+ + Mark Bishop of St. Helena, OSC (civil name: John Mark Porto Maciel)
It belonged for twenty-six (26) years to the Diocesan Oblates Secular Institute (OD) of Ciudadela Buenos Aires, Argentina abandon it to become ordained Roman Catholic priest. In studies done Oblates Diocesan required and two years of Theology.
She graduated from Sacred Music, Composition Palestriniana, counterpoint, polyphony, harmony, Pipe Organ, Piano, Orchestral Instruments, Flute-sweet and Choral Conducting at the School of Sacred Music of Regensburg (Regensburg, Germany), under the Kirchenmusikschule Direction Doctor Mons. Ferdinand Haberl, his friend and teacher.
Boys' Choir directed choirs for thirty-two (32) years, always in Cathedrals. Besides the style Sacred Composer of the Old Masters, is Professor of Vocal Technique, a specialist in children's choirs. Author of a method (not published) Boys' Choir of training that includes Eastern techniques of breathing and relaxation. Participated in the project "Villa Lobos" the MEC as an expert vocal technician.
Was ordered Roman Catholic priest on 21 July 1984 by the Diocese of Novo Hamburgo-RS and continued as Vicar of the Cathedral Parish São Luiz Gonzaga, and Master of the Cappella Master Pontifical next to the Director of the Diocesan Center of Sacred Music (CEDIMUSA ), also in New Hamburg.
Parish Priest of Our Lady of Aparecida in São Leopoldo Scharlau Quarter-RS, during 1987 and early 1988, completing fifteen (15) months of paroquiato.
Titular Organist was the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1988, where his work has had great success, with applause from foreign organists, one of them back here to listen to + + Don Marcos of St. Helena, the OSC performed Psalms with the pipe organ.
In 1989 he was pastor of Resurrection Parish in Santa Maria-RS, Diocese of Santa Maria, leaving there to take over the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria in São Leopoldo-RS, again in the Diocese of Novo Hamburgo-RS, in January 1990 31 January 1997. His work over seven (7) years in the parish of St. Catherine of Alexandria had great prominence, mainly in the construction of the majestic Parish Hall of fifteen hundred (1500) square meters and the refurbishment of parish catechesis, catechists and forming groups of Liturgy Matrix and chapels.
+ + Mark Bishop of St. Helena, CSOs as well as musician-composer is liturgist with four (4) years of studies in Liturgy, counting the time in Argentina, Germany and the Course of Theology Seminary who made the late vocations "John Paul II "Novo Hamburgo-RS for four (4) years.
Directs, prepares and rehearses the Cecilian Cappella Choir, which performs most of his works for choir and organ. This group had been founded in 1990 with members of the Choir "The Bem-te-vis" the New Cathedral of Hamburg, with former name of Schola Cantorum Antiqua "The Bem-te-vis." One of these compositions was dedicated to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, "Pastores Dabo Vobis Mass," and another to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI: "Missa Ave Regina Caelorum." The collection of his compositions include Te Deum, Mass, Magnificats, Psalms, the Gospel of John (Prologue) and five (5) Passions of the Good Friday plus an Office of Darkness and other Motets.
Also driving, the Ensemble rehearses and prepares Ceciliano Monks, which is a sweet set Falutas, which performs music of the great masters of the Renaissance, Baroque and own compositions + + Mark Bishop of St. Helena, CSOs and the songs for this + Group consists Mark Bishop. Monks Ceciliano Ensemble performs music in quartet or with sweet flutes to the Board and presented in concert alone or in collaboration with the Cecilian Cappella Choir.
+ + Mark Bishop of St. Helena, OSC is one of the founders of the National Federation of Boys' Choir of Brazil. It is also parapsychologists and Holistic Therapist

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Comment by SINE NOMINE on July 11, 2011 at 4:54pm

O bispo Helena está resfriado?

Pelo tamanho do lenço, deve estar com a gripe suina, aviária, do bambi etc.

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