Pastor Darryl Miller


Conover, NC

United States

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Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
The Favor Cener
College Attended (optional):
Lenoir Rhyne Univerisity
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
More than 40,000 churches were negatively impacted by the recession. Tithes and offering are at an all time low, church budgets are stretched to their limits, and members have lost jobs. In difficult times, where does the money come from? The work of the ministry must continue. What are you going to do when doing the same thing is not an option? Even if you have a successful ministry that was able to weather the financial down turn, how do you replace lost revenue?

Does your church have financial difficulties such as pre-foreclosure, foreclosure, repayment of loans, expedited mortgages, or expansion issues? Are you short on capital for your church's missions, outreach, or scholarship programs') Are you a pastor working a regular job and desire to work full time in ministry? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Team H.O.P.E. just may be the answer. Experience a new and innovative way for the church to raise money while achieving optimal health and incredible financial returns!

Team H.O.P.E. site offers a very unique opportunity for churches to raise the money necessary to release themselves from the bondage of debt. Our program was created to save ministries from the world systems of fmance. Team H.O.P.E., along with FHTM, is excited to present this program specially designed to benefit you, the Church. Our program requires member participation, and it can work for churches of any size. Contact us
Blessings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Darryl Miller 828-238-5268
Title Board Member
Favorite Preachers:
Dr Jerry A. Grillo, Jr., Dr. Mike Muduck, Veron Ashe,

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    Dear Pastor,

    Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I would like to be your friend through this website. We are doing ministry in India. Our ministries are mainly focused in the remote villages where there is no single church. I invite you to visit India and do ministry with us. We will arrange the Pastors conference and meetings for you. Please pray for my family and ministries. We will uphold you and your ministries in our prayers. Please reply to my email id.

    My Email address is :

    Yours in His Service,
    Gospel Missionary Ministries,
    Chennai, INDIA.

    As I watch and pray, and I look around at what has happened over the past 25 years, and especially over the past five years, I see a pathetic and spiritually helpless population nearly void of discernment.  It is a population that has been taught and conditioned to live in the realm of error while being embraced by the governance of a spiritual “big brother,” who is there with polluted religion, a controlled educational system, a false economic system, an abundance of perverted entertainment, and everything else that is needed to make sure that the people get the error right and perpetuate the clandestine plan of Satan.  The sad shock of it all is that we are not seeing a dabbling interest in this global enterprise of Satan by the people he seeks to control.  We are seeing a fatal embrace of damnation.  It is a condition that cries out for the righteous judgment of the Almighty Creator to fall upon a creation run amok.  We are now, in these last days, beginning to see the wrath of God poured out on creation, as the coming judgment of all mankind draws near.  Our Lord Jesus told us to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh.  We find these words in Luke 21:28.

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