Rev. Dr. Sandra Potuyt




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  • Andrew Nwariwe

    Dear Rev. Dr. Sandra Potuyt,


    First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because you have proven to be like the Corinthians Christians. I can assure you that your act of Love you demonstrated to me in the presentation of your offering has been recognize by God and will surely be rewarded. I believe that God has great plans for you all and is willing to work out his purposes in your life if you allow him. May God use the truths I will be sharing with you in the days ahead to build up your ministry and give you an inheritance among they that are sanctified! One again my love is with you all in Christ Jesus and I look forward to seeing you. Grace and Peace in Christ be with you all the days of your life Amen.

    Your brother in Christ.

    Andrew Nwariwe.

    Telephone 0022508199440

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  • Lady Vee(DivinelyFavored)

    Grace and Peace