Minister Kai' Brown


Leavenworth, KS

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Kansas City
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Assistant Pastor
Church Name:
St. James
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I've been in or around music for as long as I can remember. I started as a child in New Jersey, singing with my family, traveling with groups in the 80's and continued in the 90's. I finally recorded my first CD in 1995. I’ve recorded a couple of R&B projects that did very well back in the days but my calling has always been ministry. I ran and ran until I could no longer avoid it. I have been recording Gospel music since 1998 when we formed Prayer Warrior Records, and have been preaching the Word since 2000. I’ve been afforded the opportunity to minister in several countries and states, and to think that God has made a way for this without a major record labels backings, amazes me. I am keeping this STRICTLY MINISTRY. This thing that I am called to do is to be taken seriously. Not a mere performance or entertainment. I’m not knocking those who were called to be Christian entertainers but my calling is much different. We are in a dispensation where one needs more that just to be entertained all of the time because no one normally takes entertainment as something serious. I am on a mission to reach millions, all for HIS glory. I have finished my 4th Gospel CD. It is entitled "Highways and Hedges". I truly believe that it will be used greatly by God to reach many for HIS glory. I've been blessed to have sold many of my past CDs worldwide. I have been ministering to the youth and young adults for over 13 years. We have founded Kai Ministries. This ministry carries the name Kai' not to be named after me but for its’ definition which in Swahili is Love. It's all about God and God is love. I sing under the name Kai' because I want folks to see love. To feel love and know that it is all about the love of God and not me. I am evidence of HIS LOVE.

"Souls over sales" is the motto. The prayer is that the music Ministers and ushers in the Holy Spirit! I wanna see and hear of the lost being converted through this ministry. I wanna see and hear of physical and spiritual healing. I serve a God that not only can do, but a God that will do. I just want to be a useful vessel. The style is said to be contemporary with a traditional feel, as quoted by the Missouri Gospel Announcers Guild president, Chuck Spearman. I don't know. All I know is that I just want to serve. My debut video “If It Had Not Been” is simply a part of my testimony. It has served as a reminder to me that I am here because if HIS grace and mercy. The video was considered for a 2011 BET AWARD. I was recent selected by the Newsome Gospel Music Awards as their 2011 Male Artist of the year..God Gets all the glory… We are currently working on another video for my song entitled Clean Heart. I'm willing to be put in a vulnerable position in His service. God has ordained it, anointed it and blessed it.
I just want to minister to you... Can I?
Favorite Preachers:
TD Jakes, Fred Price

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  • cuttie22

    pray 4 me,i live in cleve,oh and 4 the lst 4yrs witches have been following me,trying 2 get me back into sin,i ask GOD 2 remove them but he said i will give u strength to handle it,and he has,i want 2 know how do they no me,they know all about me life,how is this so,they live on the second floor from me,and stay up all night chanting,and pacing the floor over me.what r they trying 2do? they follow me whereever i go.they r trying to brek me,but i wont let that ever happen.each time i move they find me,and move right upstairs in the same home from me,how do they know i was moving here?where do they no me from?whats going on? plz give me advise.

  • Roy Love

    God bless you my brother in Christ.

    Your videos are a blessing to me and my family. I truly enjoy the song If it had not been for it's a testimony of if it hadn't been for him in my life I wouldn't be here,

    God bless you and your family in all that you do to glorify him.

    Elder Roy Love

  • Lizzey G

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you on BPN, I hope that

    our meeting would be a sincere blessing in your life.

    I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest, reliable and optimistic.

    I wish to have you as a positive friend.

    Feel free to In box me  ( )

    for more communication. I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Have a wonderful sunday, God bless you.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    Kind Regards
