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Comment by Michael PORTER on November 13, 2011 at 12:07am

Dear in Christ,


Shalom in Jesus Christ.


We praised God for the success of this year’s Feast of Tabernacles which has come and gone to the glory of the Lord. We are grateful for every one of you for your prayers and those of you who were able to contribute through their meager income; God will bless you all real good. We bless God for Pastors Brian and his congregation and also Jeff Henderson and his congregation for their heartfelt contribution which went a long way in helping to make the Feast a huge success. From the roll call we recorded over 300 in attendance. Some people attended from home and some irregular.


As everyone were aware the problem in the world today with no jobs, no money and most people are struggling to survive. Even from the world’s largest economy millions are out of job and many cannot be able to cope.  The church must awake from their slumber and stop looking upon the governments of the nations but God. Satan is using this as a strategy to derail our work of winning souls and bringing people to the true God and gospel. He knew that without money we cannot advance the gospel to save souls and if our brethren are jobless and without enough they cannot support God’s efforts. It is we in the so called third worlds that are suffering the crunch. We must pray and ask God in repentance to save our lands and break in pieces all the domineering spirits that are opposing the righteousness of God. You cannot be able to give to God’s course if you don’t have enough for yourself.


The Feast of Tabernacles was a success here though hardships and lack of financial supports forced us to change the Feast venue at the last hour which also affected the Feast. Economic meltdown affected many families here from attending the Feast. This year’s Feast was successful and a brother from California by name Kenneth Brown was with us in this year’s Feast. He brought 100 copies of French Bibles which was a donation from The Bible Fund (Sabbath group) from Altadena California for our congregations. He also brought some fabrics (used clothes) and with some shoes for the less privileged ones in our congregations. The young man Kenneth is new to the Sabbath truth and since about two years he came to the truth he has not ceased from seeking God with all his heart. Since he came to know about the church of God in Benin Republic through Pastor Brian Davis and his wife Mary Beth’s presentation about the church in Benin he has been a blessing to us.


Kenneth Brown enjoyed our diversity in worship, our hospitality, etc. Though we are not yet perfect yes there may be some lapses or things that are not been done just like over there we need prayers to change and keep on moving to please Him who called us. We are still in learning process and many at times life’s hardships and uncertainty may create some lapses in our relationship with God (Matthew chapter 12) and the way we follow Him but He looks on our motives. We praise Him for saving us and Kenneth from an accident that would have taken our lives on our way to Lagos airport Nigeria. God is awesome and the devil wants people to speak evil of all the good things God has used us to do during the Holy Feast of the Lord.


As you go through the pictures you can see what the Lord is doing by meeting some needs of the widows, orphans, those in needs of God’s Word the Bible and reading glasses. We want you to keep assisting us and praying for us. And if you have not done so yet please start now as God will surely bless you.



Remain blessed and Shalom.


Brother Michael Porter


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