the prayer and petition which I set before me that thou wouldst hear my words of entreaty and fulfil all that is in my heart this day [ I beseech thee] to send unto me forthwith twelve angles of mercy who shall tarry with me, and fulfil all that is in my heart, and the petitions for acts of grace which my lips make to thee.


    Love Me - Chapter 2 - By Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.  [Play this video in HD 720P by clicking the “change quality” button on the video player’s tab feature - ATJ]

    A lot of what goes under the name of “love” has little to do with true, biblical love.  Biblical love involves the sacrifice you make for the loved one.  You measure true love by sacrifice, not by enjoyment.  If a husband talks about loving his wife but means by this that she does a lot of good things for him, that’s not him loving her.  That’s her loving him…!

    What does it mean for a husband to love his wife?  The first thing it means is for the husband to be a savior for his wife.  Let me show you what I mean…

    In Ephesians 5, a classic passage on marriage, the apostle Paul said, “Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” v.25…

    How did Jesus give Himself up for the church?  He died.  As far as God is concerned, to talk about marital love is to talk about a cross.  To talk about love is to talk about Calvary.  To talk about love is to talk about a Savior.  We have a Savior in Christ.  And our wives ought to have a savior in us.  We have a Deliverer in Christ.  And our wives ought to have a deliver in us.  Loving your wife means carrying a cross.  So if you feel like your wife is crucifying you, you have the perfect opportunity to look like Jesus…

    Nowhere in Scripture is a wife commanded to love her husband.  She is commanded to respect him (see Ephesians 5:33).  It’s not that a woman shouldn’t love her husband.  But her love is a response to his salvation.

    That means loving as Christ loves.  So a husband is called to love his wife no matter what.  We can’t wait until she gets everything right…

    A husband cannot say, “She’s meeting my needs.  Therefore, I will love her.”  No, you love her even when she’s not meeting your needs.  You love her until she learns how to meet your needs…

    Most men date in order to marry, when the biblical principle is marry in order to date.  Most men shower a woman with love to get here to say, “I do.”  But the biblical ideal is to have her say, “I do,” so we can spend the rest of our lives showering her with love… - Arlee Turner Jr.

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    Life is full of uncertainties, but this one thing that I'm certain of & that's this: The Lord is soon to return. Be found faithful in the things of God & all that he's required of you. This old world & all that it has to offer will soon pass away...nothing that we possess will make the cut when it's time for us to depart; therefore, focus & direct your time & energy on things above ( things eter...nal) & let God do the rest. It's a guarantee, that if you Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of Heaven & ALL of HIS righteousness, then these things ( whatsoever you desire & need) will be added unto you. Keep hope alive by living holy & walking upright before God. Cast ALL of your cares & burdens upon HIM for HE CARES FOR YOU!!!!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    CHANGES starts in the mind FIRST.
    C - Conscious 
    H - Heartfelt
    A - Actions
    N - Needed to

    G - Get
    E - Entirely
    S - Straight

    Change is inevitable in many situations & in our everyday walk. We are constantly changing/going through changes, but in order to move forward in peace, we must make NECESSARY changes that will cause us to walk into our destiny 100%. 
    KNOW THIS: All decisions that YOU make might not be GOD/GODLY/GOD'S WAY! Don't confuse your way w/his way for you!
    Seek God! Hear clearly! Obey! Make the necessary adjustments! 
    Sometimes everything about you & around you has to change. Company, Relationships, Friendships, Job, Numbers, Location, etc. 
    Don't wait until 2013...START TODAY! Your answers are RIGHT THERE! Just Do It! 
    Be blessed ~Apostle P.~
  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    The Word Of the Hour: COME CLEAN IN 2013!!!! Can I say, nothing hidden will get by or no longer linger/hinder you! God is calling for HOLINESS w/o compromise! It's TIME NOW, to come clean! Be real with yourself because God already knows the deep hidden things in our hearts/life. If you don't willing confess, repent, and do the will if the Father, he's going to expose your nakedness for all to see!

