Minister John H. Lee, Jr.


Columbia, SC

United States

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Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
Blythewood Church of God of Prophecy
College Attended (optional):
Antioch School for Church Planting and Church Develoopment
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Minister John H. Lee, Jr. was born on September 24, 1983 in Queens, New York. His loving parents are John Sr. and Evelyn Lee. He also has a talented sister named Sharisse. His parents always strived to instill Godly character into both of their children. They made sure that they were raised in the church and also instilled the importance of knowledge into their lives.
As John began to grow up, He began to feel the love and presence of God so He desired to know Him in a better way. As a child, He grew up watching many preachers who in a large way helped shape his faith His God. Every morning before he went to school he would watch Benny Hinn and was captivated by the power of God whenever someone was slain under the power of the Holy Ghost. Not only this, he also show the Lord at work at the church he grew up most of his life - The Greater Bibleway Temple in Brooklyn, New York under the pastoral care of Apostle Huie L. Rogers.
At a turning point in a young man's life, John began to seek the Lord for himself and at the tender age of 12 he received Jesus Christ into his heart as his Lord and Saviour and was baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of other tongues. A couple years later he was baptized in Jesus' name. Despite all of this being done in his life already, John realized that this was just the beginning of a journey that had it's ups, downs, and in betweens.
In 2001 John pursued his college education and really began to pursue a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite growing up in church all of his life, he realized that even though he knew Jesus, he didn't KNOW Jesus. Rather, he knew of Jesus, but he didn't know "John's Jesus." It was at the Dayspring Church of God of Prophecy under the pastoral care of Bishop Marion R. Richey that he really began to embark on a journey that has brought him to where he is today. Now during this journey came a lot of mistakes, but because of God's grace and because of his mercy, John wasn't consumed but came through victoriously in Jesus name!!!
Now, a new and real Godly relationship came to John and he re-dedicated his life to the Lord in 2004. He was re-baptized and sought a renewing and refilling of the Holy Ghost. His first "sermon" was brought to pass after Bishop Richey asked him to give an exhortation for Good Friday in 2005. The message was entitled, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!!" This is when the first sign of the Hand and Anointing of God was manifested in this capacity in John's life. After this, we can only give God the praise and the glory for the things He has done and is doing!!!
John loves to serve the Lord and His Church. He works in many capacities at the Dayspring Church which include: Worship Leader, Musician, Asst. Minister of Music, Communications/Technology Coordinator, Young Adults Ministry Coordinator, Asst. Youth Ministries Director, and other hats just to help where it is needed.
One of the first things John would admit if you were to ask him about his ministry and faith is that he isn't perfect. He acknowledges that Philippians 3 is ever true. We are not perfect but we must live a holy life to the best of our ability to please God. Also, his favorite scriptures are Romans 1:16 as well as Romans chapter 8. He loves the Word because the Word literally has given him new life and a new hunger for God. John knows that it is only by God that we can do anything worth while. Also, our inner self must die so that the life and glory of God would shine and dwell within us.
E-Mail John at: and believe me.... he will write back!!! God Bless and thank you for visting and reading a little more about the man, the mission, and the minstry!!! .. ..
Favorite Preachers:
Apostle Huie L. Rogers
Bishop Marion Richey
Pastor Benny Hinn
Reverend Stanley Ladson
Bishop T.D. Jakes

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  • Kennyboy/ Videographer

  • mary

    My name is Sister mary jaafar,how are you and your ministry also your family?i hope all is well, if so thanks be to God almighty,I pray in this month of grace,May God pour out incredible miracles grace in your life and ministry,as i came a cross your page now on this abcpreachers.ning  So I decided to stop by an let you know that I really want to have a God fairing friendship with you. Beside i have something special i want to discuses with you, but I find it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site. I will be very happy, If you can get back to me, through my e-mail( ) So we can get to know each other better,also tell you more about myself, my e-mail id Is,( )

  • loverme

    Hi, my name is Miss Rita Bakari, i saw your profile which looks nice to me and i am interested to have good relationship with you. I will tell you more about me and send my pictures to you as soon as you reply to my email.
    I will be waiting for your mail soon.
    Yours Sincerely Rita