Jaja Azikiwe


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Los Angeles
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
College Attended (optional):
Chapman University, Virginia State Univ, Biola Univ, Fuller Seminary College Under and Post Grads · Law, history, theater, Theology, Theological History
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I make my living as a professional actor under the stage name JASON AZIKIWE. You can go with that name. For more information. But make no mistake about it my first and foremost love and purpose, is to minister the revelation. Truth of the Word of God.
Favorite Preachers:
Yeshua the Christ

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  • Angela Doreen

    Jaja, you are doing research and in your quest for truth you are looking and studying other books whether they be science, archeology, history or other version of Scriptures, videos, books,  written by a created being just like you and me.  Can you explain why you believe you believe these created beings had a monoply on the heart of God, on the mindset of God, why is it you so easily accept what these created being state to be the absolutely and infallible truth of God. Jaja try and explain why is it not possible that you are being used by the anti christ to accomplish Daniel 7:25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

    You see my concern is we are so near to the end time so near to Christ returning and what I see is the fulfillment of Scripture the period in which even some of the elect will be led to believe all the changes of the evil man, the one who attempts to change the Scriptures so that he himself is worship.

    You see Jaja don't you my concern and the concern of many is this new thought process of yours is seeping through near the end at the times that the Scriptures warning us of this very same thing happening.  When I look around i can see the fulfillment of Scripture coming to pass and you stand there and expect me and countless others to ignore the things that we are witnessing being fulfilled by the very Scripture that you are attempting to change the whole ethos of. It frankly don't make sense because the Scriptures I know has not proven wrong in fact it is playing out in front of my very eyes and even to the fact that right at this precise time even now there are anti christ spirits amongst us, so come now how will you convince me that you are not one of them spirit that are at this moment on earth afterall you are trying to convince me that the Scriptures which is unfolding in front of my eyes is a lie and you want me to believe the newfound information that you Jaja claim is truth but you cannot proof the truth of it to me.

  • Angela Doreen

    Thank you for your note of my wall informing me that I have a choice to obey or not to obey it was not quite clear who it is you that need obeying or not obeying was it you because it becomes increasingly difficult to dicipher whether you have assume the role of God because of the fact that you seem or appear to be meeting out judgment constantly on the fate of those who elect to believe in The Son of God Jesus Christ aor those who refer to themselves as christians the set apart.
    Anyway in order that one may consider whether the information you have so recently discover is indeed true can I ask you to clarify Jaja, you are doing research and in your quest for truth you are looking and studying other books whether they be science, archeology, history or other version of Scriptures, videos, books, written by a created being just like you and me.  Can you explain why you believe you believe these created beings had a monopoly on the heart of God, on the mindset of God, why is it you so easily accept what these created being state to be the absolutely and infallible truth of God. Jaja try and explain why is it not possible that you are being used by the anti christ to accomplish ( Daniel 7:25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time). 

You see my concern is we are so near to the end time so near to Christ returning and what I see is the fulfillment of Scripture the period in which even some of the elect will be led to believe all the changes of the evil man, the one who attempts to change the Scriptures so that he himself is worship. 

You see Jaja don't you my concern and the concern of many is this new thought process of yours is seeping through near the end at the times that the Scriptures warning us of this very same thing happening.  When I look around I can see the fulfillment of Scripture coming to pass and you stand there and expect me and countless others to ignore the things that we are witnessing being fulfilled by the very Scripture that you are attempting to change the whole ethos of. It frankly don't make sense because the Scriptures I know has not proven wrong in fact it is playing out in front of my very eyes and even to the fact that right at this precise time even now there are anti christ spirits amongst us, so come now how will you convince me that you are not one of them spirit that are at this moment on earth after all you are trying to convince me that the Scriptures which is unfolding in front of my eyes is a lie and you want me to believe the newfound information that you Jaja claim is truth but you cannot proof the truth of it to me.

    Anyway Jaja I look forward to knowing why I should accept that these new found evidence is correct over the evidence on scripture and by the way I pray that you will not attempt to use Scriptures taken from the very scripture that you are telling me is a lie to try and prove that your information is correct, because let us face it either the Bible is corrupt or it is not , you cannot claim only the parts you do not agree with is corrupt after all what folly it surely would be to accept that parts of the Scripture is corrupt but another part is okay.

  • Lizzey G

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you on BPN, I must confess

    that I picked interest in your page. I also hope that

    our meeting would be a sincere blessing in your life.

    I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest, reliable and optimistic.

    I wish to have you as a positive friend.

    Feel free to In box me ( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )

    for more communication.

    I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    God bless you.

    Kind Regards
