Jubal Vaughn


Bronx, NY

United States

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Fellowship Covenant Church
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College of the Virgin Islands
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
This may be a new name to some, but it's a familiar force behind this music. Brain child and actual alter ego of Lenny Fleming, we present "Jubal Vaughn". Just coming out as a new artist, Jubal has already made a definite mark. Winning the "Champion of Song" for the March and November 2011 editions of the "Make A Star" song contest. Jubal is currently working on his debut album. Combining a mixture of reggae with, jazz, funk & r&b grooves, this is someone who should be a noticeable force in the music industry in the coming future.
Favorite Preachers:
Fred Price, Hart Ramsey, And Pastor Kanyere Eaton!!!!

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  • Christian Promoter Shawn Papi

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  • Miss Pamela

    Greetings in the name of God. Please i would be very grateful for any word of encouragement and prayers which is all i need now. I am going through much sufferings and pains. Thank you in anticipation for your kind words and prayers. You can reach me on (pamelasiak@yahoo.com). Thank you while i await your email. God bless

  • Liz

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