Mr.Mrs.David and Indira Rani.




Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Palakollu,near Vijayawada.
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
"House of the Lord in Palakollu"
College Attended (optional):
"Freeman Bible Seminary"
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour, Greetings to you all in His Holy and Precious Name.

Sir, I am an Evangelist and Pastor also a Bishop of Main Church which is called” First Pentecostal Church" and other 14-Churches in 14 different places where we have not seen a church before we go and started working there.

My Wife Mrs.Indira Rani was born and brought-up in stanch Hindu - priest’s family and have been serving her numerous God's and Goddesses and did not know our real God of the Bible and our savior Jesus Christ especially, and however, after she lost her both parents accidentally and her only brother was gone away some where and did not show up any more to her ,she started seeking for him in all the places and once even she went into a church and asked a woman-Pastor Mrs.Bojjamma Gullapalli who is working for the Lord in the City of Vijayawada in the state of Andhra Pradesh in South India ,she prayed for her and led her to the Lord and found Jesus Christ in her Life and had real peace and comfort frantically and finally she married me by hers pastor’s prayers and suggestions and now we are blessed with four children(Two Daughters and Two Sons) and our first daughter is already married and blessed with her first daughter called “Blessy” which became real blessing and Joy for all of Us ,Amen

Mrs.Indira is a real partner to me in ministries and my total life and all things which I am doing in all the places for the Glory of God, Amen.

One of our Spiritual Leaders and our Apostle Dr.William came to us and started a Bible collage which is Lord’s House Bible Collage is real blessing too in our Life and Ministries, its not only a training center for many others but to me and my Wife Mrs.Indira.

My Children, each one of them are mentored by the Word of God and Apostle’s disciplined teachings of the Word.

37-students and some full-time Evangelists and Pastors were strictly trained and sent into the fields of the Gospel and working for the Lord, and Glorifying Him alone Amen.

Pray for me, my wife and our God-given Children which must become real joy for us before the Lord, Amen.

God has been doing great things and miracles in the church services in all the branches and each of our pastors and families are quite well and we have no any lakhnesses and though we are not rich (financially) enough, our God has been providing us our daily needs and glorifying His name,Hallelujah,Amen.
Favorite Preachers:
Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, and so on .......

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