Apostle G. S. Jackson


Houston, TX

United States

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Organizer and Apostolic Overseer of the: Temple Of Light Cathedral International, Word In Season Ministry, A. Y.E.S. Fellowship (Anointed Young Enthusiastic Servants), Ambassadors Of Truth Ecumenical Fellowship
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Apostle G. S. Jackson is the only male child birthed in the blessed union of James and Deborah Jackson. He was born and raised in Toledo Ohio and educated in the Toledo Christian & Public school systems. Apostle Jackson was saved at the young age of 8, but His walk with God did not become fervent until the September 1993 at the age of 17. Through the Word of God the Lord captured the attention of this young man and caused Him to have a hunger, thirst and passion for the Christ. On August 4, 1996 at the age of 19 the Lord selected him for the deacons ministry the youngest one in church history. On December 31, 1997 Apostle Jackson was ordained in this position. While serving in the Lord's church, Apostle Jackson battled insecurity, and had a bad case of "people approval syndrome". By the Grace & Mercy of God the Lord delivered him from the forces of man made traditions, denominationalism, manipulation, intimidation and domination that kept him bound and focusing on pleasing people over the creator. Apostle Jackson was baptized in the Holy Ghost in November 1999. On August 19, 2000 the Lord called Apostle Jackson into the preaching ministry in his apartment on 2105 Giant St. On April 28, 2002 he preached his "initial" (while preaching "illegally" all the while) message at the Pentecostal Cathedral COGIC under the covering of Bishop Donald L. Alford Sr. After being a FAITHFUL, servant, deacon, adjutant, armorbearer, & minister to two Bishops and a Pastor (one in South Bend, Indiana and the others in Toledo Ohio) the LORD SENT Apostle Jackson to assist the Senior Pastor of the New Kingdom Church on August 30, 2004. After 4 years of FAITHFULNESS to the Lord and the New Kingdom Church, by the Lords release Apostle Jackson was sent by God to birth/manifest the visions/ministries He has placed inside of Him, The Ambassadors Of Truth Fellowship Of Churches & Ministries, The Anointed Young Enthusiastic Servants Fellowship (A.Y.E.S.) Temple of Light Cathedral International as well as continue with Word In Season Ministry.

Apostle G. S. Jackson embodies all of the 5 fold ministries. He has been called and sent to re-establish the order of God in the Houses of God and the people of God. He has been called and sent to Perfect the Saints. He has been called to pull down, throw down, pluck up, destroy,every high thing, myth, lie, rumor, ignorance, dillusions, traditions of the devil and the flesh. He has been called to build and plant the things of God. He has been called by God to father, cover, shephered and equip all those who have a heart for God and truly desire to hear what the Spirit is REALLY saying to the church.

He operates heavily under an Apostolic anointing and Prophetic anointing. The Lord has given him a Holy Boldness, Righteous Fire and the tongue of the learned to proclaim the TRUTH the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH of the Lord which is only found in Jesus.

He is married to the Beautiful, Anointed, Virtuous and Graceful Co- Pastor and Leading Lady of the Temple of Light Cathedral International, Genine Jackson

His favorite scripture is: "For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." I Corinthians 4:20
Favorite Preachers:
The Word Himself, Jesus Christ
Pastor Genine Jackson
Any and Every Man and Woman Of God that stands, lives, walks, executes, enforces, preaches and teaches THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, (according to Ephesians 4:21 That TRUTH is found in JESUS!) SO HELP US GOD!

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  • William J. Bass

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