Pastor Victor Osanya




Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Home of Faith. Glory Happy Church
College Attended (optional):
World Bible School
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
İ am a humble servant of God who beleives in totality with the word of God. Having been raised in bad life İ always want everybody around me to enjoy life and live according to the word of. İ treasure everybody that God connects me with because everyone around me always have a potential that can make me grow to another level. Always the next person to you is the best and you can only know that if you empower them and give them chance.
As a pastor İ welcome anybody that may want to be my friend in the work of God irrispective of your nationality.
İ love teaching and preaching the word of Christ and İ beleive ww can do it together. İ also love mission work and evangelizing. My contact is +254723859483 and my mail is
Favorite Preachers:
Td. Jakes. Pst Haggie Joel Osteen. Joseph Prince and many others

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff Bass


    This is Jeff Bass, Senior Pastor of The River Christian Center in Manassas, Virginia. Also, I’m the author of The D.E.W. (The Day’s Encouraging Word) which is my first book that’s designed to encourage you and kick start your day.  Also, listen to our online radio station, Praise 2 Go Radio at

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    Pastor Jeff