This is a letter from Minister Anthony J. Cox to whomever takes heed!!

To those of you who are single or married, saved or not saved, this is for you. I am a 35-year-old African American or Black brother dying of Aids. I would like to share my testimony with you.

I am an owner of a Mortgage Company in Atlanta , GA. I own a 2007 Jaguar and I also own a $350,000 beautiful home in Cobb County . I have a beautiful Lady who is deeply in love with me and a loving family. But most important, I have Jesus, this is just a wake up call to all single brothers and sisters who are professing to be Christians, but don't want to be complete. Brothers, I had a beautiful young lady who loves the Lord and worships the ground I walk on. But I still wasn't quite happy because sometimes I would see another sister with a Coca-Cola bottle shape and just wanted to hit it. Because I was using a condom, I thought that I wouldn't catch the killer 'AIDS' but guess what? I did. And the person I caught it from was a girl that I knew well. But the condom came off and now I am dying of AIDS. Yes, I wore a condom. But yes it did happen. God gives us time after time to straighten our lives up. I do know the Lord in the pardon of my sins. I've been saved now for 7 years. I found out 7 months ago that I had the virus, and now I have full-blown Aids. I really didn't think that I was doing anything wrong, because I would t ell the women who I would deal with about the woman I love. I thought that was good enough. But it wasn't. I am a good man and also a God-fearing man; but my weakness was women... I really wasn't out there like you may think I was, but every once and a while I would see something I wanted to try. My girlfriend is a praying woman. I know now that she was intimate with me because she loved me and she wanted to make me happy. Now I've given AIDS to the woman I love (who has been faithful to me) because of lust.

Brothers and sisters, what I am telling you is that God is tired of us hurting each other and using each other for self-gratification. God has given me my home, my dream car and a beautiful woman and I took it all for granted. I've been tithing for 7 years. I am the chairman of my Deacon Board. But when I told my Pastor I had AIDS, he could not believe it because of the way I would carry myself. Brothers, If you have a sister who loves the Lord and who loves you for who you are and not for what you look like and not for what you have, cherish her. Sisters. If you have a brother who loves the Lord, love him and cherish him. My life has been altered. I've been with my lady since I was 20, and I've always used my young age as an excuse for not being loyal and not settling down with the woman I loved. I was being a hypocrite thinking that I was missing something, and not realizing that I had a good woman who loved and adored me. I wish I had been a real man and had appreciated the good woman God had sent me by not making excuses and dedicating my life to her. I would love to travel and marry this beautiful young Lady, but now I can't. I've embarrassed my family, my church and my friends. But I was hardheaded and now I must suffer. God is cleaning up. Stop playing with God. God is revealing the secrets of us Christians. Brothers and sisters, we don't have to have so many 'friends,' you know what we call them. The
ones we are planning to sleep with but haven't yet.' We often say that we don't want anyone to know our business, but God is about to reveal somethings. Especially to us young people. We think so carnal. But we say that we have been transformed. We have been transformed from what we want to be transformed from. Let's be real. God knows that the opposite sex attracts us. And he knows the desires we have for each other, but we don't have to have multiple partners.

If I could do it all over again, I would marry the woman I love and live happy forever. But now I can't! But you can! Singles...I gotta tell you, it's not worth it. I love you all Get rid of casual sex. This is really deep. After you've read this, think about yourself. Could this have been you? Some of you may not relate, but think about anything you are doing right now that is not of God. We are living in the last and final days, and pretending to be saved is not going to cut it. Professing that He is Lord, and yet worshipping the devil every chance you get will lead you to the same path as me. Get your mind out of the gutter and put it in the Word of God and you'll have great success. Don't and you'll have great woe. I love the LORD and thank Him for all that He does in my life; therefore, I'm passing this on. Yes, I do love Je sus who has forgiven me of the repeated sins. That forgiveness does not cancel out the consequences, at least not so far. But that's o n me. Still, the Lord is my source of existence and Savior. He keeps me functioning each day and is letting me share my story with you.

I'm telling it like it is THIS REALLY is to help somebody. Without Him, I will be nothing. Without Him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things. Phil 4:13

If you love Jesus, send this to lots of people!!!!!! Be Positive - Be Progressive...Take the time to make a positive difference in someone's life.

