Selah the Storyteller


Brooklyn, NY

United States

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The Most High YHWH's Temple
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
It's not about me. YHWH blesses my voice so I sing. YHWH feeds my mind so I meditate on Him. He tells me to write and words pour onto a page. YHWH created and I create to honor Him. I have not been a member of a "church" for sometime but I " to show myself approved..." and I fellowship with a congregation that Yahshua regularly visits with joy; preparing us for the foretold.
Favorite Preachers:
Yahshua, Dr. Frederick Price, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes

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  • Kuf Mem

    Jewish Myspace Stuff

    Jewish Myspace Stuff



    •Matthew 9:35-36

    And Yahushua יְהוֹשֻׁעַ went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

    But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd.

  • Kuf Mem

    Causing to Prosper

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    "And יהוה‎ YHWH was with Yosef, and he became a prosperous man. And he was in the house of his [Egyptian] master.... [who] saw that יהוה‎ YHWH was with [Yosef]. And all that he was doing, יהוה‎ YHWH was causing to prosper in his hand...." B'reshiyt (Genesis) 39:2-3

    From the angry hands of his brothers to indentured servitude in Mitz'rayim, Yosef was nonetheless on the path toward his destiny. At home with Yis'rael, Yosef had clearly been the favorite among the sons. Now, owned by Mitz'rayim, he was receiving the favor of the Lord. Despite his troubled circumstances, "all that he was doing, יהוה‎ YHWH was causing to prosper in his hand... and he became a prosperous man... and his master saw that יהוה‎ YHWH was with [him]."

    Like Yosef, we, too, may display evidence that יהוה‎ YHWH is with us-but also like Yosef, יהוה‎ YHWH's favor does not guarantee our release from unfavorable circumstances. Indeed, things may get much, much worse before they show signs of getting any better-yet this does not diminish יהוה‎ YHWH's approval of how we are living for Him. May we take solace in the favor that יהוה‎ YHWH is showing us today, even if it means waiting for our vindication and destiny just a little while longer.

    P R A Y E R

    I praise You, יהוה‎ YHWH, for even in the midst of undeserving trials, You are with me. Thank You for preserving me and moving me along the path to my destiny, even when it seems like I am standing still. I bless Your Name, for only You can send prosperity when oppression would otherwise abound. Show me Your ways, Abba, Father-your ways of faithfulness, security and hope...

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    Best graphics, layouts, and more for your profiles! Click Here!

    Shabbat Shalom, KM
  • Renaco Massenburg

    The Music Industry Promotions has put on the second very anticipated gospel industry showcase. “Lights, Camera 'N' Gospel 2.’’on September 12th At Calvary Cathedral of Praise at 45 east 8th street Brooklyn...We will love to see you as well as our brothers & sisters, come show your support for these very talented men & women, while they do God's work in song. Thank you .For tickets you can call Calvary at 718-435-2731 Tickrts are $ 20 advance & $ 35 at the show. PS PLEASE TELL A FRIEND.