Anointed Sister's Blog (6)

Techno Fantasy...

It seems like if was just yesterday

That I ran home to read your mail,

To find myself filled with laughter

From some silly thing you said

Why did you find it necessary to leave…

When we were just reaching towards our fantasies

Was it too much, too soon or just not real?

The moments that I sat journeying with you in ecstasy

Where has the time, the moments

The laughter gone, leaving me

Alone and staring at a blank screen



Added by Anointed Sister on July 23, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

Social Network...Reflection

I recall when I was introduced to BPN and thought it to be such a great idea. I truly wanted (and still do) to meet others in the kingdom and be able to make some ministry (brothers and sisters) connections and hopefully friendships. I looked forward to the chat room interaction (praise, prayer and topic discussions), even when it seemed that I could not keep up with the speed of the…


Added by Anointed Sister on July 22, 2010 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Who Are You...Really?

Have you ever sat in the pew and really looked at the person next to you? I don't mean look at their physical appearance or what they are wearing. You and they have been attending the same church and seating in the same pew for month or years. You have praised and prayed with this person (these people); you know their children and extended family; and with them you’ve shared experiences, recipes and tears. But today you look at the person(s) and wonder, who is this person or these people… Continue

Added by Anointed Sister on April 11, 2009 at 4:19pm — No Comments

Are We modeling the Acts'--New Testament Church?

Greetings I am researching and working on a project about the New Testament model of the local body of believers and would like some input from others. I would appreciate your comments as it relates to Are We modeling the Acts'--New Testament Church?

In Acts 2: 44- 47 and Acts 4:32 -35 the people after accepting Christ as savior as well as the teachings of the apostles the people gave to the needs of one another so that "no person" was in lack. Acts 2 states that they [the people]… Continue

Added by Anointed Sister on March 21, 2009 at 7:00am — 5 Comments

<b>“My Valentine”</b>

While I pondered the beauty of wanting you to be my valentine,

A thought flutters with imagery and power into the vision of my mind.

One greater—long ago, broken and bruised

Bleeding and bowed—a lover who longed to call me His own.

He longed for me, to His heart draw near,

although I was so unaware

Yet, within the depth of His collage-etched eyes I could see

great expectation filled with warmth and knowing care.

He stood, bent, certain that in spite of… Continue

Added by Anointed Sister on February 14, 2009 at 5:33pm — No Comments

"Called" by God...

As I sit here and think about the various testimonies that I have read (heard), I began to wonder why as leaders and believers in the Body of Christ we are often so tempted to quite and/or throw up our hands when life issues confront us. We know and believe that what we are doing in the Body is God’s plan for the building of the Kingdom. We truly believe that we are doing the right thing. Then a dark cloud begins to hover (no money and the rent is due, children going crazy, doctor pronounces… Continue

Added by Anointed Sister on February 6, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

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