Apostle Samuel Medina


Fort Worth, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Fort Worth
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Restoration Interdenominational Fellowship Tabernacle
College Attended (optional):
Princeton University
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Samuel Medina is a special messenger from God who has been commissioned to establish Godís order through His Word and the demonstration of His power. God has given him a peculiar anointing of authority to destroy bondage, set forth sound doctrine, and overturn heresy. He began to minister in song at the age of 3, and was called to the ministry of the Word at 8 years old. In all, brother Sam has served in ministry for many years, including work as a street evangelist, worship leader, graphic designer, teacher, and elder, and he has spoken at academic, evangelical, and business events across the country.

A Princeton graduate, he is the CEO of Kingdom Financial Network, a firm specializing in business consulting and financial education.

In 2006 He married a lovely, powerfully anointed woman of God who is his ministry partner and best friend.

He is the founder and chairman of The Restoration Group , a work dedicated to the establishment of Godís kingdom in every area of society and to the training and mentoring of leaders who will raise up a people prepared for Christís return.
The R.I.F.T. - The Restoration Interdenominational Fellowship Tabernacle serves as our home church in Fort Worth, TX, and functions as a place of restoration, refuge, and refinement for God's people as they pursue His purpose. It is an integral part of, and serves under the apostolic covering of The Restoration Group.

Naioth School for Emerging Leaders - A dynamic school which provides intensive, in-depth training for Christian leaders. This ministry features live and online instruction, prophetic schools, and personal mentorship programs. It also serves under the apostolic covering of The Restoration Group.

The Restoration Group Apostolic Network - The Restoration Group serves as the apostolic covering for all of our ministries, and serves to build relationships among leaders throughout the world. It also functions as an apostolic covering for various ministries in several countries.
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus... no one else even comes close.

Comment Wall:


    great man of god ...please do keep in touch !
    you may reach me at : apostleaaperez@aol.com or aaperez72@hotmail.com
  • The Apostle

    Apostle, I am inviting you to comeout qnd hear," The Apostle Doctrine " that I will be teaching on this Sunday at 7:30pm in Dallas .
    Let me know if you are available?
  • Minister Karen L. Ribeiro

    Praise the Lord Man of God,

    It is with great joy that I send this communication. The Lord has blessed our publishing ministry – Write the Vision Publications - with an awesome opportunity!

    Years ago, I wrote a book titled I Will Do a New Thing in You. A local ministry asked if I would allow them to distribute the book to incarcerated women. What an honor it was!

    We are offering the same opportunity to incarcerated men. We’re asking that you consider participating in this year’s publication. Write The Vision Publications (www.writethevisionpublications.com) will publish a series of books titled: Men of Great Power.

    The process is simple. We ask that you type your manuscript in Word format and submit as an email attachment to info@writethevisionpublications.com. All rights to your material will remain your property.

    The Manuscript submission deadline is September 30, 2011. Each manuscript should be 500 words or more. Be sure to include your contact info as you would like it to appear at the conclusion of your article.

    We are not in position to offer monetarily compensation. Once the project is complete, this wonderful witnessing tool will be available for purchase at a reasonable $11.00 per copy. We encourage each author to purchase at least one copy to sow as a seed in the life of at least one incarcerated individual.

    We are sure the Lord will richly bless you as together we creatively seek ways to bless His people. One thing I can promise you for sure…the book will go places where many of us may never go!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@writethevisionpublications.com or by calling 336-671-7051. God bless you and thank you in advance for your participation.

    Minister Karen Ribeiro
    Write the Vision Publications