Marion L.K. Roberts


Washington, DC

United States

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City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
WashingtonDC(additional info will be submitted)
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Reared in St. Paul's Baptist Church,Bethlehem, Pa.
College Attended (optional):
NYC College, Convent Ave branch
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
A black man, a stranger, showed up at our house when I was about 12 and told my mother I'd suffer greatly when I grew up BUT *** ** * ***** ** ***** *******.THE BUT HAS NOT YET HAPPENED. However, I have been suffering since I discovered and distributed my findings that the white medical /scientific establishment was harming us black folk, in 1965-66 before the syphilis genocide was revealed.After hearing my reports Queen Mother Moore sent me to represent her and her organization the Fed. of African People at a conference on public Law 93-348 the law that allows American people especially us slave descendants , to be used as guinea pigs to develop drugs etc. and anti-personnnel weaponry for the benefit of white people. But, the greedy megalomaniac Jews behind the war against humanity, are destroying everybody whites included who are not Jews.
I got out of Christianity when reading the Bible cover to cover, I read Pauls words relating to a woman's action in the old testiment. She sacraficed her nation to save herself. Paul said this is how a Christian must act. Blacks aren't the best people in the world, they are as evil as whites and all the rest. But, I'm black. And I'm not going to sacrafice the black race for a stinking Jew or any other non-black.
http://I do not know what to put here
Favorite Preachers:
MLKing: ""I'd don't think the god of the cosmos" said the night before he was killed. He was killed because he went beyond Christianity: worshipping Jews on the sly, then worshipping Jesus, then hoping to go to the Jew's god's heaven. No doubt someone told Dr. King about THE TALMUD.

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  • Herb Robertson

  • Dr. Charles Easter

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