Dr. Jean Howard-Hill


Chattanooga, TN

United States

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Healing Place International
College Attended (optional):
B.A. Wheaton College, Norton, Mass; J.D. University of Tn at Knoxville; PhilD candidate
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Dr. Howard-Hill is the Senior Pastor of the Healing Place International, overseeing 47 churches in Africa.

Additionally, Dr. Jean Howard-Hill is a nationally and internationally well-known author, lecturer, instructor, speaker, researcher, consultant, and local political analyst. She holds a B.A. degree in Urban Planning and Government from Wheaton College, in Norton, Massachusetts, a doctor of jurisprudence from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, College of Law, and is presently earning a PhilD in Philosophy with a focus on social research in the areas of family, church and community at Oxford Graduate School. She holds membership in the American Political Science Association, National Conference of Black Political Scientists, and the International Political Science Association.

Dr. Hill began a career in teaching in Early Childhood Development in Washington D.C., and has taught in grades K-12 in Tennessee, and Biscayne Gardens Community School in Miami, Florida. She also has taught Legal Research and Writing at Cleveland State College and presently teaches State and Local Government; American Government; and Politics, Culture and Society of Non-western countries in the Political Science and Public Administration Department at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She also directs the Many Faces of Diversity at UTC Summer Program.

At the University of Tennessee, she was elected to serve on the governing body of the Faulty Senate, as the Second Vice-President of the Faculty Senate; Chair of the Handbook Committee and Part-time Faculty Committee. She serves on the Chancellor’s University of Tennessee Strategic Planning Environmental Scanning Task Force, which is commissioned with the task of gathering and analyzing data to determine those forces that will impact and drive the University’s future; Member of the Environmental Scanning Societal Forces Sub-committee; Volunteer for the Center for Community Career Education; faculty advisor to the Roosevelt Institute, a national student think tank; and served as faculty advisor to the college chapter of the NAACP, KKINSO, S.I.S.T.E.R.S and International Justice Mission.

She was voted Student Government Association Outstanding Professor of the Year 2005-2006; recognized by Senior Outstanding Student as Outstanding Professor 2006-2007; chosen as the African-American Student Unity Week Outstanding Professor 2005-2006 for exemplary contributions to the academic success of African-American students at UTC, and recognized through two resolutions from the 105th Tennessee General Assembly for an outstanding and exemplary job in engaging UTC students in learning, and healthy and meaningful discussion that have enriched their higher education learning experience.

She is chief consultant for the Innovative Learning Education, Research and Technology Consultants, and Howard-Hill Consultants, two national and international consultancy firms that do a great deal of pro bona work for religious and non-profit organizations and third world countries, dealing with research, education, technology, business development, and program design and implementation. She has developed curriculum for home schooling and private innovative teaching for grades K-12. Also, she has designed and implemented several successful programs including, “Democracy In Action”, a Civics program designed for students to teach government and civil responsibility which successfully ran in the Hamilton County and Chattanooga School systems for several years; The Digital Divide Parity Project which works with HBCU - historically black colleges and universities, and Hispanic and American Indians serving institutions to bridge the digital divide; Project Prepare, a program that was housed at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. that prepared minority students for the academic thrust of college; and Eldercare, a program designed to assist the elderly, using youth volunteers to meet the needs of the aging. Presently she has designed the Higher Ed – Higher Goals Initiative, which encourages academic excellence and higher self-esteem among racial minority, first generation, and “at-risk” students due to social and economic factors. The initiative also has launched the Tennessee Youth Research Study which provides important data relating to youth to improve opportunities for success. Also she has consulted as an independent contractor to develop educational curriculum; provide instruction and counseling; and coordinate, assess and evaluate programs for addicted, “at-risk”, and troubled youth within the nation’s capitol inner city through the Associates for Renewal in Education, Washington, D.C. She designed and directs the Many Faces of UTC Summer Diversity Program, a project that celebrates social differences, and encourages high school students, from grades nine to twelve from diverse economic, social, and cultural backgrounds to choose the University of Tennessee as their college of choice, by working with students from the Hamilton County and Bradley County areas to ensure those students acquire the pre-requisite skills to gain admission to the University. She also provides research and analysis, as a contracted consultant to the Office of Multicultural Affairs for the City of Chattanooga.

Dr. Hill has held positions as head of several national and international organizations, including the Healing Place International, Huldah-Mary-Jael-Deborah-Esther International, the National Black Religious Leadership Conference, the National Impact Coalition of Politically Active Women, the Black Republican Women’s Coalition, and the National Republican African-American Caucus with state and county chapters throughout the United States. As head of these organizations, she has traveled extensively addressing minority concerns of African-Americans, Hispanics, and American Indians, the plight of Africa’s children, and the spiritual, political, and social condition of women, children and the family. She also has headlined national conferences as a speaker, lecturer and presenter.