Minister Anthony J. Cox

God Bless

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Comment by EVG ALICE F GULLYBIRCH on October 20, 2012 at 3:49pm



Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on February 28, 2009 at 12:50pm
Praise the Lord Brother for your story.

And to the Rabbi I would say only God knows. Many of us who finally saw the light did not see it on our own. We came to the Lord and the knowledge of the Lord through pain. Whether threatening illness, divorce, brokenheart, loss, addiction, victimization thankfully God's grace was there to show the way. It may be the flesh that keeps us in our sin but God's grace brought us out. Our changed lives and testimonies have caused others to begin to question their lives and many have come to Jesus.

It is my prayer that many will heed the message and especially those professing salvation, including preachers before it's too late. God has been loving and patient and merciful and judgement has already begun.

Thank you for brother for being willing to share. We are praying for you and all concerned.
Comment by T.L. Hawkins on February 23, 2009 at 1:47pm
I agree with ALL of you. We need to pray for EVERYONE involved and people around the world that are in similiar situations. Did you all know that there is a such thing as what they call "bug chasers"? These are people who SEEK people with HIV/AIDS "WANTING" to catch and spread the virus. Now, something is SERIOUSLY wrong with THAT! Let's be in prayer for people having sex outside of marriage in general.
Comment by Eric Hancock on February 21, 2009 at 7:46pm
what you said is so true,,we hear a lot of word but look how quick it is to get back into the flesh..all we can do now is pray, for healing for HIM and HIS GIRL FRIEND,,and for the woman who gave him the Virus ,,I wonder did she know that she had it? and gave it to him without warning ,,something is wrong with this picture,,so many people are babysitting this Virus and has the mentallity,,;well someone gave it to me and I am going to do the same thing' So this woman needs prayer as well as Help
Comment by Love for Jesus on February 21, 2009 at 9:30am
As I read this letter it saddened my heart. On the flip side I am so happy that God has reddeemed his soul and his eyes has trully been opened...This why I don't get so excited when people spite out so much knowledge and scripture at me. The word of God was in this man for so long, but it was dead words from a Minister (Go figure???). Now that his flesh is dying, the word of God is now living in his life. The true question is... Is the word of God living in our lives, in our hearts?????
Christ.. The second Adam had to DIE in the Flesh so that we may have LIFE.... Life in the spirit that is. Faith is the roadway to healing, by the faith in my spirit and in agreement on this blog as Christians. We release the blood of Jesus with Faith and Loving kindness by HIS stripes Anthony J Cox & Woman involved are HEALED in the name of Jesus. Jehovah RAPHA our healer . The name that is above every other name. I plead the BLOOD of JESUS... (If everyone after reading this letter leave a prayer of healing and release the power of the blood to this man and woman involved ) Let's interceed for one another for LOve sake for God Sake.

Sister in Christ I love you all.....
Comment by T.L. Hawkins on February 20, 2009 at 1:32pm
FYI...I am NOT the woman mentioned in the letter. I am merely the messenger, passing the letter along as Minister Cox requested. PRAY for me anyway. You all are aware of what kind of world we live in. Lately, sexual lust and things associated have been the "issue" within my Youth Department. I will also be sharing this letter with the teenagers. I went over the TEN COMMANDMENTS with them on last night and some of them "got it", but some didn't. I know we can't save them all, but I won't stop trying.

I thank Minister Cox for sharing his story and testimony with us all.
Comment by Tara Robinson on February 20, 2009 at 12:46pm
thank you for your story i was married to a man with the same problem and now we are not together because of the lust problem . it has been my pray that he don't end up with Aids he is still out there hitting women any where he can if i knew how to reach him i would e-mail this story to him but hopefully he will see the light before its to late again thank you for your honesty and you and your girlfriend are in my prayers for all you know this could be the beginning of your healing.
Comment by Eric Hancock on February 20, 2009 at 11:25am
Brother I am sorry for your Girl friend and I am sorry for you..as a man we sometimes want something else and like you said we want to see if we can hit it ,,do we still have it/ and yes look what it cost..I truly feel that we serve a God of grace and mercy,I have seen the virus be turned around and not show up..I dont know how far you are but I will be praying for you and your girl friend in additian to this comment this is INDEED A WAKE UP CALL
Thankyou for exposing the enemy of lust

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