Syaviha Mulengya




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Associate Minister
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Daystar University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
How thankful I am to Christ Jesus our Lord for considering me trustworthy and appointed me to serve Him (1Timothy 1:12).

My names are Syaviha Mulengya B. Ka-situluhe. Syaviha means a person who is trustworthy. Ka-situluhe means never give up. I was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo in north Kivu, on 7 August, 1979. I am last born in family of ten. I started singing when I was nine and at the age of 13, I started composing songs and writing plays. At the age of 14, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. When my pastors discovered that I was gifted, they helped me to develop and use these gifts effectively. My brothers and sisters have impacted me in positive way. They taught me; hard work, humility, courage, commitment and many more. My parent (Samuel and Elisabeth) and pastors have added value in my life. They taught me love, patience, submission and self control.

I am who I am by the grace of God. During my degree program, I went through tough moment, I was discouraged by people but I did not give up. With God help and provision I completed. I hold a degree in Communication with a minor in Peace and Reconciliation from Daystar University.

Bio My Vision: To be an ambassador of Peace, Love, Unity and Hope, using Media, Music, Writing, Teaching, Drana and Online

My name is Syaviha Mulengya B. Ka-situluhe. Syaviha means a person who is trustworthy. Ka-situluhe means never give up. I started singing when I was nine and at the age of 13, I started composing songs and writing plays. At the age of 14, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. My brothers and sisters have impacted me in positive way. They taught me; hard work, humility, courage, commitment and many more. My parent and pastors have added value in my life. They taught me love, patience, submission and self control.

I hold a degree in Communication with a minor in Peace and Reconciliation from Daystar University.

By the grace of God I am creative, motivational speaker, actor, encourager, composer, musician, writer, preacher, radio and TV presenter. During my graduation 2008 at I was honored with creative award from Daystar University. My motto is born to bless. My great desire is to teach, train, touch, and transform lives of people and communities. As a journalist I would like to use the media in sharing a message of Peace, Love, Unity and Hope (PLUH). I love learning new languages. (I speak English, French, Swahili, Kinande and Lingala.

I give glory to God for the many gifts. I praise God for my wife Rafiki who is such a blessing and encouragement to me. she has inspired my life.Indeed God answers prayers.

How thankful I am to Christ Jesus our Lord for considering me trustworthy and appointed me to serve Him (1Timothy 1:12).

Our Ministry is called Tubariki Ministries . Tubariki is Swahili word Bless Us.
Tubariki Ministries has enjoyed significant growth. It started as a drama and Music ministry now it has grown to Broadcasting, Writing, Teaching, Music, Online and Drama Ministries. It begun in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the year 1999. Now it has its operations in East and Central Africa.

The objective of the Ministry is to promote Peace, Love, Hope and Unity by using the Media, Music, Writing, Teaching, Drama and Online. In the Ministry we have experience the power and blessing of the Lord, By His grace our Radio programs is bringing healing, reconciliation and hope in many home and hearts. God is using our radio programs to bring changes in many people lives, many have given their lives to Christ, and the testimonies are encouraging.

Our radio programs aired in the Democratic Republic of Congo by Radio Neno la Uzima and Radio Rehema, in Bukavu, Radio Alpha Omega and Sauti ya Injili in Goma, Radio Rutshuru, Radio Commaunautaire de Kanyabanyonga, Radio Evangelique de Butembo , Radio Adventist de Rwese, Radio Evangelique in Beni Radio Television Graben(RTGB) Beni, Radio Television Pecheur d’homme in Kisangani, Radio Candip in Bunia, Radio Tangazeni Kristo in Bunia. Radio Racor Rubi in Buta, In Kenya our messages were aired by Biblia Husema Broadcasting Eldoret, Biblia Husema Broadcasting Lokinjokinjo. I am currently doing a music television program (Tarajia) on STV. Invest in the kingdom, kindly support this noble work. We will be encouraged.

Our vision is to reach Africa with a message of hope and peace using the radio and television. Pray for us.

Writing: We write and give out literature for free of charge. We have written several brochures , among them are : Enjoy your Youth, Everyone Needs Love, Just Trust, Take a Sep of Faith, It is not yet your End, Watch Yourself, Wake Up and Work, Weigh Your Words, Danger of Anger and many more. We have been able to distribute the in 14 countries in Africa. We give glory to God who is using our writing to teach, touch and transform many lives.

Singing: We minister through singing. We have 4 music albums: Twaombea Nchi Yetu: (We pray for Our Country) Nena Nami:( Speak to me). We thank God who is using our singing to edify, equip and encourage an enormous audience.

Teaching: We seek to teach, train, and touch. Our desire is to train people in order to equip them. We are currently partnering with Tarajia Service helping train people in computers. We also share the word of God in churches, crusade, and conference and so on. We glorify God for His goodness. Indeed He is using our teaching to build, bless, and bring hope to many people.

Online Ministries. We have the web sites ( that have material to motivate, minister, mold and meet the needs of different people. Make a point to visit our online resources.

Drama: We write plays for the radio drama. We aim at producing radio and television drama. The drama ministry is inspiring, instructing, informing and entertaining.

We need you in this ministry, you can help us in many ways, pray and the Lord will show what you can do. Your prayer and support will do great in our Ministries.

SkypeName: syaviha
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus Christ, His Apostles, and those who are called by Him

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