She has a deep passion for human rights and the condition of third world countries. As the international head of The Healing Place International, which ministers to everyday spiritual and practical total needs, she oversees over one hundred Healing Place affiliates and forty-two chartered ministries throughout the Continent of Africa. Through these efforts, Dr Hill is involved in bringing aid to Africa to overcome the HIV- Aids crisis, and the homeless plight of children who have become victims due to poverty, famine and disease. Dr. Hill also heads the Last Cry Prophetic Mantle.

She has appeared on numerous local and national television and radio programs, and has hosted the Ministry 30 Talk Show, and wrote and produced the news for the “Democracy In Action” segment of the weekly News-In-Review for WTCV Public Broadcast television. She also has been a local and national political media consultant and is a frequent guest on local and national radio programs.

She is founder of Victory Songs Collection Publications, and has written several plays, academic works, and books, including: Love Beyond Till Death Do Us Part; The Last Cry Prophetic Mantle; Deep Calleth Unto Deep; Spiritual Treasures From the Depths; I Call You to Go Deeper …Even Into the Pits of Hell; The Infinite Depths of God; The Widow’s Journal; Born to Be Loved; Peace in the Eye of the Storm; The Bride; The Spiritual Evolution of the Adamic Mankind; To God With Love; Golden Nuggets of Wisdom to My Daughter LaShunda; Like Mother, Like Daughter, Like God; When Darkness Comes, I Shall Not Fear!; Thieves Among Us; Pure, Hot ‘n’ Spicy Marriages; Single and Free; The Universal Politics of God; Generational Warriors: The True Origin of the Phoenix; The Summer of Our Overcoming; and Black Eyes Shut-White Lips Sealed.

She has one daughter, LaShunda Shecuna Hill who is a UHON (University honor’s student), and 2009 Truman Scholar, with other distinguished academic honors and memberships that include Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Society, Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honors Society, University Scholar in Residence, National Collegiate Scholar, National Dean’s List, Rotary Club Scholastic Award, Hope Merit Scholarship, Brock Scholarship, UTC Alumni Scholarship, BSA Outstanding Achievement Award, SGA Outstanding Student Award in Political Science, SGA Outstanding Student Award in Humanities, SGA Outstanding Student Award in International Studies, Many Faces of Diversity Award, Who’s Who High School Student, Hamilton County Superintendent Scholar, and Hamilton County Character Ed Scholarship. . She has interned with the Tennessee Legislature in 2007; Constituency for Africa; the Hamilton County Juvenile Court, and Hamilton County Circuit Court. She has received the University Honors Research Assistantship. Spring 2008, she studied abroad in Ghana at the University of Ghana. She is a 2008 Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy PPIA Scholar, which is a highly focused and rigorous academic program that provides selected scholars with a comprehensive understanding of public policy and international affairs. She is a columnist for the Chattanooga Times Free Press and the Chattanooga Courier. LaShunda plans to pursue a joint law degree and PhD in International Studies. She and her mother are learning Arabic and Twi, along with their knowledge of Spanish and Sign Language.

Having experienced what it is like to be a widow for eighteen years, after the death of her husband, Tennessee and New York attorney Bobby L. Hill, she clearly understands the needs of those who experience difficult times and “low places” in life, and has dedicated her life to loving, encouraging and helping others. Dr. Hill feels “it is the deepest valleys, the darkest hours, and the most trying tests within our lives that build our faith, and prepare us for true and humble service to others.”

[Because of her unselfish and endless contributions, service and devotion to children, youth, the elderly, third world countries, and those who are hurting, she has received many local, community, national and international awards. Dr. Hill’s personal philosophy can be best summed up by four of her own quotes from her book Golden Nuggets of Wisdom to My Daughter LaShunda.]

“True humility is understanding who God is, and who we are not! Which causes us to cease from trying to be gods that lord over others.”

“To give of one’s self in true love and humility, is the gift of an endless flow of God’s love.”
“Love is not an option! It is an essential part of one’s being, which upon its absence, all humanity and compassion is lost.”
“The greatest accomplishment any teacher can boast of, is not one of having taught. But rather is one of having imparted knowledge that is mirrored back at you, through the academic success of your students.”
“Those who make countless investments of love, time and resources into the lives of those who have not reached the fullness of their potentials, are the wealthiest people on earth. Although the initial investments may be enormous and the risks taken extremely high, when the stock from those invested lives do finally mature, they are worth more than their shares in gold! Therefore, those who are wise will seek every opportunity to invest in the potentials of at-risk and undeveloped lives.”
http://www.thehealingplaceministry.org; www.nraacaucus.org; www.tnr...
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  • Kisaame David

    Hello Dr.
    Iam requesting you to add me on the list of churches you oversee in Africa.
    I live in Uganda a nd a Pastor with 4 churches . Currently Iam planting churches in Kenya too.
    Both in Uganda and Kenya I have trained Men and Women in Bible Colleges .
    I will be blessed to hear from you soon
  • Ronald Maxwell

    blessed love i and i need to sen the good works love to bow with you
  • Foley A. Parker

    Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ.Look at my group and let's talk ..
    Many Blessings....
    Bishop Foley A. Parker
    Presiding Bishop COGICA
    Holiness Ministry Coalition Inc.