Pastor Shahid M. Paul


Faisalabad Punjab


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Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
Christ Assemblies International Ministries Pakistan
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About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Since1997, hundreds of thousands of souls have been reached through Open-air crusades, Gospel campaigns and evangelistic outreaches. We network with other faith-based Ministries and churches to hold Gospel crusades and campaigns to reach the multitudes. These crusades are responsible for the majority of souls coming into God's kingdom. Some open-air crusades draw 5,000 to 10,000 Souls with thousands making personal decisions to Follow Christ at every event as more and more people come to Jesus each day we make it a priority to place every believer in a local church. We believe that it is our responsibility not just to "give birth to babies" but also to mature them I the family atmosphere of a local church. Since 1997, the ministry has planted 25 churches with an attendance of150 of believers. A bold vision to plant and strengthen 200 churches in the years ahead is fueling the growth of this ministry Most of the native church leaders of Pakistan are not much educated and have not any formal ministry training. Imagine being a church leader and having no resources other than a Bible - no concordance, no commentaries etc.

We raise, train and equip native pastors and leaders of Pakistan, through leadership seminars and teaching material such as faith based books; audiotapes etc. 125 of pastors and church leaders from different denominations have attended the leadership seminars and training camps. We produce faith-based books, audio teaching tapes. Pastors, evangelists, teachers, cell-group leaders and Bible women. We have strong humanitarian ministries like child homes, free medical clinics, free educational projects, feeding and clothing projects, to encourage and strengthen persecuted Christians of Pakistan care the gypsy people, sewing centers in villages’ areas projects. Here I would like to share some facts about Pakistan.
This is harvest time and the fields are truly white and ready for harvest. Let's take the message of God's saving and healing power to the ends of the earth and bring in a mighty harvest of souls for God's glory. Together we can make a difference in the lives of millions for eternity.
We request you to take part in this greatest harvest in Pakistan.We invite you to visit Pakistan for a special ministry visit. We are interested to building up a strong relationship with you. Please pray for this Godly vision and join hands with us to see this Muslim nation being transformed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will be waiting for your reply and praying that we will be able to work together for the Lord's Glory.
May the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all now and forever more.
Favorite Preachers:
all who tell other about Jesus Christ.

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