     This is NOT the time to play games or play yourself. What DID work WON'T work any longer. What you HAVE gotten away with, GOD SAYS NO LONGER. It's time to TURN & NEVER LOOK BACK...Lots wife turned & looked back & turned into a pillar of salt! Don't you get caught up looking and living BACKWARDS!!!! Time to MAN UP! Live Holy! NOTHING HIDDEN SHALL NOT BE REVEALED. I'd like to say COME CLEAN BEFORE 2013!!!
  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    The bottomless pit has been opened & Satan is wrecking havoc upon the earth. If the church doesn't get right starting with Leaders first, there's major trouble, even worse to come than what we are seeing & hearing. Where are the true intercessors? There's power in prayer? Prayer changes things! Why are we NOT seeing miracles, signs, wonders? Our God does NOT dwell in any unclean thing/place.

    The wrath of God & his anger is real. God DOES NOT approve of all of the foolery thats going on "IN HIS NAME". From the pulpit to the back door, the trumpet has been sounded...do you hear? Better yet, CAN U SEE? It's time to clean up, starting w/Y-O-U!!! Where has the fear of God gone? Why do you feel you can live a unclean life? Is it bcuz u have a title? Well gifts & callings come w/o repentance. Titles mean absolutely nothing if you're not producing/living Godly(Holy-pure, set aside, righteous). 

    The blood of Gods people (sheep) has gone up (before him). Woe be unto those who have innocent blood upon their hands. WAKE UP CHURCH (PEOPLE OF GOD). The day of The Lord draws near! Judgement is real. Clean up, starting w/your house first...(spiritual temple/carnal home-house)....CLEAN UP! PURIFY YOURSELVES. Hell has been turned up another notch. The enemy is NOT playing mindless games w/us...he's doing what he's suppose to do....WHEN WILL YOU? 
    If one can chase 1000, two-10,000....don't u know that if WE ALL BIND TOGETHER & get on ONE ACCORD, we win!!! The enemy has to flee!!!!! Think about it!

  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • Joshua Anyaoha

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    The Lord ALWAYS sends warning after warning to us but we must be open to hear, receive, and obey. Sometimes it's NOT what you want to hear, others, you hear it but don't understand & don't see it so you turn a death ear...
    Its going to take FAITH! FAITH must kick in at a higher degree!
    The Lord gave SPECIFIC instructions to Noah on building the ark & telling the people it was going to flood (rain), but because they didn't see it, they refused to take the necessary precautions/measures to protect themselves & their family (possessions), therefore many were drowned/killed because they refused to believe.
    Take heed to the word of God & the PROPHETIC utterances in this season AND OBEY! It's NOT enough to just hear the word any longer & turn and walk away as if nothing was said. Don't look at the messenger & judge, HEAR & OBEY!
    Stop looking for excuses why you shouldn't obey & just do it! Get stable and stop floating all over the place! You're going to need to be stable in order to hear. Get rid of EVERY distraction...you cant afford to be out of place, in offense, angry, bitter, prideful, disobedient... God Bless. ~Apostle P.

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    We are in a Time (Not just Season) where Exposure is HERE! The word was Come clean IN 2013, my SUGGESTION was Come Clean Before 2013! 
    Exposure comes when one refuse to turn from what they are doing. God's grace is sufficient, he offers us chance after chance to get it right & let go of whatever it is that's NOT pleasing (right) in his sight. The word of God says, "I will allow all to see your nakedness"(exposure)..that's IF & WHEN we don't turn.
    So think it not strange concerning the things that's coming out (to the forefront)...Know this: THIS IS JUST THE START! Gods grace is NOT a free ticket to continue on in wrong (sin), it's PAST time to get it right. REPENT (TURN & NOT LOOK BACK). 
    Everything IS NOT Satan (the devil)...By the Spirit of God, he's saying no longer will your sins go unpunished, overlooked, unaddressed! There's a time, place & season for everything under the sun...NOW IS THE TIME TO TURN RIGHT & GO STRAIGHT! No more double standard, wishy-washy, lukewarmness...Come Clean it's NOW 2013!!! No more winking & slaps on the wrist.
    ~God Bless
    Apostle L. Peters

