Mark Peter (Street Evangelist)



United Kingdom

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Way (House Churches)
College Attended (optional):
Taught by Gods Holy Spirit. you cant get a degree in spiritualty? Its a joke to think you can!
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Am a self employed bricklayer / Builder / a Biker and a friend of sinners a Street evangelist and House Church pastor and am sold out for God. I write evangelism books and outreach tracts and all can be down loaded for free on thye web site above they are used on the streets for the homeless in prisons and anyone who wants true teachings that Yahweh reveals...I preach to the lost my friends. I do not preach the gospel each week to the saved each week as some pastors. Why I ask my self there already saved??? I just encourage the saints each week and find there calling and gifts and release them into the ministry. I believe that the church started in houses and will finish up in houses. I believe these are the days Jesus spoke of as the end of days. I believe the church needs to unite and preach the gospel to all the world. The bible is clear that Gods commandments still stand and the devil has mudded this truth and misled millions of Gods people they no longer are relevent!! Hummm Revelation makes it clear in chapter 12 v 17 and chapter 14 v 17 that Gods saints will be keeping the 10 commandments in the last days. If its does not God will raise a army that will. Email me anytime if you need encouraging. Be strong and stay focused on God time is short! visit our web site above for more info regarding the 10 commandments and have a look at the books and street tracts there all free to down load
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus / apostles / the gospel is free and people should not cash in and get rich on the message of salvation. Jesus did not sell books the gospel must be preached on a one to one basis. sinners dont go to christian book shops neither do people who are homeless and have no money! And is not the gospel for them? I dont believe in 4 wall church mentality that the message is just for christians for 1 hour a should be taken into the world and not kept a secret remember Jesus will ask you what you did on earth! He will reward you according to your deeds1 No deeds NO REWARD.. Not my words but Jesus. see my facebook page on Mark Peter Smith

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  • Zakaria mwangi

    Welcome to BPN ! Thanks for the great work you are doing, for behold i come with my reward at hand..........the mission of the church is missions keep it up!
  • John Peavy

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  • Tracey Strother

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