Apostle Leina'ala Mars


Williamston, North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Williamston (Greenville)
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
New Creation In Christ Outreach Ministries, INC.
College Attended (optional):
Interdenominational Bible Institute
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
God graced the earth-realm with his purpose when he permitted His ordained purpose to be performed in the birthing of Apostle & Pastor Leina’ala Mars on January 22, 1968 at Darnell Army hospital in Fort Hood, Texas. Ordained to be destiny’s apostolic child, Apostle suffered many trials and hardships in her life beginning at birth until she reach adulthood; but her purpose could by no means be prevented nor diminished.
Apostle Leina’ ala Mars grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii and attended Church of God In Christ with her god mother, Queen Esther Fernandez. It was there that she received her foundation in holiness, the Word of God and prayer. She accepted Christ at the age of 8 years old. Despite her dedication to live for Christ, the enemy was determined to abort God’s purpose in her life.
Nevertheless at the age of 15 years of age, Apostle Mars received a prophetic word from God that she would one day become a great leader. She never forgot God’s promises and remained steadfast despite the enemy’s plots. Not long after Apostle Mars became a great soul winner for Christ and was an effective witness to the power of God. In 1991 she joined Liberty Temple Church in Norfolk, Virginia. It was under the tutelage of her spiritual mother, Pastor & Prophetess Betty Johnson, that she learned how to flow in the spiritual gifts of prophecy and word of knowledge. She remained faithful to ministry and leadership until God’s appointed time of release in her life.
In 1995 under divine direction of the Holy Ghost, Apostle Mars moved to Newport News, Virginia where she attended Bread of Life Outreach Ministries. In 1997, she became a student of Logos Christian College and graduated valedictorian in the Ministerial Internship Program. She was an active and faithful member of Bread of Life and sat under the tutelage of Senior Pastor, Apostle Garna Trafton who soon recognized the call of God upon her life and licensed her as a Minister, Elder, and not long after ordained and commissioned as Pastor.
After experiencing a divine shift in the Apostolic call of God, Apostle Mars was released to do the vision God placed inside of her to raise up a “New Breed of Christian” to live like God ordained us to live in the earth-realm. Being viewed on The Word Network from 2008-2009 and preaching unconditionally on local, national, and international radio stations nationwide declaring “ BUSTING DEVILS TO THE WHITE MEAT” upon Is 58:1. Basing her International Ministries out of Williamston NC, as the Founder and Senior Pastor of New Creation In Christ Outreach Ministries, INC.
Apostle Leina'ala Mars has traveled the United States extensively in crusades and conferences preaching and teaching the logos and rhema of GOD with power, from the Coast of Maine to the Tropical Islands of Hawaii. Operating as an Apostle and Mother of 4 children and 2 grandchildren,
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  • William J. Bass

    This is Pastor William Bass, senior pastor of Praise Covenant Christian Center in Springfield, VA. I am inviting you to ck out our new 24/7 online gospel radio station. Go to www.praise2go.com After you have checked it out please e-mail me bk with your comments and thoughts at ptriplec@aol.com looking to hear from you soon. Have a blessed day.
  • Mrs. Lisa Bell

    Thanks for taking a minute to look at my page.
  • Bishop Dr. Innocent K. Segoh

    Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless you woman of God I pray ALL is well.
    It would by highly advantageous for you to join us on U.S.A. Network V.A.C.M.I and work on helping us building international unity through your vision.
    We would be honored to have you as a member.

     I am certain that your affiliation in partnership would be of great impact to us. So that we can share your experiences, and learn from others' experiences.

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