Prophet Dr. Arroyo B. Sanders


Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Yehowshu'wa International Assemblies Ministry
College Attended (optional):
Valencia CC
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Prophet A. Sanders is a great man of Yahuwah who walks in the office and anointing of the five fold ministry and is looking to restore the true identity of Yahuwah's people and carry out the calling that Yahuwah has placed upon his life. Yahweh has set a mandate upon his life to raise and train up tomorrows leaders to this new generation in the unadulterated teachings of Yehowshu'wa, our Lord & Saviour. Among the things that Yahweh has blessed him with that Prophet Sanders adores, is his wife of 8 years, his six beautiful children at this time in his life and numerous god-children, whom he loves and cherish!

He was ordained in the year 2000 and has been walking in his calling for 2 years, when in 2002, he felt Yahuwah leading him to sit and be taught some under the leadership of Apostle Heniretta Demonia, Pastor and Founder of The Fountains of Living Water Ministries Inc. where he was a member of seven years. Who he saw not only as his Apostle, but as his mother and rock doing the hard times of his life after his mother's passing. He still honer her with the same respect now as then and always will... regardless!

In August 08, 2008, Yahuwah gave him the order to go out and open the doors of Yehowshu'wa International Assemblies Ministry. Determine to be obedient to the Lord, regardless of the opposition from those who do not believe in his calling, Prophet Sanders opened the doors of this great ministry of Yahuwah and has set out to destroy and tare down every stronghold of the enemy... internationally!

In 2009, Prophet Sanders came under, Apostle Johnnie L. Clark of Rehoboth United Assemblies of Columbia, South Carolina. A great man of God who have been on the battlefield of the Lord for 29+ years and still going strong.

Prophet Sanders is the overseer and founder of Last Frontier Warriors of Redemption Youth Center, Wings on a Prayer Community Outreach, U.N.I.T.E.D. Prophetic Apostolic Covering (Unified Neighbors of Integrity Truth Edification & Discerning), O.B.A.R. (Operation Battlefield America's Redemption), O.W.O.W. (Our Weapons of Warfare), The Demolition Crew (The Prayer Warriors), and Son's of Solomon (Our Men Ministry). These seven anointed and powerful ministries are out to teach, evangelize, deliver, heal, cover and set free to the renewing of the mind-- that satan has held bound-- through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We are looking forward to the birth of Guiding Light In Educational Academy, grades K - 12th. . .coming soon!

Favorite Preachers:

First and Foremost: Yehowshu'wa, The Christ! (English: Jesus Christ), The ones who allow the Lord to be all and not bow down to man's traditions or religion.

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  • Sheila Perry-Reveron

    Thank you! Would it be possible to exchange telephone numbers?
  • Sheila Perry-Reveron

    Oops! I would like to plan to call you this evening! Thanks for the number! My number is 860-818-1158! God bless you! Your Sister in Christ, Sheila
  • Evangelist Tabitha S. George

    Praise the Lord man of God; just sending some Christ like love and encouragement your way.... Have a blessed one...