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    BEWARE: the spirit of Judas, (Exposure, Deception) is yet amongst us! Whatever is in the heart of a person will show up even if you try to hide it in this season.
    It's usually those who walk close to you, eat at the same table with you, serve you, walk with you & get to know you!!! The enemy is tricky, manipulative, and very deceptive & the enemy IS NOT a red faced two horned beast, it's two eyed, two arms, two leg people. WATCH AS WELL AS PRAY!!! This is why the Spirit is saying watch those in your close circle, disconnect, abort mission on some ppl & situations. 
    LEADERS (Pastors): DO NOT be surprised of those who work/worm their way in & wax cold at the point of correction, direction, protection...some you simply can't protect because it's not in their heart to WANT to be safe. This reckless spirit is/has been loosed...keep your eyes open.
    Stay in his face, praying & seeking him for guidance...even if you don't understand it, just obey!!!


    GUW Video And Graphics Ministry Promo from Arlee Turner Jr. on Vimeo.

    Greetings, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!
    I am happy and excited to announce to you the birth of a new Christian Graphics and Video Ministry that will dwarf all others by comparison: the New GUW [God’s Ultimate Weapon] Video And Graphics Ministry, Inc. The current website has been leveled and a new one is being constructed that will contain the entire portfolio of visual animation and graphics that I have created using Adobe AE Templates built from my contacts in Rome Italy; Tucumán, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Chelyabinsk; Russian Federation; Turkey; Pleven, Bulgaria and - of course - the United States. All videos have been created using Adobe AE CS4, CS5; Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D and Sony Vegas. All videos have a resolution of HD 1080P.

    If you are interested in having video projects built to introduce your ministry or upcoming events - contact me at turnerjrarlee@yahoo.com or here, at Black Preaching Network. You can either contact me in the “comments” section on my profile page or send me a message. And don’t worry about pricing. I am trying to promote this business to introduce our churches to technology and visual graphics/animation that the unsaved world has been using in the last decade. Why should the devil have all of the “good stuff”, when it comes to video production, when the church desperately needs these tools to reach more of the unsaved for Jesus Christ?
    A good 2-5 minute video (like the one above) could cost as low as $50 dollars to as high as $175 - depending on how much content you want in it. Now, compare that to the “professionals” who would charge you $20-$75 an hour and up! Don’t miss this opportunity to get on the cutting edge of visual technology! Hope to hear from you, soon, and may the Lord continue to bless you and to keep you!

    Rev. Arlee Turner Jr.; God’s Ultimate Weapon Ministry

  • Nathaniel G Komba

    i am impressed at what the lord is doing in your life God bless you the more will continue to keep you in my prayers thanks

    Read Isaiah 49:1-3

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    How much are u willing to risk?

    Like Nemo's dad, true parents (spiritual as well as carnal) risk it all sometimes to save their sons/daughters. We pray, intercede, cover, shield, push you, encourage, enlighten, and inspire. Our heart is to ultimately see you have the best & do your best BUT As a son/daughter, unless you open up & receive it w/o YOUR rules, stipulations & rationalizing you won't get it. You won't always understand WHY he/she say or do what they say/do, you won't always understand why no is the answer or even why you get the correction & direction that's given. You have to trust that it's for your good! 
    Nemo risked it all to prove a point...
    How much R u willing to risk?
    How far are u willing to go to have it you way?
    Who are u putting in a bad predicament to get what u want? Nemo put his dad in a tough, dangerous, bad position by disobeying what he told him. Don't let your anger, frustration, or attitude get in the way & cause a situation that didn't have to be. Don't put ppl in a bad predicament (situation) because of your poor choices & wanting things your way. In the end you will see, they were watching out for your best interest. Never confuse YOUR choices as someone making you do something because at the end if the day, you make you're own decisions/choices but obedience is better than sacrifice.

