Kingsley Appiagyei


accra ghana


Profile Information:

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
batist church
College Attended (optional):
accra bible school
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Reverend Kingsley’s focus has been to encourage through various ministries a burden for revival. That God will burden us with a ministry which will seek God’s direct intervention in the affairs of our society. When our personality is aflame with commitment to Christ and with a burning vision of what he purposes to do for us, our whole life and leadership comes alive with life and becomes vibrant with power. We need another visitation from heaven – when the Holy Spirit will set our hearts aflame, and when self-centredness will be consumed by a passion for the master and the end-time harvest. Even though revivals are determined solely by God, the Church must be consumed with a fresh passion to see it happen.
Favorite Preachers:
After his studies at Spurgeon’s, the Lord led Rev. Kingsley to begin Trinity Baptist Church, which started in a home in South Norwood with eight people. Through God’s leading Trinity Baptist has experienced tremendous growth over the years and the starting of several church plants from the congregation. Reverend Kingsley has succeeded, through Trinity Baptist Church, in providing sound and effective leadership for its members. His messages and teaching are centred on the building of godly characters as Christians.

Reverend Kingsley has a passion for the family, and is currently engaged in activities internally within Trinity and externally with a weekly television programme, which seek to promote family values and address issues facing ethnic minority families. He is also leading Trinity Baptist Church in helping to build an orphanage complex in Ghana, which will provide a place for orphans to live, go to school, as well as providing a well-equipped clinic and vocational school. He is committed to helping others develop their potential, with a particular emphasis on mentoring emerging leaders within Trinity. His church has sent a number of ministers to Spurgeon’s College and on into Baptist ministry.

Kingsley has been a member of the Baptist Union Council for eleven years and has been a helpful colleague to the London Baptist Association (LBA); and he is held in high regard within both the Association and the Union. Originally from Ghana, he is a British citizen and is married to Cynthia.

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