Min. David W. Sigee Sr.


Katy, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Associate Minister
Church Name:
God's Temple Of Praise
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am a husband, father and grandfather that; by the grace of God, has come to know and love Jesus Christ. Called to preach "The Good News" I move by the Holy Spirit to share the hope found in Gods word. Of all my accomplishments and intensions that is my most important goal.
Favorite Preachers:
Rev. Caesar A. Clark - Dallas Tx
Rev. Charles G. Adams - Detroit Mi
Rev. William Lawson - Houston Tx
Bishop T.D. Jakes - Dallas Tx
Bishop G.E. Patterson - Memphis Tn
Rev. Danny Davis - Houston Tx
Joel Olsteen - Houston Tx
Rev. Martin Luther King - Montgomery Al
And a host of others

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    At 3:57pm on May 2, 2011, IVEN MAURICE GARLAND said…
    Hey my friend here's a word designed just for you from igswordsoflifemessages.ning.com. Oh become a member while you at it 
  • William J. Bass

    This is pastor William J. Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. Please ck out our all new 24/7 online gospel radio station called Praise 2 Go Radio you may log on at www.praise2go.com
    After you ck it out, please e-mail me bk at ptriplec@aol.com with your thoughts and or comments. Be Blessed
  • Carone Gordon

    The Lord impressed upon me to call a 72 hour prayer vigil.  Thats 3 days fast without food and water.  This is to pray for the salvation of suicide bombers and muslims.  This vigil will be done during the week of June 5th to 12th.


    We are also asking churches on June 5th and June 12th to designate time for a special prayer for the salvation of Muslims and suicide bombers.  The vigil begins on the Thursday of the 9th to Saturday 11th.  It will be 72 hours of prayer and fasting for the salvation of suicide bombers and muslims. 


    We are asking you to join us by keeping your doors open for prayer for the 72 hours during this week.  Together let us pray for our country.  For more information please email me at caronegordon@gmail.com

    Carone Gordon

    If I can help somebody as I travel along, then my living shall not be in vain.