ReAsOn DiSciPLe

45, Male

Orlando, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Orlando, Florida
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
M.I.C. Assembly Orlando Hip Hop Fellowship
College Attended (optional):
Apostles Movement International
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)

My purpose with this message is to GLORIFY GOD in music by EVANGELIZING the local hip hop culture, record labels, production companies, and ministries worldwide to multiply by DISCIPLING talented artists and to EQUIP them to minister the Word of God effectively through FELLOWSHIP in the Spirit with Christ, RESULTING IN HEALTHY GROWTH. (Matthew 10:1-42, 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:45-49; John 21:15-17; Acts 1:7-8; 2nd Timothy 1:2-6).

"As a follower in Christ I am to tell the world that God is not mad at them and the reason why is because God has DONE IT ALL. First He changed US from enemies into His friends through sending Christ to die in their place. And then He gave us the job of making others His friends also. And we MUST tell them that God IS MAKING EVERYBODY IN THE WHOLE WORLD HIS FRIENDS BY WHAT CHRIST DID, AND THAT HE ISN'T COUNTING THEIR SINS AGAINST THEM ANY LONGER. And He has given US the message which tells people that GOD HAS MADE THEM HIS FRIENDS so that they all will be adopted as children of God." (2nd Corinthians 5:18-19 New Testament Everyday English Paraphrased).

I am also to declare to Christ's (Spiritual) Church (THE FEW CHOSEN) that we are of His body and that those (Carnal Church, THE MANY CALLED) who are put up dividing walls in the church that separate us--racial, denominational, doctrinal differences, etc.--are not true members of His body. And we must come out of that (carnal) church so we can get our job done as HIS ONE church, the body of Christ, THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD. (Jeremiah 16:14-18, 2nd Corinthians 6:14-18, Genesis 19:13-16 & 23-28, Revelation 18:4-10, Genesis 15:13-14, Ezra 6:19-22, Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:26; 3:5; 3:12; 3:21).
The giant difference between the physically called of God and the spiritually Chosen of God is that the first are immature babes, and the second are spiritually mature sons—having the mind of Christ. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are in the Church. But if you are in Christ Jesus, then you are no longer in the physical carnal church, but in God’s spiritual Church—the very Body of Christ. The physical Church knows Christ only "after the flesh." The carnal believe that Jesus Christ was "crucified" for them—which is true. But the mature know by experience that, "I am crucified WITH Christ." The carnal-minded Christians "will be saved," but they will not be in the first resurrection, nor will they reign with Jesus Christ as the manifest sons and daughters of God in the Kingdom of God throughout the oncoming ages. Let me assure you on the authority of all the Sacred Scriptures that carnal (enmity filled hatred) minded Christians are not members of the spiritual body of Christ. Jesus Christ is preparing a "bride"—a VIRGIN (pure in TRUTH) bride. Our Lord will not marry a WHORE (corrupt in DOCTRINES) or prostitute—Mystery Babylon.
Favorite Preachers:
Jehovah YHWH, Yeshua (Jesus Christ), & The Holy Spirit.
John the Disciple, Paul aka Saul, Peter aka Simon, Isaiah, Daniel, & Ezekiel

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