Sister Laila


Las Vegas, NV

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Las Vegas (Henderson)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
No Compromise Ministries
College Attended (optional):
College of Southern Nevada
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
The Lord God Almighty looked down on me, and pitied me for no one pitied me, or had compassion upon me, but when He passed by me, and saw me polluted in my own blood, He said unto me, “live”. When He passed by me, and looked upon me, it was my time of love, and He spread His skirt over me, and covered my nakedness. He swore unto me, and entered into a covenant with me, and became mine. Then He washed me with water, thoroughly washing away my blood from me, and anointed me with oil. He clothed me with broidered work, and shod me with badger’s skin, and He girded me about with fine linen, and covered me with silk. He decked me also with ornaments, and put bracelets upon my hands, and a chain on my neck. He put a jewel on my forehead, earrings in my ears, and placed a beautiful crown upon my head. (Eze. 16:5-12).

I am a part of a highly anointed deliverance ministry, No Compromise Ministries (, where the Apostle is M.Truss-Barber. My ministry is music. I am a singer. I'm a full-time college student currently majoring in Multimedia. My interests and activities are geared toward pleasing God, and completing my education. A short-term goal of mine is to complete my AAS at CSN then transfer over to UNLV to obtain a Bachelors degree. I also plan to pursue a Masters, and perhaps even a Ph.D.
Favorite Preachers:
Apostle M.Truss-Barber, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Melissa Scott, Joel Olsteen, Joyce Meyer.

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    From Fordyce, Arkansas: The New God’s Ultimate Weapon Video Ministry

    For information on getting your own church video opening presentation built in Adobe After Effects CS4 and rendered in HD 1080p, see my video, below, for more information.
    Also, you can e-mail me at or call at (870) 250 - 2926.

  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber

  • Pastor M.Truss-Barber