

Oregon City ,...Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

City You Live In: (Add closest Major City in Parentheses)
Oregon City~~
State You Live In:
Church Status:
Senior Pastor
Church Name:
College Attended (optional):
Hard Knocks @ Hebron Mountain
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
From an inner-city ministry background where the rubber/Truth' Meets the road, come innumerable experiences of testimony that may awe you.
Unexpectedly, the call was "reach and teach my children".
Mr Hamilton was thrust into pain and anguish, poverty and desperation,Among-between and amidst the people with His word... yet favor was at every intersection.
HaShem, molded and shaped His Sagan Priest for the work ahead paving the way with a SHOFAR"shout.

"A person without knowledge is surely not good; He who moves hurriedly blunders; Proverbs (Mishle) 19:2
SHALOM;...Meeting Me is insignificant compared to the voice of Adonai" calling You Son/Daughter.
However if you must know:...The Stories of James-Lee-Hamilton,as a servant,whose ministry teaching of faith-Emunah, revelation and hands on service as a youth/Gang minister, Pastor/Rabbi', Priest unto Adonai', Prophet, Asst. Chaplain, Entrepreneur,.. Biblical Mentor,.. Torah-Teacher, ..Humanitarian, ..Motivational Speaker, ..Published Author, ..Philanthropist,.. City Council Honoree for disaster assistance,.. Food distribution coordinator to tens of thousands may leave you in awe. [James]/Ya'akov made a conscious determined decision early on in his life to dedicate his life to philanthropy....helping of people to succeed in business and outreach endeavors. Three decades of front-line experience gives him a broad base to teach from. James/Ya'akov calls it being a first Partaker" Friend,..."If you haven't walked in it, you cannot teach it...Nor should you even try without true scriptural maturity.... Simply stated::: Maturity in HIM' is the Key***

He also consults on Advisory Boards when asked,.. and is a frequent public speaker of Biblical Re-formation.
Office # 503-557-4441 Oregon state USA

Along with living a lifestyle based upon Tzedakah' [Acts of Charitable giving' and helping people,... James and Hadassah Terry believe in being "Among between and amidst the people with HaShem's Covenant Word"

Love at it's finest from one to another



LET US CONTINUALLY PRAY *** Forgiveness is the Key to ALL healing and walking in the protection of the Almighty. This Nation needs Healing,... Friend, It Is TIME for TeSHUVA” = Return to G-D and foremost the Biblical mandate of His commandments

YAHweh Heals today

"Whoever mourns the destruction of Jerusalem will merit to see it's rebuilding..."

Ya’aKov and and His Beautiful Hadassah Terry have a burning passion to see churches, cities, regions and whole nations completely transformed by the power of study in Adonai's /G-d Torah basics.

Ya’aKov releases the Manifestation and glory of Adonai'/G-d everywhere he is sent with a strong prophetic and miracle-healing authority.
When the spontaneous meeting of those who are sounding their
"Heart Cry", mesh with the creative desire of Adonai' to heal and Love His children all the more.
Many are instantly healed and delivered in those meetings.
Simply because HaShem loves you.

Ya'aKov also has a unique abiding understanding of the Character of the Master, thereby proclaiming and declaring the directives of the L-rd in the prophetic stream of gifts of revelation by decades immersed in the well of the Masters unfailing love.

Image hosted by Shekinah-Life

Favorite Preachers:
YAH, ~~YeshaYAHu,~~ YirmeYAH,~~ EliYAHu,~and YaaKov...

What say the Prophet? Jeremiah 8:8 How can you say, we are wise, and we have the written law of the Lord [and are learned in its language and teachings]? Behold, the truth is, the lying pen of the scribes has made of the law a falsehood (a mere code of ceremonial observances). Cross-reference: Mark 7:13 “Thus you are nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God/ELELyon through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on. And, many things of this kind you are doing

For those who take the KJV for face value and do not understand the Historical view of these statements.
Yeshua was in Conflict with Bet Shammai' ~This was the House of Shammai a major yeshiva [ school of rabbinic teaching] at the time of the second Temple and were in Control of the Temple grounds...
Yeshua was from the opposing House of Hillel which believed along with the Essene's and other factions at the time that if they could get the Gentiles to observe the Seven Noahide laws they would then have a part in the world to come..
.House of Shammai Disagreed. "Anger without a cause" or anger against the gentiles was the reason the temple was destroyed as the Priests of Shammai refused to take an offering from the Roman Emperor and so Now you know the rest of the story....Please study and learn what Yeshua was really talking about IF you do the scriptures will have so much more meaning..

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  • Ramon


  • Ramon

    Am i missing something? Have we actually had an in depth conversation? I keep getting messages from you that seem to be random and unprovoked. What wisdom are you looking to impart to me? If you would be more specific and speak a little more plainly then maybe we can talk. But alot of your speech seems to be overly "deep". Like i think i have told you in passing before. I am not very educated when it comes to grammar and languages. I try and learn as i go but if we will have useful dialogue  bro you gotta cut back on the guru talk bro. No offense just being real.


    The New, Official Video for God's Ultimate Weapon Ministry - Version 3.  Website is online at but the site is still under construction.  Stay tuned, for more updates to the site.