  • Nathaniel G Komba

    Thanks so much apostle for bring you to my life and giving me these encouraging words which are so inspiring May God bless you please continue to keep the work in sierra leone in your prayers it is well

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    Beware of The spirits of seduction, deception, trickery.
    Be careful & KNOW those with whom you're allowing in your person, private, intimate space. Samson got caught up laying w/a woman whom he fell in love with, but she didn't love him more than she loved $$$. She sold him out for silver.
    Beware of those who will sell you out for money, popularity, recognition, out of anger, disappointment, etc. They get close to you for reasons that aren't pure & lay in wait, waiting to pounce on you. They slow walk you down, and when you're at your weakest point (and we all fall weak or loose strength from time to time), that's when they attack. This spirit knows what you like. Delilah knew what Samson liked, so she stroked him until she got just what she wanted. She wore him down. He got tired of her & gave in to the wrong person...
    The enemy is cunning & sneaky...you have to be careful who you're vulnerable with & who you're trusting.
    When they show up, don't be so quick to get excited, happy, or loose focus. Ask these questions: WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHAT DO YOU WANT?
    AND, don't be to quick to take them at their word...REMEMBER: CUNNING, SEDUCING & TRICKERY are their names. They know exactly what to say & what to do to get you. Moreover, they know what you like; and what they don't know, they will play game w/you until they get the information needed to take you out.
    Don't loose no more of your strength to/for the wrong people.
    Could you be sleeping/entertaining the devil/your #1 opponent?
    Don't loose focus, don't be moved, let them prove themselves in actions & deeds more than words, because the enemy is after the anointing. Knowing the motives (heart) is so important. Have a blessed day. ~Apostle Peters


    Love Me II - Rev. Arlee Turner Jr. from Arlee Turner Jr. on Vimeo.

    Sex is a crucial area of Christian singleness. Sex is so crucial because it is so intimately related to who we are. And it's the area in which many single believers find their biggest struggle...

    In 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Paul discussed sex outside of marriage. The bottom line of his argument was that sex outside of the marriage covenant is sin and is totally contrary to God's agenda for single believers. That bedrock truth never changes in any culture or any setting.

    Paul was arguing that sexual purity outside of marriage is demanded because of God the Father, it's expected because of God the Son, and it's possible because of God the Spirit. Some Christian singles falter in this area because they lose sight of the theology and limit themselves to the anthropology involved...

    In other words, whenever you hear someone saying, "But I'm only human," that's an anthropological argument. But, if you are a believer you are more than just a human. You are a saved human, and you have God's power for purity resident within you.

    Some people say sex is like food. When you're hungry, you eat. No big deal. But Paul answered that in 1 Corinthians 6:13. The stomach may be for food, he said, "yet the body is not for immorality."

    If your date tells you he washed his car and bought a new suit for this date and expects something more than a good night at the door, tell him, "You washed your car? Ok, I will help you put the dirt back on your car. And you bought a new suit? I'll go with you while you take it back." You are far too valuable to be used by undisciplined men for their gratification.

    God created your body to be used for His glory, not simply to satisfy either your own or someone else's passion unless it is within the proper functioning of marriage...

    See, God does not condemn sex outside of marriage because sex is bad. He condemns sex outside of marriage because it's so good when used properly within marriage.

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    Romans 13:1-7
    Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. ...

    Be careful how you disrespect & handle God's Men & Women of God. There is a penalty for touching his anointed ones. If you don't agree with them or understand something pray & ASK questions but to
    Oppose, rebuke, check, or mishandle them causes judgement & Gods wrath to fall upon you.
    His word says TOUCH NOT my anointing AND do my Prophets no harm.
    It's a very dangerous thing to come against spiritual authority. It DOES NOT please God! You CAN'T. Just say & do what you feel, ESP. Out of offense! You only set a trap for yourself because it goes contrary to Gods word.
    Hebrews 13:17
    Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
    Take heed to the word least at any time you slip.
    ~Apostle Peters

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    Never look at what it LOOKS like, just stay focused on what GOD has spoken. The very people you THINK will support you will be the very ones to disappoint you, come against you, lie on you, stress you & try to destroy you. They are usually the last to even say I'm happy for you. So let me encourage you while I encourage myself. STAND STEADFAST, UNMOVABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORKS/WORD OF THE... LORD. If God be for you, he's more than the world against you. Don't worry or focus on those who don't believe in you or what God has called you to do, just focus on you & your assignment. You won't win them all & everyone who says they're your "friend" is not true to it, BUT again, KEEP YOUR FOCUS, Keep God FIRST & he will make your enemies your footstool. No need to fight, just keep pressing forward & toward the mark. The enemy usually use those closest to you to try & distract & distort your vision/goals/dreams. You won't loose if you just stay focused & trim away the fat(anything & anybody who distracts or come against you). It's time to cut the cord & move on.   God bless   ~Apostle Peters
  • Apostle Dudley Thibeaux Jr.

