Evangelist Nellie


Raleigh, NC/Washington, DC

United States

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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Singled Out By Design Ministries
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am the Founder/ Executive Director (not Senior Pastor) of Singled Out By Design Ministries. We are a ministry of education and support headquarted in the Raleigh, North Carolina area.

I am also the founder of Sisters of Excellence & Extraordinary Power (SEEP) Fellowships. We are a NEW sisters’ fellowship for ladies especially in leadership positions who want to experience a different kind of fellowship that is Private & Confidential.

For this fellowship God gave me the foundational platform of "No Competition in God" which I have ministered by preaching and teaching at conferences and on radio. We come together to get to know each other, share on various topics, dig in to get to the root of issues using knowledge and wisdom, be real (transparent), and most importantly not to be judgmental or to condemn. Our sessions go deep and can be very emotional. It doesn't matter how extreme or out the box your situation maybe, we are "Sisters...No Matter What!!" SEEP fellowship is not just for us to gather but to help other sisters who need assistance in every aspect of their lives. Our motto for all our meetings is “What Happens Here…Stays Here!!”

In April, 2009, we started the "Enlarging Our Territory" Fellowship Conference Call for sisters who want to participate in the fellowship and live outside our regular meeting areas. This part of the ministry has been AWESOME!! Sisters from all over the country participate. It has been such a blessing to me. Please join us. ALL SISTERS ARE WELCOME!! We have the calls on the first and third Monday of each month @ 10pm EST.

I operate in the gifts of preaching God's Word, teaching, administration and intercessory prayer. In addition, I offer one-to-one prayer, counseling upon request. I'm a workshop/seminar facilitator on various topics. I speak and assist other sisters who want to start or reboot their own ministries. If you wish to contact me for any type of speaking engagement you can email me at seepfellowships@yahoo.com.

We have regular SEEP meetings in the Raleigh, NC, the DC/Baltimore areas and we are seeking to expand to other cities. This year, God has empowered me with a new assignment to UNITE as many Sisters of God all over the US and internationally. We cannot continue to serve the same God and still yet be so separated we can't love and support each other. In every effort to accomplish this, we are destroying every line of division (race, culture, denomination, positions, social and financial status lines). You can be a part of this ministry, this movement by starting a new chapter in your city. I can be reached via email at seepfellowships@yahoo.com

Please sign-up for the Singled Out By Design Ministries E-Newsletter. The mailing goes out three (3) times a week starting Mondays with the Focus On Glory Online Bible Study, Encouragement Wednesdays, and What's Happening Fridays!!. Please send all requests and submissions to sobdmin@aol.com. We are trying to reach and unite with as many ladies as possible.

I am currently working on my first book. Its an encouragement for sisters all over. Please pray for me.

Look out for a new program for the Brothers coming soon!! We haven't left you out!!

Continued Blessings,
Evg. Nellie
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Bismark Tudor, Bishop Neil Ellis, Bishop Fred Matthews, Pastor James Merritt, Pastor Jenzen Franklin, Pastor David Jeremiah, Pastor Ed Young Jr, Pastor Kahli Mootoo (He will truly going to take the world by storm!!), Pastor Rita Twiggs, Pastor Deborah Dukes
My mom

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  • Darwin Ali, Health and Wellness

    Greetings Evangelist Nellie,
    "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" 3 John 2
    For the last six months, over 1,000 people a day died and for them it is too late to do anything. Today is no different. Another 1,000+ will succumb to Obesity and leave loved ones behind. Children and youth are in the 60% of our population affected by this huge Crisis. What is so heart breaking is the solution has been developed from over 25 years of research; 250,000 human in vivo trials without one adverse affect; 12,000 clinical trials by Dr. Ann de Wees Allen(www.anndeweesallen.com). Can you imagine how many of these people would have tried a 12 oz. cup of coffee(www.skinnysciencecoffee.com) in the morning and one in the afternoon to burn the fat that ended up taking their life? Those that didn't drink coffee could have drank a cold bottle of plain water and a packet of 100% Organic, low glycemic tea(www.nuvogenetea). Now that you have this information will you take the 10-Day Challenge and share with someone? www.whywork.igetpaidtodrinkcoffee.com/challenge/index.html
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  • Demetria E. Bass


    Please check out our 24/7 online gospel radio station Praise 2 Go Radio and like us.

    Our website is   www.praise2go.com  E-mail me back at  ptriplec@aol.com


    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center