Rev. Jacob Vadlapati

51, Male

Hyderabad, A.P


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Medchal (Hyderabad)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
The Free Evangelical Church of Medchal
College Attended (optional):
Good News Bible Collage
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am Rev. Jacob Vadlapati,as a Pastor working for Him since last 16 years in India. In His grace we were used by Him as an instrument in winning many, who were touched with the word of God and accepted Christ Jesus as their personal Saviour. We have church planting, Correspondence Bible Training and Orphanage ministries. We have branch churches with coworkers in the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

I am blessed with wife 'Mary Vadlapati', Sons- Wilson & Benson, Daughter - Jessica.

Please do pray for us and we have a desire to join with the people who has great burden to reach the lost souls here in India. We are very much happy to invite such ministers to preach the word of God to the lost souls in the land of India.

Love to hear your prayerful response.

Sincerely yours in Him
Rev. Jacob Vadlapati, Pastor
# 45, MIGH, APHB Colony, Medchal
Hyderabad, India
Mobile: 91 988 500 4977
Favorite Preachers:
Preachers who preaches the word of God with sound doctrine.

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  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you Man of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

    This Organization  was created for Pastors and Missionaries around the world to meet and discuss relevant issues, as well as, missionary plan, conference and evangelistic endeavors.
    Make sure you checkout web side , www.thefieldmissionofchrist.orgTogether we can make a difference in sharing the gospel across the nations and transforming lives. So if you want to be part just click :Apply for membership
  • Pastor Caroline Smith

    Thank you Rev. Jacob for your friend request. May God continue to bless your endeavors! Amen.
  • Pastor Nathan Lennon