Careca Akarue


Warri Delta State


Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Goshen Ministry International
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
The founder of Liberty 4 Africa, an Intl NGO, he also acts as a Nat. coordinator for the Global Marshall Plan Initiative in Africa, Co-ordinator of Youth Ablaze & Ministerial Assistance to the president of Glorious Fountain Ministries and by grace oversees a local church in warri - Goshen Ministry Intl.

He also coordinating a project Tagged Change..transform the local and international communities.
Favorite Preachers:
Juanita Bynum, TD Jakes, Rev Lewis,

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  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    MAY YOUR CELEBRATION OF PASS OVER CREATE A OPEN HEAVEN OVER YOUR LIFE! May you pass over from darkness to light, from void to fullness, from lack to prosperity, from poor to rich, from hurt to healed!


    Why we celebrate the PASSOVER LAMB OF GOD ~ JESUS
    By Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler:

    "Behold the Lamb!" It's no wonder Paul writes "Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been slain!" Passover is about Jesus!

    He came as the LAMB of God!
    His Blood redeems US!
    By His Blood…judgment turned away!
    By His Blood…the power of the enemy is broken!
    By His Blood…we are released from bondage and oppression.
    By His Blood…we are set free to enter into God's Promise!
    Passover is the "JESUS" Celebration! The more you understand Passover, the more you appreciate Jesus! If you don't understand Passover, you have a hard time fully understanding what Jesus did. As you celebrate Passover, you are declaring your faith in the power of His Blood and His redemption. That's why one of strangest things in the world is that Christians all over the world have accepted satan's lie that Passover is not a "Christian" thing! Satan tries to steal away Passover, because he knows the celebration of the Blood releases power! When the celebration of Passover was stolen away, the power left! But when Passover is restored, the power RETURNS!

    The Good News is—God is RESTORING Passover! All over the world churches are again celebrating Passover! And the POWER is returning! We invite you to celebrate the power of Jesus' Blood. We invite you to join with Christians all over the world in the restoration of Passover. Join in proclaiming: We are REDEEMED by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, out of the hand of the enemy!
  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    Thank you for your powerful friendship connection. May the Lord bless you & cause you to arise to your destined kingly assignment with grace and character for the advancement and enlargement of His Mighty Kingdom.

    Always triumphant in Christ Jesus,
    Vanessa Anne Gray
    Kingdom Ambassador

    That's My King! from Albert Martin on Vimeo.

  • Ambassador Vanessa Ann

    I speak to every situation that has been held up & stagnated by satanic forces. I release heavenly judgement against every demonic activity assigned against my life in the Name of Jesus. I COMMAND immediate destruction against every contract which has not been validated by the Lord Jesus Christ who is my intercessor and my defense!

    Lord my Father, as I go forward declaring your Word ~ I shall run into intended blessings, kingly favors, promotions, approvals, overgenerous preferential treatment, gifts, awards, recognitions, talented brilliant highly-skilled aides/help, grants, pardons, support, advancements, approvals, ridiculous acts of kindness, plentiful rewards, favorable judgements, instant cancellation of debts, maximum benefits, extended courtesies, exceptional service, zealous assistance, devoted confidants, divine connections, friendships, committed suppliers, enthusiastic promoters of my destiny, fanatical prayer warriors, considerable advantages, special considerations, reinforcements, & happy returns ~ all assigned to meet me on my journey!

    I bless Your Holy Name JESUS my God & King! For You have all Power in heaven and earth! I thank you for the turn-around in my life! Father God, You preserve the faithful & plentifully reward the proud doer of Your Word. You give strength to the weak, and You are my HOPE! Thank you, for I shall have the courage to do Your assignment with your grace and the help of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.

    God bless you saints of God as you speak your world into existence! You are a true king of God in every sense of the word! Walk in it! It is your inheritance in Christ Jesus our Lord. You have been given lordship in the earth as a representative of our Heavenly Father. You were created to create! AGAPE love!