Millie Tucker


San Bernardino, CA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
San Bernardino
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Church Name:
Abundant Living Family Church
College Attended (optional):
Cal State San Bernardino
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am an Evangelist, have had a personal relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ for 40 years. "Stand Ministries" is a ministry for hurting women, of which I am the founder. It is my pleasure and joy to serve the Lord....There is a gospel song that goes, “After you’ve done all you can, you just stand.” I began STAND Ministries as a ministry to women who have been standing for too long. So often we women will devote ourselves to taking care of the people around us, weathering hardship, and being strong for everyone else. I began STAND to teach women that it’s okay not to be strong all the time. That there comes a time when we must care for ourselves and love ourselves for the valuable creatures that we are. It’s my prayer that the Lord uses STAND as a tool to reach women everywhere in His name.I am Evangelist Millie ~ I am a cancer survivor,cancer free for 20 years. I have VICTORY after four failed marriages~ I gave birth to six beautiful children, I raised five beautiful children and lost one to birth defects at 3 months old. I am transparent because I cannot help anyone pretending everything in my life went well and dandy! We live in a fallen world, no one's life is fine and dandy, yet God allowed me to stand, and I am here to help anyone, yes anyone, that wants to stand!
Favorite Preachers:
T. D. Jakes, Ron Carpenter, Diego Mesa

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    Here it comes: The New God's Ultimate Weapon Website!  It's coming: 25th July 2012. It's not a social networking site but a site dedicated to teaching the uncompromising Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and exposing the apostasy that has overtaken the majority of our churches in this century.  Controversial subjects will be dealt with - including the "prosperity gospel", false teaching, preaching and prophecies, homosexuality in the Body of Christ, the truth concerning spiritual gifts in this dispensation of the Church Age - and many more.  All project videos will be uploaded to this site, teaching videos, and Adobe After Effects tutorials.  All Bible reference material from the King James Version of the Bible (all other newer versions have been found to be compromised and corrupted) and commentaries from John Calvin, Matthew Henry, John Gill and Charles Spurgeon. You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!


    The New, Official video for God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry - Version 3.  Website is online at but the site is still under construction.  Stay tuned, for more updates to the site.

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    Pastor Demetria Bass

    The River Christian Center