

Suffolk Va

United States

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Guardians Ministry
About Me: (Ministry Info, Hobbies, Fav. Music etc.)
Hello I am CEO of Guardians Ministry.
Guardians Ministry is a new ministry that the lord has laid upon my heart to use so that we can reach out to all people. We use Tag's to Spread his word and Love all around the world,We also have prayer warrior teams on 7 different sites Blackplanet have over 1,280 prayer warrior , and Guardians is on 30 different sites.All Guardians Tag's are FREE to use on your page or in your friends Guestbook or add Comment to your friends Page.Guardian's Ministry also have inspirational videos that's about 10 minutes long.Guardians Ministry is a non profit organization Guardians Tag's are FREE.So come and Check out Guardians Ministry.
Favorite Preachers:
Bishop D.L. Whitfield

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