I wrote this last month so I decided to post it here:

It's 27 days into the new year and I've seen so many things change in my life. To the people that are on the outside looking in it may seem that I'm still in the same place I was at the close of last year. I made a lot of mistakes last year and I know that I shouldn't say that because I carry the title of "Evangelist". But what I realized is that if you never admit that you made a mistake then you really aren't in need of a savior. So, because I'm in need of a savior everyday I admit my wrongs to him and not to people. I've been in a ministry where it seems that the pastor has been given the authority to judge you and send you to Hell. I had the opportunity to talk with this pastor toward the end of last year. I asked the question who gave you the authority to judge and to send people to Hell? Because if you have already judged them and send them to Hell why do they need salvation? My Bible says that there's now no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. So, if Christ lives on the inside of me then he has rescused me from the hands of the enemy. We as believer have to realize that when God gave his judgment in the garden only the serpent was cursed. Adam and Eve were just punished alot of people miss that. But God told Eve that her seed will step on the head of the serpent and the serpent only has the ability to bruise the heel. So, if you are borned of a women you have the ability to step on the head of the serpent but if your foot steps are order by the Lord he won't be able to bruise your heel. Don't walk around this year with the mindset that I'm cursed because of what I did last year because we start with a clean slate everytime we repent with a sincere heart. Do something this year spiritually that you've never done and show God that you are going to make the most out of your second, third, fourth or even fifth chance. If you were able to enter this year that means that he gave you ONE MORE!!!!!! Use it wisely.

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Comment by Pastor Natalie Franklin on February 24, 2009 at 5:55am
Amen I was looking at the member list and I saw your pic and said there is my twin lol. I pray for you in your ministry and walk with the Lord.
God bless you
Pastor Natalie Franklin

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