Pastor Dr. Netreia D. Carroll


san diego

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
San Diego
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Shabach House Ministries
College Attended (optional):
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Feed the sick, help the poor and needing. Bury abandoned and unidenified babies. I am a Pastor, author and psalmest. I am very much a giver. I am a conference speaker and do revivals. I am unmarried, 2 grown children, and are assisting in raising 2 twin boys. Very energetic, ambitious, and on fire for the Lord. Hardly ever seen angry and filled with laughter. Are often seen in crowds but prefer to spend quiet time somewhere. I am a author and have many gifts. I try to use them all. Entremeneur. Easy to get along with. Enjoy reading and writing, singing, ministering, and most of all helping others. Thats me in a nut shell.
Favorite Preachers:
It doesnt take a prominant speaker to grasp my attention, Just one who can profoundly teach the Word of God. There are many awesome speakers I have heard in the past, however I cant recall all of thier names. I like "hooping" preachers, analitical teachers, theological scholars, and simple styles. As you can see, I enjoy them all, as long as they share the Word of God using sound doctrine.

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