Bishop S. JaNine Hyman, Ph.D.


Richmond, VA

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Shekinah Deliverance Ministries, Int'l
College Attended (optional):
B.S., (Psycology) Virginia Union;

M.S., (Clinical Psychology) Virginia State University;

M.Div. (Theology), Virginia Union University School of Theology,

Th.D., Wexford University, (New Testament Theology/Pastoral Psychology

Ph.D. (Professional Psychology -- Academic/Clinical)Walden University,

About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
I am a no-nonsense preacher, keeper of divine and ecclesiasitical protocols, but yet a fun-loving person. I love God with all I am and with all I've got...and I will do WHAT ever He says, regardless of whether it meets the approval of people.

I love REAL truth: I speak it, I seek it, and endeavor to BE it. While I am very serious about the things of God, I love to "cut up" and laugh until I crack my side! I love real people, with real issues, in pursuit of a real walk with very real God. The prophetic/apostolic mantle is very heavy upon my life, and such, I have learned to accept that it is what it is (with all of the misunderstandings, persecutions, and sometimes exile that often comes with it). The FUN I have being ME takes a little of the bite out of it.

I am a former choir master and directress, having traveled nationally for the last 30 years training choirs, praise singers, and musicians, and directing choirs for many of the gospel greats of our time. In my "SMALLER" days (physically--lol), I was a trained dancer in classical ballet and modern dance. In the House of God, I have trained liturgical dancers, and choreographed anointed artistic expressions that would break yokes. Occassionaly, I still train dancers and do choreography, and currently train praise singers, choirs, give private vocal lessons to psalmists and write music.

In my college days, I danced with VCU's dance troupe, directed V.C.U's Black Awakenening Gospel Choir, distinguished myself as a student/scholar, and believe it or not, "shot the rock"....and Mama's still got game--it's just SLOW game--Slow game is better than NO game...LOL.

As an apostle, my voice has been heard in 9 countries in both West and South Africa, in India, the Carribeans, Central America, and around the US preaching the message of the Kingdom. My job is to espouse biblical and divine truths, rather than biblical tradition. Whenever truth meets tradition, it causes friction. This keeps ministry exciting--but it can get pretty ugly--and it's not always the church members attacking truth....preachers give other preachers a FIT!

Also, as an apostle, my primary gifts are revelatory, didactic, and administrative. I have trained, mentored, ordained, consecrated, and supervised many 5-fold ministers, properly setting them in their God-given offices. Episcopal, divine, and ecclessiastical protocol are my areas of expetise.

By trade, I am a psychologist, and former university instructor of psychology. Thus, the deliverance ministry the Lord has given me involves healing of mind, soul, and body--as healing usually must take place in several dimensions of the individual. As a clinician, I am adept at bringing wholeness and resolve to depression, anxiety disorders, loss and grief, and personality issues.

Also, having years of experience in higher education, my REAL passion is teaching--lifting the consciousness of others, teaching African Americans HOW to learn and pass tests, and dispelling ignorance and untruths.

Favorite Preachers:
Dr. Myles Monroe, Dr. Cindy Trimm, Bp., Tudar Bismark, the late Bishop James F. Brown (my father in the Gospel) Apostle Olive C. Brown (my Mother in the Gospel), Bishop Blue, and Dr. T. A. Body.

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  • William J. Bass

    Hello Bishop Hyman,

    This is Pastor Jeff Bass of Praise Covenant Christian in Springfield, Virginia. A few months ago we launched a brand new 24/7 online global radio station. Bishop, God is truly awesome! The response to the station is spreading like wildfire all over the world. We have listeners all over the USA and in Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Africa, and the Bahamas just to name some of the countries we are reaching with music and ministry and we are humbled by what God is already doing in such a short time.

    Bishop Hyman, one of the reasons we started Praise 2 Go Radio is to help pastors, ministers, and others to fulfill their God-given vision of the Great Commission at an affordable cost. I have a B.S. degree in Broadcast Journalism from Troy University and over 12 years of radio experience. As a former radio announcer, I understand the importance of excellence, quality, and professionalism.

    At Praise 2 Go Radio, our 24/7 online gospel global station ( click on this link,
    we desire to work within the budget of pastors, ministries, etc. and help them to place a quality broadcast on the internet waves. We have weekly rates starting as low as $30.00 per week with no long term commitments! Whether you desire to promote a conference, a book, or have a weekly broadcast, you can take it to a global audience through Praise 2 Go Radio. The world awaits you!

    Bishop Hyman, please contact me on my cell number at 703-675-8835 or my toll number at 1-888-772-9724 so we can discuss how I can help you fulfill your global vision. By the way, we are on i-phone applications too. I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

    In His Service,
    Pastor Jeff Bass, President
    Praise 2 Go Radio

  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you woman of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

    This Organization  was created for Pastors and Missionaries around the world to meet and discuss relevant issues, as well as, missionary plan, conference and evangelistic endeavors.
    Make sure you checkout web side , www.thefieldmissionofchrist.orgTogether we can make a difference in sharing the gospel across the nations and transforming lives. So if you want to be part just click :Apply for membership