Apostle Tony Luckett Senior

, Male

Houston, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Family of Love Ministries
College Attended (optional):
Kansas State
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
At the young age of 18 Pastor Tony Luckett answer God's call to ministry. This dynamic teacher has since then ministered the Gospel near and abroad. Pastor Tony has a sincere and indepth love for God's sheep and heart for evangelism. He has led evangelical crusades in Korea, Japan as well as various cities in the United States. It is his firm belief that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and all God's righteousness - we can experience the prosperity or wholeness that God desires for His people.

We are believing God for your MIRACLE!

Family Of Love Christian Center

Meeting EVERY Sunday
@ The Wingate Hotel.
9050 Mills Road
Houston,Tx 77070

(One Block off Hwy 249 and 1960)
Apostle Tony Luckett Sr.
Favorite Preachers:
Jesus Christ my King

Prophetess Valencia B. Luckett

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  • Prophtess Willie Mae Davis †

  • Brian Charles

    Prophetic Words of Judgment Against Houston, Texas Given through Brian Charles
    “City of pride must come down!”  --Houston “You MUST get away from this place!”  --downtown Houston “Submerged under the sea suddenly!”   --Houston and surrounding area “It’ll be sunk under the sea!”  --Houston “Come down suddenly.”  --high I-10 bridges “You see these men?  They’ll be blown away!”  --businessmen in suits “They must be destroyed.  My people won’t obey Me.” “You see those glittering buildings?  They’ll be ancient history, gone by My hand!” “It will be blown away.  The bombs are in place.  Gone in a nanosecond!” --hidden nukes “Monuments of pride will be demolished.  Gone down by My hand.”  --downtown towers “Coming down by My hand!”  --Houston Police Department downtown building “Blasted away to Kingdom Come.”  --First United Methodist Church, downtown “These MUST be blasted away!”  --Catholic Church buildings, downtown Houston “It MUST go down by My hand!”  --Exxon Mobil tower, downtown Houston “Blasted away, by My hand!”  --Shell Plaza, downtown Houston “It will be blown away.”  --J.P. Morgan Chase Bank tower, downtown Houston “They MUST be torn down, symbols of pride.”  --downtown towers “Blasted away in a nanosecond!  Great is My wrath against this place!  It MUST be destroyed!  Thus says the Lord.” “Monuments of pride- they MUST be destroyed!  Thus says the Lord!” “This place MUST be destroyed.  Leave this place, city of sin, symbol of American power and greed.  It MUST be destroyed.”  --Houston “All these towers will be blown away!  Don’t admire them.  Great is My wrath against this place!  It MUST be destroyed!  Thus says the Lord of Hosts.”  --Houston “Don’t worry about it.   This city shall be gone in a flash!”  --a big, loveless city, Houston “Leave it all behind.  They won’t serve Me.  Mighty shall be her destruction!”  --Houston “It’s gonna be in ruins, My people won’t serve Me.  They serve money.  They MUST be destroyed!”  --San Antonio “It MUST be destroyed.  They won’t serve Me.  They serve their lusts.”  --San Antonio “Leave this place!  I’ll destroy it with a mighty destruction!”  --El Paso, Ciudad Juarez “It’ll be submerged under the sea.”  --State of Texas  “Sunk under the sea.”  --Texas “Sunk under the sea.”  --Louisiana “I’M gonna suddenly destroy this empire!”  “It MUST be destroyed!”  --America “Soon they’ll be carrying prisoners to concentration camps out West.”  --Amtrak trains “Don’t worry about the convulsions of society.”  “I’ll keep you alive.” “I’M gonna judge for that!”  --adult pornographic video bookstores “I’ll judge for that!”  --people doling out serious money for movie tickets, while ignoring the homeless “I’ll judge for that.”  --Islamic aggression, terrorism “I will destroy it.”  “It MUST be destroyed by My breath.”  “It’s a wicked religion.  It must be destroyed by My breath.  It’ll fade away to obscurity.  --Islam “I’ll definitely judge all this!”  --worldly system of universities and colleges “I’ll judge for that.  I will surely judge for that!--Bibles everywhere, but nobody uses them.” “I’ll judge for that.”  --Christian names for worldly businesses “I’ll judge for that.”  --people too preoccupied with their business to help others “I’ll judge for that.”  --women Christian ministers “I’ll judge for that.”  “I’ll definitely judge for that!”  --working women who refuse husbands “I’ll judge for that!”  --women who get careers, not husbands “I’ll judge for that!”  --the world working on Sundays “I’ll judge for that!  You’ll see- a mighty nuclear destruction!”  --missing evangelists “Very few will serve Me.”  “A lot of people won’t serve Me.”  --says Jesus “Don’t worry about the End Times.  Let Me deal with it.” “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all under control!”  --says Jesus “Your heart is in My hand!”  --says Jesus

  • Lizzey G

    Greeting to you in the name of jesus christ,

    It's my pleasure to meet you on BPN, I must confess

    that I picked interest in you, I also hope that

    our meeting would be a sincere blessing in your life.

    I'm Liza, I am nice, friendly, Honest, reliable and optimistic.

    I wish to have you as a positive friend.

    Feel free to In box me ( lizajacob777@yahoo.com )

    for more communication.

    I look forward to have you as a friend.

    Thank You, Take Care, Until then!

    God bless you.

    Kind Regards