    Be blessed Woman Of GOD keep up the good work we are to encourage each other in the Faith may GOD give you the desires of your heart. This is the believers season of blessing.

  • Demetria E. Bass


    Please check out our 24/7 online gospel radio station Praise 2 Go Radio and like us. Our website is   www.praise2go.com  E-mail me back at  ptriplec@aol.com


    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    God will open doors that no man can shut and he will shut doors that no man can open!
    Be careful not to force your way into places that you've been forbidden or not been accepted/allowed into AND please just because a door opens don't just go running through it. PRAY!!!
    The snares of Satan is real & yes, he use people to carry out his missions & assignments. Therefore, pray about EVERY move, per......son, connect, open/closed door. Make NO moves w/o prayer!
    Fight to stay connected to Jesus NOT man but be connected to the right people!

    Also, let go is the word of the hour! You have to let it/them go! It~meaning anything/anybody that hinders or holds you back. There's a release in the atmosphere, and that release says, no longer fight, strive, go along, be silent! It's time to speak up! Stand your grounds! Turn right & go straight!

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    There comes a point & time in life when you have to just face facts, everybody's not going to support you, like you, embrace you, respect you, be honest with you, celebrate you, tell you the truth, be transparent, or give you the credit that you deserve...
    Learn to embrace those people and love them anyway, BUT love them from afar & without stopping or altering the plan(s) of God for your life. It's called: TIME TO MOVE ON. It doesn't mean you dislike them or even hate them, it simply means you've come to love you more than you expect others to ~and that's ok.
    Now focus on those WHO DO care, love you, appreciate you, celebrate you, and allllllll of the above! THAT'S REAL & THAT'S REAL LIVING. It's time for you to live & stop worrying so much about how other feel or treat you. As long as GOD is pleased. 
    But to those who are treacherous: know that there's a day, time, and place when God himself will deal with you. You can manipulate your way through life but you can't manipulate your way into Heaven! 
    Get it right HERE FIRST, otherwise there is no THERE. 
    ~Apostle Peters

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

       God knows what we need when we need it and he knows who to place in our lives to bring out the best in us. Take God at HIS Word and eliminate your reasoning & excuses. There's greatness in you, you just need to work on pulling it out & sometimes that takes the right people/person coming along to give you that extra boost! It's not to hinder or hurt you it's to help you.

  • Apostle LaWanda Peters

    The enemy is attacking the Apostolic (Apostles) Prophets (Prophetic voices) like crazy in this hour. I say hour because thats all it is, its not a season because this shall soon pass, but its necessary! This is the hour that GOD himself is calling for the BOLD APOSTOLIC ORDER/DIRECTION & the BOLD PROPHETS~CORRECTION...
    Therefore, this is the hour of CORRECTION
    Those who despise C.D.O. will face Exposure & ultimately be banished from the camp! Know that all movement isn't the "person" but it's the Lords doing, just as God caused 400 Prophets to lie to Ahab & ultimately cause his demise (death). Many will kill themselves in this hour because they don't want to hear Micaiah,(the bold uncompromising Prophet), the one who's NOT taking down even if it means disconnect, walking away, losing some ppl...this is more of a test of WHO WILL STAND EVEN IF EVERYONE ELSE BOWS, DISCONNECT, or TURN BACK!

    As for ME & MY HOUSE; I CHOOSE TO STAND, no taking down, no compromise, no settling. Jesus lost many and so will we, but the true acid test is, will you compromise in order to hold on to ppl, titles, numbers, buddies, friends, even spouses! This thing is getting REAL! The word is unfolding right before our eyes!
    "For there will be 2 in a field, one will be taken the other will be left," "Those who are against you will be of your own household"....IT'S SCRIPTURE & IT DOES NOT LIE!
    Brace for this place...we are merely PASSING THRU! This won't last long, but when GOD gets tired, this is what happens!


    ~Apostle Peters
    Prophetic Utterance